Re: VIP, we know from the Q&A with Sev (and not from the letter, which is a major failing) that they're looking at doing some kind of system that gives VIPs rewards over time, but they don't know how long that would take. Fair enough.
It's been deemed that daily gold rolls for VIPs has a negative impact on SSG's finances (I think that is short-sighted, given how reliable VIP income is, and how clear VIPs are about "add value or we unsub," which seems to have taken SSG by surprise [I don't know why, when Tolero admitted a year ago they were worried about VIP value even before the pandemic, which was before they severely devalued VIP]). Okay, fair enough.
I agree with others that words are not enough anymore. SSG did indeed have a year to come up with something for VIP -- anything -- and there's nothing to show for that time. It seems the new plans are only in response to the huge backlash over the past month.
But let's put all the bad will, disappointment, and (very justified) player anger aside for a moment to think about a temporary/interim solution:
Grant VIPs one-off gifts every month or two until the new VIP system is in. Month 1 = 5 XP elixirs. Month 2 = a new cosmetic. Month 3 = 5 Slayer elixirs. Month 4 = a new pet. You get the idea. Maybe every three months give something bigger, with more value, but give something -- anything -- to show that you are at least trying.
When VIP was devalued on the LOTRO side by the free codes, we got a free pet and carry-all (very high value item). We then later got the Town Services feature and other buffs. They made an effort. Now, VIP still needs more value there, and I thought daily gold rolls would've helped on that side too, but DDO needs even a single VIP gift very soon to show you care. Because "we're looking at it" just isn't enough anymore.