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  1. #1
    Stormreach Chronicler
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    Thumbs down "We had an exciting Hardcore Season as players were hunted down by deadly Hounds..."

    A request for our esteemed producer, +Tolero:

    Please, please, *PLEASE* never utilize the "deadly Hounds" again. Despite what you claimed in your Producer letter, Hardcore Season 6 was neither exciting nor fun, and it exemplified a passionate and creative DDO development team that does not take the time playtest (or even play?) their own game.

    The "exciting season" with "deadly Hounds" made soloing nigh impossible, which for many of us with lives outside the game is our only way to enjoy DDO during our sporadic in-game availability.

    By making the hounds red-named, it did not allow for players to theorycraft builds to address/CC the hounds (the theorycrafting alone could have lead to unique builds that players likely would have never previously utilized on the Hardcore server, thus adding to the flavor and excitement of the season); intensified the bugs that the Devs did not address pre-season (e.g. the water bug where hounds would do escalating DOT damage and kill off players regardless of whether the hounds were targetable or not); and inspired an overall frustrated tone in guilds, Discord chat channels, and among RL friends who understandably chose to "take this season off" after realizing the frivolity of dealing with poorly thought-out hazards, i.e. the "deadly Hounds."

    When attempting to create a Hardcore experience that players can be both "excited" and challenged by, please keep in mind the importance of letting us be able to interact with the hazards; utilize the vast game mechanics that makes DDO still a formidable and revered MMO despite its ancient dragon status age-wise; and socially engage with our fellow players and the forums to theorycraft character builds, effective ways to CC or use a skill within a race, class, or enhancement tree that often gets overlooked.

    All the best as you create Hardcore Season 8 to *actually* be "exciting!"

    Yavool Ramnoth
    *NOR/ LD/RL-DDO; Lord/Realm Leader - *NOR/DDO
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    Fernia (Ghallanda) Server

  2. #2
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    I was fine with the hounds and people not being able to Zerg. Thought it was a good idea and theory. Made everyone have good communication and work together.

    However I now have PTSD every time I hear something similar in quest and get freaked out every time.

    I like the idea however a different implantation would be appropriated.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yavool View Post
    The "exciting season" with "deadly Hounds" made soloing nigh impossible, which for many of us with lives outside the game is our only way to enjoy DDO during our sporadic in-game availability.
    Should something called "hardcore" be soloable? Don't get me wrong, I'm primarily a solo player for exactly the reason you cite, but that same reason is why I play on a regular server, instead of on hardcore.

  4. #4
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yavool View Post
    The "exciting season" with "deadly Hounds" made soloing nigh impossible, which for many of us with lives outside the game is our only way to enjoy DDO during our sporadic in-game availability.

    Quote Originally Posted by Just_a_Dude View Post
    Should something called "hardcore" be soloable?...
    Within limits, yes.

    The problem was that it was tough to solo just on Hard, and it was possible run into trouble even on Casual. That's a little extreme imo.

    Worse (imo at least), it was extremely difficult to dual-box, much less multi-box, which meant that farming named items became almost impossible for the solo player (while group play would allow for cooperative farming np).

    Quote Originally Posted by BillyBlaze View Post
    However I now have PTSD every time I hear something similar in quest and get freaked out every time.
    My neighbor got a new husky puppy. It did its thing early one morning and I woke up in a cold sweat. True story! 0.0

  5. #5
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    My issue (and why I skipped) was that it was ridiculously unfun to expect people to not be able to have things interrupt their game time. Someone at the door? Spill your drink? Something steal focus from DDO on your PC? These were all made so much more stressful/annoying because there was nowhere safe to be in game other than town.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  6. #6
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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    Default I stand by the producer letter

    Hard core league 6 was the pinnacle of my experiences in ddo. Please do not nerf the redux season in any way. Keep it exactly the same but shorter. (5000 points to get the wings, maybe a double scarf colored light blue as a 3000 pt participation trophy)

    I understand if people are salty and the producer could have used different words like: “the players were treated to a season they would always remember, a many of them warmly.”

    If people don’t want a redux season so they won’t have to face the hounds again I’m fine with that too.
    Last edited by spifflove; 01-28-2023 at 08:27 AM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just_a_Dude View Post
    Should something called "hardcore" be soloable? Don't get me wrong, I'm primarily a solo player for exactly the reason you cite, but that same reason is why I play on a regular server, instead of on hardcore.
    Actually I assumed they were worse in groups because I didn't have a problem with them solo.

  8. #8
    Community Member vryxnr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sylvado View Post
    Actually I assumed they were worse in groups because I didn't have a problem with them solo.
    indeed. I found duo-ing with a friend to be the sweet spot, as whether the hound was a champ or not seemed to be based on party size. Solo and Duo and even Duo with one hireling total (not one each) meant the hounds were NEVER champions, just regular and much easier to survive and kill.

    In a full group, they're always champs. If the group stays together, you can blitz it down quickly, but if one of you gets hit it hurts much more and could still be deadly. And lets be honest here, full groups (especially if they're not static groups) rarely stay together. join a pug late? You better hope you can catch up quick or the hound doesn't spawn on you before you do, else you're soloing a champion hound with full group scaling.

  9. #9
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    Season 6 was the only one where I got to 5k favor. I tried playing the new season, got bored and left. The hounds were the best addition ever I I hope more anti-piking mechanics are added to the next seasons.
    Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm

    Leader of Templar

  10. #10
    Community Member sturmbb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spifflove View Post
    Hard core league 6 was the pinnacle of my experiences in ddo. Please do not nerf the redux season in any way. Keep it exactly the same but shorter. (5000 points to get the wings, maybe a double scarf colored light blue as a 3000 pt participation trophy)

    I understand if people are salty and the producer could have used different words like: “the players were treated to a season they would always remember, a many of them warmly.”

    If people don’t want a redux season so they won’t have to face the hounds again I’m fine with that too.
    Unfortunately i completely disagree with your statement. I think the redux seasons should have lower goals. Due to real life commitments most seasons i struggle to get any rewards (I usually do but with great cost). This season has been great. I think the redux seasons should be shorter and have the goals shortened too. With the rewards being the same as a previous season, I don't think anyone can complain about there being easier to achieve, as the people who have earned the rewards the first time round, have had the bragging rights of these rewards for awhile. Now let the casual players earn these rewards.

    I think this season has been the best one yet. Having the rewards lowered really gives you a great incentive to achieve them. When HC first started, I knew 5k favor was not something i would ever be able to acquire (due to RL commitments).
    When this season was announced, I was very excited (and so were a number of other people). I believe this game should be catered for everyone. Not just the hardcore players who play this game 24/7.

  11. #11
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    The hounds were the most fun I've had in the game and broke up the pressure for everyone to act exactly like the "elite" players. I felt there was an equalizing factor which was attractive to new players. Please bring it back again, or something just as deadly. BTW I had no problem "solo"ing the hounds. As always, its the traps which kill.

  12. #12
    Community Member Maxxcore's Avatar
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    Season 6 was the only season I've gotten to 5k favor. Part of it was because of the hounds, but a big part of it was the +2 level limit. I would love love to see a +0 lockout season. Hounds were not that hard, solo they were pretty weak, and in a group you could dps it down in like 2 seconds.

    Seeing people run quests that are already pretty easy +4 levels over is just so painful. I prefer higher favor reward bars as well, but that's less important.

    To conclude: if you die to hounds a lot, get a friend, get a hireling, get a stronger build, and if all else fails, get good.
    Sheikra - Completionist Wizard

  13. #13
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sturmbb View Post
    Unfortunately i completely disagree with your statement. I think the redux seasons should have lower goals. Due to real life commitments most seasons i struggle to get any rewards (I usually do but with great cost). This season has been great. I think the redux seasons should be shorter and have the goals shortened too. With the rewards being the same as a previous season, I don't think anyone can complain about there being easier to achieve, as the people who have earned the rewards the first time round, have had the bragging rights of these rewards for awhile. Now let the casual players earn these rewards.

    I think this season has been the best one yet. Having the rewards lowered really gives you a great incentive to achieve them. When HC first started, I knew 5k favor was not something i would ever be able to acquire (due to RL commitments).
    When this season was announced, I was very excited (and so were a number of other people). I believe this game should be catered for everyone. Not just the hardcore players who play this game 24/7.
    I’m not a leet player. By 1750 favor I knew There was no going back it was either survive or fail. This season actually was worse for me and after getting only a mask to show for 6000 favor over several toons I’m on a last chance power drive for level 20. Hey I’m doing you a favor: Think of all the view blockers you won’t have to annoy you!
    Last edited by spifflove; 01-29-2023 at 02:02 PM.

  14. #14
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    HCL 6 was the most fun i've had in DDO since 2006 ..

    just make the wings better looking next time. I use the bloody footprints every day, but mostly I just can't turn those wings on.
    Server Sarlona / MST / Guild Enslaved / Characters Ionos, Cydekik, Xalavan, Rodessa, Hethrow, Ramsteen

  15. #15
    Guild Leader - Death Smile
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    I agree with the OP - the hound mechanic from season 6 was terrible and one of the worst experiences I've had playing any game. ADULTS need to able to AFK for bio, phone calls, doorbells, kids, life, etc.

  16. 02-07-2023, 06:46 PM

  17. 02-07-2023, 06:52 PM

  18. #16
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    I try to always have an open mind about these things, and not complain - and I didn't. BUT... yeah, that Hound mechanic sucked.

    It was very clever and well implemented, for what it was. And, when I could devote 100% of my time, uninterrupted, to the game - a great challenge. BUT...

    Took a LARGE portion of players right out of that HC season, simply because of direct - and fatal - playstyle conflicts.

    Your connection lags on entering a quest? Or on leaving one? Or your mouse or keyboard have a hiccup? Or almost any form of distraction, no matter what?


    Did some zerg-puppy enter the Wilderness early, without waiting for the party? Or are you joining/entering a quest late? That means that you might be entering about the same time as a hound is spawning...


    Find one of the /stuck locations? In a long swim when a hound spawns?


    And gawds forbid you try to multi-box for some reason, like to have a F2P opener for 2nd life, or to farm some end-chest. It could be done (sorta), but NOT a user-friendly experience.

    Entirely different game, and (clearly, ahem) not an entirely welcome one. :/

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