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Thread: Race: Kobold

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Race: Kobold

    Race: Kobold
    +2 Dex or +2 Cha | -2 Con or -2 str

    +1 size bonus to Armor Class
    +1 size bonus on attack rolls
    +4 size bonus on Hide checks
    +2 racial bonus on Search, Open Lock, and Disable Device checks.
    +1 Racial Natural Armor
    +10% faster interact with objects and search?
    Bonus Trap parts?
    Carrying capacity is three-quarters of that of a Medium character.
    -4 Intimidate penalty for each class size lower (-4 vs. normal, -8 vs. large).

    Enhancement Pool
    Core 1: Each Core gives +1 to traps DCs
    Core 2: Grain Trap Making Feat
    Core 3:
    Core 4:
    Core 5:

    Tier 1:
    Draconian Exemplar: Passive: 3 levels Gain either Red (fire), Green (Acid?), White (Cold), Blue(Electric), Black scales(Acid) - +2 spell power for the element. 2 damage resistance for the element.
    Trap focus: Passive 3 levels +1 to Search, Open Lock, Disable Device. +1 saving throw vs traps at level 3
    Ambusher: Passive 3 levels +1 to Move silently and hide, +5% movement speed while in stealth. 1d6 sneak attack at level 3
    Improvised Strike: Melee Clicky Deals 1[w] damage. Inflicts a random ailment from the list: Trip, Sunder, Hamstring, Destruction - DC based on 10 + 1/2 Level + Dex/Int + Trap DC

    Tier 2:
    Draconian Paragon: Requires Draconian Exemplar. Breath attack of element gained in Draconian Exemplar
    Trapper: Possibly gain Trap finding and Disable Device, Open Lock as class skills
    Draconian Glide: Gain Feather fall as a toggle. Bonus to Jump
    Improved Improvised Strike: Now inflicts 2 random ailments Improved damage by 1[w], Add Blind, confusion

    Tier 3:
    Draconian Master: Requires Draconian Paragon. Gain The sorcerer element enhancement for the appropriate with option chosen at Draconian Exemplar (Like how Elves have AA)
    Trap Spotter: Gain the ability to automatically spot traps/hidden doors. (Like Inquisitive)
    Greater Improvised Strike: Now makes enemies able to be affected by Sneak attack and lowers fortification. Adds 1[w] Effect is a small cone
    Draconian Blood: 3 levels +10 spell points

    Tier 4:

    Tier 5:

  2. #2
    The Hatchery
    2014 & 2016 DDO Players Council
    Dandonk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Kobold not afraid of dark! Kobold can close eyes!
    DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.

  3. #3
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    you dont care! you left us! sobs into pillow

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