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Thread: New Archtypes

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default New Archtypes

    Look, I get it... DDO is a business..

    .. fine....

    The problem is we tell you what we want, then you run that feedback into the SSG interpreter and get something vaguely reminiscent of what we were asking for.

    We want Anti-Paladin

    We want Hex-Blade

    If it needs to be a pay form, much like most of the races have been in the past.. so be it.

    It's frustrating when our feedback tells you we want an Anglefood cupcake with fudge frosting.. and you release half burnt oatmeal raisin cookies

  2. #2
    Community Member Diracorvus's Avatar
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    I really don't want any of those. I'm pretty happy with the proposed new Archetypes. Hopefully there will be a few less edgy types in the future.

  3. #3
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
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    Default Exactly

    Quote Originally Posted by HoopleHeadMan View Post
    Look, I get it... DDO is a business..

    .. fine....

    The problem is we tell you what we want, then you run that feedback into the SSG interpreter and get something vaguely reminiscent of what we were asking for.

    We want Anti-Paladin

    We want Hex-Blade

    If it needs to be a pay form, much like most of the races have been in the past.. so be it.

    It's frustrating when our feedback tells you we want an Anglefood cupcake with fudge frosting.. and you release half burnt oatmeal raisin cookies

    For a long time there has been forum talk of a Blackguard/Antipaladin/Oathbreaker type. It would be cool, I also think the hex blade could work and keep with the lore too. I think hex blade Is a good middle ground for players looking for that experience!
    Using Trackless Step,

  4. #4
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    For me, I just want archetypes that make classes not good with Tabaxi, good with Tabaxi. Was hoping for more of a swashbuckler fighter instead of an alcolyte of the skin. Interesting PRC but never played in a game where it felt like a good choice to play it.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoopleHeadMan View Post
    Look, I get it... DDO is a business..

    .. fine....

    The problem is we tell you what we want, then you run that feedback into the SSG interpreter and get something vaguely reminiscent of what we were asking for.

    We want Anti-Paladin

    We want Hex-Blade

    If it needs to be a pay form, much like most of the races have been in the past.. so be it.

    It's frustrating when our feedback tells you we want an Anglefood cupcake with fudge frosting.. and you release half burnt oatmeal raisin cookies

    "We" really don't need more appeals to popularity and random forum comments speaking for "us", generally.

    By all means, post what you want to see, and critique what's presented on lam, but it is your opinion and should only be presented as such.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Djjinni View Post
    "We" really don't need more appeals to popularity and random forum comments speaking for "us", generally.

    By all means, post what you want to see, and critique what's presented on lam, but it is your opinion and should only be presented as such.
    I am happy with anything. Consider me for all intents and purposes a regular, non-dnd background player. I don't even know what a hexblade is (I do know me some Lord Soth deathknights!!), or why I would want one.

    I do know a trapping ranger is pretty cool (I abhor traps/secret doors) and that blightcaster is pretty snazzy.

    So definitely not a we or us type, just a me type.

  7. #7
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Even if certain specific archetypes don't necessarily gel with me personally, I enjoy poking around with them to see what can be done & am enjoying seeing the different combinations of capabilities.

    Something in particular I've noticed is use of "adds X effect when you cast Y spell" - blightcaster has multiple of these & that gives me hope for a revamped archmage tree where specific schools don't just get SLAs & DC boosts for specific schools but entire new benefits, but with the number of different schools & having effects for all of them that'd naturally be very time consuming; I can see a specialised evoker being a definite possibility since yay blasty power, but other possibilities could be a transmutation specialist that'd have the ability to tie in well with either a more overtly spellcasting-focused style (combining with the pale master tree) or a more physical style (combining with eldritch knight).

    Similarly, sacred fist has spells with 0 SP cost & ki cost instead (but can accept metamagics to boost them by spending SP, nifty) which opens up more possibilities - a sensei type one which gets the benefits of bard-style buffs & a selection of spells, that eschews the elemental approach for one that focuses far more in the light/dark/balance philosophies could be very interesting.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  8. #8
    Ultimate Uber Completionist Dalsheel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdsanDarkbane View Post
    For a long time there has been forum talk of a Blackguard/Antipaladin/Oathbreaker type. It would be cool, I also think the hex blade could work and keep with the lore too.
    Most people probably don't know what a Blackguard is. A Blackguard is the embodiment of Evil. It's a former Paladin who now despises anything good.
    It's the opposite of what a Paladin stands for. Cruelty rather than compassion, greed rather than charity, chaos rather than the rule of law, etc.

    Darth Vader is the closest to Blackguard I can refer you to, altho Vader was lawful. A Blackguard is Chaotic Evil.
    There's no limits to a Blackguard's "evilness". A Blackguard would never do most of the quests and raids we do in DDO.

    We don't even have Evil alignment in DDO, so my guess is Balckguard is out of the question. And who would want to play a Blackguard that fights evil, anyway?
    If it's about role-playing in your mind, you can play a normal Paladin and think of him however you want.
    Argonnessen - Death N Taxes
    Main: Dalsheel, Paladin - Triple everything
    Alts: Elralia, Wizard - Retired for now // Nesnibtan, Undecided - Currently on the TR-Train

  9. #9
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dalsheel View Post
    Most people probably don't know what a Blackguard is. A Blackguard is the embodiment of Evil. It's a former Paladin who now despises anything good.
    It's the opposite of what a Paladin stands for. Cruelty rather than compassion, greed rather than charity, chaos rather than the rule of law, etc.

    Darth Vader is the closest to Blackguard I can refer you to, altho Vader was lawful. A Blackguard is Chaotic Evil.
    There's no limits to a Blackguard's "evilness". A Blackguard would never do most of the quests and raids we do in DDO.

    We don't even have Evil alignment in DDO, so my guess is Balckguard is out of the question. And who would want to play a Blackguard that fights evil, anyway?
    If it's about role-playing in your mind, you can play a normal Paladin and think of him however you want.
    Yep.. evil alignments are one of the outright "not gonna happen" in DDO. There's a possibility for a grey paladin though I guess, with slightly less restrictions & different benefits which could be a potential fighter archetype. Of course, if you really want to flip things over, how about going completely the other way and as a wizard option we could have an archetype that replaces pale master with a particular Eberron specialty, the positive-energy undead known as the deathless?
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  10. #10
    Community Member shmagmhar's Avatar
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    the demon transforming thing sounds cool . i doubt they will make it look cool . I hope im wrong but yes Hexblade could be added to the game I am glad other people are saying this . or you get a choice of Pact of the chain / tome / blade / or tailisman when you are a warlock like in 5E.

  11. #11
    Community Member Cadveen's Avatar
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    I just find it incredibly frustrating that Archmage extra mana still costs 2 AP per, and the entire Wizard community has asked for a Wizard revamp, and they have created how many new classes, universals, and now archtypes?

  12. #12
    Community Member Firebreed's Avatar
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    Default Agreed

    Quote Originally Posted by Cadveen View Post
    I just find it incredibly frustrating that Archmage extra mana still costs 2 AP per, and the entire Wizard community has asked for a Wizard revamp, and they have created how many new classes, universals, and now archtypes?
    Yeah I don't understand why Archmage is given such low priority over so many years.

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