Last year's Producer's Letter was great. It introduced the new producer, gave a reasonably full explanation of the upcoming features and releases, and a nice bonus to VIP with the daily Gold Dice.
This year's reads like it was written by a just hired secretary who really knew nothing about what was going on.This year nothing for VIP; like many others, I'm rethinking whether it is worth it to put $100+ into SSG's coffers every year for ???
Just think, they had to send this letter to Wizards of the Coast for approval lol!
This game is garbage. SSG is always vague in statements, never being fully open with their consumers. People always respond to my posts with negative attacking replies, because I have and always have spoke the truth about this company.
They do not care about you or me, in the slightest. Profit margin is the only line they do see,and as long as all of you are continuing to re up your subs is the reason why they keep ******** on us.
Since it went free to play this game has been noting but a cash grab and nothing more. VIP means nothing but the added income to them, what perks do we truly have? They gave out codes to use to get all quests for free, except the expansions. Those used to be called updates and were free.
After being here since pre launch, I have a very strong and educated opinion of the working of SSG. After Atari sold it, money grubbers took over.
Yes I still play, but will not pay them for anything further, I will like some others just quit playing and save my money for other things. This is not the only MMO, and certainly isn't even top 10 of the best, so I don't understand how a company can be so laxed in its judgement concerning its player base aka paying customers.
The truth does indeed hurt, addiction is a terrible disease, and being addicted to a game is the only reason all of us haven't all left yet.
Last edited by dogbreath68; 02-22-2023 at 11:07 AM.
When you ignore any type of leadership, you yourself are not fit to lead.
Oh my. The negativity in this thread...
To any SSG guy that made it this far: Keep up the good work! You have made a lot of positive changes to the game over the last few years. Of special mention is the epic destiny overhaul, and the Achtypes are a blast. The avarage quality of the dungeons you put out now is also very high IMHO. And HC seasons are a blast!
I agree that this producer's letter is a little... brief... and doesn't give us a ton of information. I'm excited about a mini-expansion to follow up on Isle of Dread. I would assume you're correct about the level increase not happening, at least not in the first three quarters of the year. But were we really planning on it? Or asking for it?
I would like to see more VIP benefits. That has been something we've been asking for at least three years and SSGs has acknowledged the fact without really giving us more. I still find VIP is worth it, but a lot of people have gone premium instead. Maybe if enough people switch their pay scheme, they will be motivated to make the changes. Then again, maybe they make more on premium than VIP anyway.
I'm curious which updates you consider to be the worst in DDO history. Especially considering some of the updates that occurred pre-SSG.
What changes in banking are you looking for?
I don't spend much time on the forums, so I am unaware of the drama. Which makes me think that maybe I should continue to stay off the forums. I've been really enjoying DDO for the past two years since returning from LOTRO. Whenever I peek in on the forums, however, I get the impression that people think DDO is the worst game ever and no one should play it. Either my personal game experience is rare or there are just a lot of angry people on the forums who expect not only perfection, but that the developers make the game exactly the way they want it.
I'm not saying there constructive criticism has its place, but it is literally impossible to make every person happy.
1. If this game is garbage, I am not sure why you're still playing it. Surely there is some other game out there that would bring you more pleasure than DDO.
2. If DDO didn't go free to play, DDO would not be here today. It wouldn't have lasted another year. Let me tell you a little secret about companies: they have to make money in order to do things like pay the salaries of the people who work for them.
3. Atari was one of the big reasons that DDO wasn't as successful in the early years as it could have been. It did a horrible job marketing the game.
It's just a game. Relax and have some fun.
DDO is a niche game, built on a custom* Havoc/ Turbine 3 engine. It will always have "issues" as a result, hence some people say it sucks.
I disagree with your F2P assessment. DDO gained customers but lost quite a few as well.
As for Atari/ marketing remark, tell me what has changed?
When DDO went free to play, they got millions of new accounts, plus people who had stopped playing returned. The new influx of money allowed DDO to continue existing. We would never have any of the major expansions if not for free to play. In fact, as I said earlier, DDO probably wouldn't have survived another year.
It's just a game. Relax and have some fun.
Let me clarify, the recent expansions have all been great and the updates pretty good. I actually think that the ED pass was an improvement on epic play. My concern wasn't with the content but with the release of those updates getting dropped before they were ready. There seemed to be more broken stuff requiring immediate patching and even a roll back necessitated due to a serious bug. There has always been some broken stuff on release but this past year seemed significantly worse.
The bugs fixed to allow items to maintain their ML. Items not storing incorrect descriptions for things in the bank. Increased space (and at a far better price). Consistent stack sizes of items in crafting. Windows not reopening on their own. And the ability to clear all the filters with a single click would be nice. The bank is an improvement but it seems like it gets put on the shelf before everything is working properly. Sometimes that is understandable but since it was significant enough to mention in the producers letter I thought I would call them on the "accomplishment" claim.
That may be wise. I should heed that advice as well. While there are those who complain about any change, more of the drama here has gotten worse as SSG seems to have abandoned its use as communication channel and that has left many frustrated and fruitlessly wanting SSG to change its ways. The lack of info on VIP benefits to replace gold rolls certainly put the drama over the top.