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  1. #1
    Community Member krimsonrane's Avatar
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    Default The new archetypes.

    Not sure if I like the way classes are being cannibalized to create archetypes for other classes. Especially the rogue class and in particular assassins. I'm hoping that there is a archetype for assassins in development. At this point rogues are basically useless. I know people say "best single target DPS in the game" but that means nothing for the average player who isn't min/maxing for pure damage.
    You don't need them for traps. Their assassinate isn't unique nor even the most effective. And a rangers dog can detect traps/boxes without even searching.
    Evasion isn't exclusive. Anyone can get it in destiny trees. I could go on but won't. You get the idea.

    Same with the new druid AT. It's basically the best parts of an Acid based EK passed to the druid class. Spells included.
    Last edited by krimsonrane; 01-21-2023 at 12:48 PM.
    Sometimes I pull one out just to watch it die over and over. That's how much I hate hires.

  2. #2
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Have you seen the vast array of classes in the various PnP books? A number of those work in the same way, this way of implementing it in DDO is a good call, especially with how they've implemented as variants of the base classes to qualify for completionist rather than making them entirely new separate classes.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  3. #3
    Community Member krimsonrane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FuzzyDuck81 View Post
    Have you seen the vast array of classes in the various PnP books? A number of those work in the same way, this way of implementing it in DDO is a good call, especially with how they've implemented as variants of the base classes to qualify for completionist rather than making them entirely new separate classes.
    I certainly plan to TR my rogue assassin to a dark ranger. I suspect it will be an upgrade.
    Sometimes I pull one out just to watch it die over and over. That's how much I hate hires.

  4. #4
    Community Member Kza's Avatar
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    Personally i really like archetypes. I think at least the druid one is not just an uppgrade. Missing out on massregen alone
    Is imho brutal. And in d&d lots of prestige classes was kind of similar so from my perspective they are true to d&d in this :-)
    Triple all

  5. #5
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  6. #6
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  7. #7
    Community Member Firebreed's Avatar
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    The OP is right, regardless of whether you're OK with what he's saying is happening or not.

  8. #8
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    I dea of having archetypes is a neat idea, but applying it to this game is not. This is an old game. Its taken forever to get the classes balanced, and this balance if thrown out of whack every time something new is added. We get new gear, more upgrades, augments, filligree.. it starts an imbalance again. Now we add in archetypes , and we have no clue what kind of builds people are going to put together. No doubt there will be some that are ridiculously OP, and SSG will have to spend time trying to balance the game again.. this takes time from the real problems we have with the game.. Fixing old bugs, fixing bank space issue, fixing server lag, and the endless list of other bugs in the game.
    I doubt it would ever happen, but it would be nice to see a new DDO, with a new engine, same concept of doing past lives, and new up to date code etc..
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  9. #9
    Community Member Assassination's Avatar
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    I would much prefer to see them work on the existing trees to make them more useful and impactful. It seems like that would be less work for them, and be more meaningful to most players. Or maybe spend some time on fixing things that are broken. Or whatever.. I like the idea of the dark ranger, i find the enhancement tree pretty useless though.

  10. #10
    Community Member krimsonrane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firebreed View Post
    The OP is right, regardless of whether you're OK with what he's saying is happening or not.
    Sometimes I pull one out just to watch it die over and over. That's how much I hate hires.

  11. #11
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    many well balanced ideas in this thread. for me, the new archetype's are a bit like finding a new/different_enough toy to make playing exciting again...many of us have been playing since inception of game, so we've done it this re-combination of feats/skills with new classes is a fresh take and it's exciting, at least for a while.

    presently one of my alts is loving Stormsinger, even that build is mostly a Spellsinger with more DPS.

    This thread is interesting b/c assassins have always been a unique outlier in DDO in their complexity, playstyle, and potential for, yeah, I hope we get a Rouge archetype soon and I hope in the process assassins get something to keep their unique role in DDO. Perhaps a melee attack that once initiated adds more damage per hit (logarithmic), slow at first but crazy high after some duration (for the boss fights) with no cap and only lost if targeted enemy is not hit for x seconds. keeping up this attack could be challenging b/c of mechanics like getting kicked around by purple titan in MA & keeping health up so you can stay close to boss, maybe a 90 sec cool down. or whatever, but something truly new to keep rouges in their sacred role.

  12. #12
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    I wish they would make the archetypes better; I played through all 3 in the last round and 2 of them kind of sucked. I guess we can expect about the same level of excellence on the next go round.
    If I can read the dev tracker, you can too.

  13. #13
    Community Member EustaceTrevelyan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amessi1 View Post
    Perhaps a melee attack that once initiated adds more damage per hit (logarithmic), slow at first but crazy high after some duration (for the boss fights) with no cap and only lost if targeted enemy is not hit for x seconds. keeping up this attack could be challenging b/c of mechanics like getting kicked around by purple titan in MA & keeping health up so you can stay close to boss, maybe a 90 sec cool down. or whatever, but something truly new to keep rouges in their sacred role.
    ROFL! I would love to see a logorithmically ramped progressive effect, because as old as this game is I know it would max out some register that "only" had 32 bits and crash something. (Not slamming the game, but exponents are exponents, and that **** climbs high and fast.)

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