Let me start by saying I am terrible at this game but I play it anyway, doing so for many years.
I have always been a solo player for the most part and so never attempted anything higher than EH because it's not fun dying all the time and I never had enough reaper points to be effective.
I've recently managed to find a guild that has accepted me for my ineptness and squishyness.
They've taken me under their wing and carry my stone all over creation through high reapers.
I manage to spam heals on the tank every once in awile but I want to stay alive more often than not.
I need someone to hold my hand and talk me through setting up my toon to be a better healer in high reaper.
I have access to all the content. The only trees I have are the ones I can attain through favor.
80 Enhancement points
Aasimar - 18pts
Angel of Veng - 45pts
Beacon of hope - 16pts
61 Destiny points
Exalted Angel - 32pts
Shiradi - 9pts
Draconic - 13pts
I have 18 reaper points all in Dire
Here's my toon:
Aasimar FvS
str 34
dex 18
con 48
int 38
wis 65
cha 19
hp 1729
sp 5228
fire 701/49/30
light 721/40/45
univ 282/22/20
Vision of Precision - Wis+12, iWis +4, +1 Mythic B/G
Orders Garb - Fort+142 Except spell power+15/Lore+5% G
Cold Iron Bracers (winter) G
Ring -- Empty
Nocturne - iFort+79, +1 Mythic (winter)
Deepsnow Boots - iCon+6, qCon+3 FoM, G slotted with FF (winter)
Wondorours Magegloves - qWis+3 Y
Bronze Dragonscale Belt - Con+13, hAmp+53, iFL+24, Lifeseale+34, +3 Mythic B
Phasecloak - Int+13, Evocation+5, qInt+3 +1 Mythic Y
Rune Lodestone - (winter) YGB
Boundless - iWiz+1134, qPot+24, Fort+142
Combustible Radiant Qstaff - 8 open slots R/O
Take a deep breath...
Help me please!!!