Originally Posted by
Ransack has come across to me as an anti-farming mechanic.
Some people play to have fun optimizing, some play to have fun in other ways.
If optimizing and chasing optimization is fun for you, by all means play that way. However, based on this post it seems that you have reached that point of diminishing return.
If you talk with other players in the game I'm sure each will have a story about how a desired item has never been found, or of amazing finds on first attempts. It is the nature of pseudo-randomization and Lokki being the DDO god of loot.
I'm sorry to hear you are frustrated with the system, I've been there myself, but have also seen the other side too.
What I like SSG to pursue is a different course, similar to what they did with the Sands named loot by creating a trade-in system. That way as a player you can continue to work towards the item you are after.
In the meantime while waiting for that perfect pull, have you considered the crafting system for temporary filler items?