Given the way many Iconics have gone, I thought I'd come up with a tongue in cheek suggestion for a fun, comical, nostalgic Dwarven Iconic Sorcerer - Willow!

Willow - Iconic Dwarf Sorcerer

Racial Traits
+2 Wis and Con, -2 Dex
+4 racial to Heal.
+2 racial to Haggle and Perform.
+2 racial saves vs disease.
+4 AC vs Humans ("giants").

Iconic Past Life Feat -
Great Sorcerer
Passive: +1/2/3 Heal and Concentration
Active: +1/2/3 Transmutation DC and +1/2/3% Spell Crit chance

1. Nurturing, Budding Sorcerer - +1 Heal, Spellcraft, Concentration
2. +1 Wis or Con
3. Nurturing Budding Sorcerer - +2 (total +3) Heal Spellcraft, Concentration
4. +1 Wis or Con
5. Nurturing, Budding Sorcerer - +3 (total +6) Heal, Spellcraft, Concentration, and +1 UMD

Tier 1
1. Apple Trick - Summon Nature's Ally (Thematically a Dove, but...)
2. Village Farmer - +1/2/3 Fort and saves vs disease
3. Hardy Folk - 5/10/15 HP
4. People of the Land - +2/4/6 AC and PRR
5. Magical Acumen - UMD +1/2/3

Tier 2
1. Disappearing Pig Trick - Invisibility 2sp, 6s
2. Traditional Caster +3/6/10 Univ Sp Power
3. Elora Danon's Protector - +1/2/3% Dodge and Tumble
4. Wand and Scroll Mastery - +25/50/75% dmg, +1/2/3 Wand DCs
5. High Aldwin's Apprentice - +25/50/100SP and +1/2/3 Sp Pen.

Tier 3
1. Magic Acorns - Flesh to Stone 30/20/15sp, 20/15/10s
2. Uck Brownies! - True Seeing
3. Sorcerer, Sort of... - Efficient Metamagic Multi Selector
4. The Bones Tell Me Nothing... - +1/2/3 Wis or Cha
5. The Bones Have Spoken! - +2/4/6 Bluff, Diplo, and Intim
(Must select The Bones Tell Me Nothing)

Tier 4
1. Cherlindrea's Wand - Transmute target to random animal (raven, wolf, deer, frog)
30/20/10sp, 20/15/10s
2. Dust of Broken Hearts - Charm Monster 10sp, 6s
3. Courage Willow - Immunity to Fear, +4 Will Saves, +4 MRR, +4 SR
4. Shh! Concentrate! - +1/2/3 DCs Transmutation
5. Great Sorcerer - +2/4/6% Spell Critical Chance and Damage

Hope it makes you smile with nostalgia.

(My apologies if someone already had a crack at it, my search-fu didn't find it, and hopefully not a trademark/copyright issue as fan reference and homage to the film Willow.)