I tried to add trend line analysis but I can't upload the image.
35k peak population over last five years.
Seems like DDO had a run of success during covid lock downs peaking around 8/2021
It's been a decline ever since people ran out of stimmies and went back to work. Playing while working at home is no longer an option for many.
For comparison, WOW peaked at 7MM and leveled at 3MM or so with classic WOW and new content.
DDO has 1% (yes) of the player base of WOW. How can it survive without massive "PTW" offerings, VIP memberships (without any benefit to being one and I don't care about the daily roll), and content crawl?
There is a D&D movie coming out and it actually looks ok. Pine is always fun to watch. Where is the cross marketing by WotC? It's deplorable how badly they run this business.