Hi... I'm a game called Gemstone IV. I am *LITTERALLY* a text-only pathfinder style game that has been active for nearly 3 times as long as DDO, and Customers tend to spend $25 A MONTH to maintain their subscriptions, and most players have more then 1 subscription active
A Devils of Shavarath upgrade to Legendary would be very cool. Some of the best quests in the game that are not run enough because they are at that really unfortunate Heroic/Epic divide. Make them level 33-34 and they'd get run a lot because they are entertaining to run and the loot would likely be very good.
Then AOL came along with better speeds and suddenly people were missing mortgage payments....
Now people flip out over $100 a YEAR?!?!
Folks were shelling out 300-600 a month on AOL when they dumped charter accounts and started charging by the hour... with additional fees depending on how far away you were from the portal you were accessing...
It was a freaking bloodbath. People defaulting on their bills drove AOL from being THE service hub that bought AT&T and Time Warner... to utter financial collapse
Just because things we bad back then, doesn't justify this treatment of people who pay SSG money.
If VIP was always this crappy and we suddenly start complaining - sure. But VIP used to have actual value. We had an option of paying for VIP monthly to get content, or paying upfront to buy the content. Now we need to buy all the content regardless of VIP status. None of the remaining bonuses are enough to justify the VIP price.
As you said it yourself, predatory behavior like this brought AOL to ruin. And that's where SSG is heading.
The VIP thing could have been done a long time ago. There is no "engineering" involved bolting-on another Pay scheme onto the user interface.
What SSG is doing right now... is to try and see how their subs are doing and responding to potential VIP changes.
That is to say, they gained a whole lot of subs during the free gold dice rolls bonus last year, they are checking now how many of those VIP accounts gained are being retained and how many are dropping off.
This is basically SSG's version of the OGL 2.0 leak. If there is enough backlash (and account cancellations) they will quickly start adding on goodies to VIP to plug losses and get people back to subbing. If the subs continue as is they will be slower to respond if at all.
I keep saying.... want to give value to 'VIP'?
Give VIP significantly reduced cost on items in-store like boxes & shards, and in-game chest re-rolls. Also let VIP have re-rolls on chests in Raids
As per EP Severlin,
Severlin said "the amount of items being accumulated is an inventory issue & not fiscally responsible"
ok, I get the inventory issue, but isn't that already an issue not being addressed? Not flaming him, just making an observation.
1. I dip into the forums occasionally, mostly for reference.
2. I enjoy the Producer's letters, including this one, because, unlike the few posts I skimmed out of this thread, I exist in a vacuum of knowledge and now I know the projected timeline of the next few quarters. Even if all this information is "already known", it wasn't "already known" by me.
3. Refering back to point 1, here's the reason for me actually posting this time instead of just reading posts from what I assume are the "loud obnoxious minority". (And I say that because I disagree with almost every complaint and criticism I see. Almost.)
So, the forum revamp I heard about some time back is now on a roadmap. What exactly does this mean for my reference posts? The one reason I really use the forums? Do I need to make backups of all of them? I mean, honestly, I still reference builds from before the enhancement overhaul (don't ask me why if you don't already get it). I'm going to potentially have to back up a heckuva lot of stuff to word docs and excel spreadsheets.
Can anyone with credentials (looking at you devs) detail exactly what's coming in the way of the revamp? I don't want to waste precious gameplay time backing stuff up that doesn't need to be, but I also don't want to miss out on backing stuff up that is suddenly "gone" because I didn't start early enough.
Thanks, and as one of the "silent majority", keep up the good work! And thanks for keeping us in the loop!
"I gots me a bad feeling about this..."