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  1. #1
    Community Member Loriega's Avatar
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    Default Bug? Greater Tome of Epic Learning has no effect on Legendary quests

    I just ran "Wake me up" on EE with my 1st account and 2nd account.

    Account 1 has the Greater Tome of Epic Learning and is level 30.
    Account 2 does not and is level 29.

    For both it was the 1st time this quest was completed in non-heroic diffculty.

    Both died once and both received 77,775 exp.

    I just read the description "this effect will have no effect for characters that are below level 20 and above level 29".
    This feels wrong. Because when this tome was put up for sale the maximum level was 30.
    Now you could be anal/splitting hairs and say legendary isn't epic.
    However while there is no level 40 and no [Greater] Tome of Legendary Learning available it feels like a bug/oversight.

  2. #2
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    This is because they plan to sell you a Legendary Tome of Learning somewhere down the line.

    Very standard SSG procedure here.
    If I can read the dev tracker, you can too.

  3. #3
    Founder Tyrande's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eantarus View Post
    This is because they plan to sell you a Legendary Tome of Learning somewhere down the line.

    My guess also. With only 80,000+ total players they have to somehow generate enough revenue to keep the lights on.

    I know... I also own Expansion 2 on Ultimate Edition and bought the Greater Tome of Epic Learning plus the Greater Tome of Heroic Learning.

    Hey, After level 40, you might need another tome, called Greater Tome of Demigod Learning... (for demigod levels 40-50? 60?)
    Last edited by Tyrande; 01-19-2023 at 08:56 PM.

    With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrande View Post
    My guess also. With only 80,000+ total players they have to somehow generate enough revenue to keep the lights on.
    Because getting new players or keeping the old ones from leaving is too hard.
    If I can read the dev tracker, you can too.

  5. #5
    Community Member Valerianus's Avatar
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    yeah we are totally expecting there will be legendary tr and legendary tome of exp on sale...also maybe epic iconics starting at 25. who knows what will happen on our way to 40. archetypes show us that past lives feat one after another are raining on us.

    what i would like to see is epic exp working like legendary, i mean if you don't burn it cause epic tr, insta level 20 --> 30
    storage solution suggestion: Collection

    omni-cosmetic system suggestion: Arbiter d'Phiarlan, the Weaver of Guises

  6. #6
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loriega View Post
    I just read the description "this effect will have no effect for characters that are below level 20 and above level 29".
    This feels wrong. Because when this tome was put up for sale the maximum level was 30.

    Oh, was anyone surprised that they would retroactively DEVALUE something we had already purchased?
    Consumer Confidence should be at an all-time low... just as low as this action.

    Again I want to point out the transition of Epic to Legendary is arbitrary nonsense since both Epic and Legendary share the same enhancements "EPIC Destinies", and you continue to get Epic Feats into the Legendary levels.

    Its just a new way to repackage XP and levels so they can resell us things we had already been enjoying when the Level cap was 30.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Oh, was anyone surprised that they would retroactively DEVALUE something we had already purchased?
    Consumer Confidence should be at an all-time low... just as low as this action.
    My consumer confidence can't possibly get any lower.

  8. #8
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loriega View Post
    I just read the description "this effect will have no effect for characters that are below level 20 and above level 29".
    This feels wrong.
    The heroic tome doesn't work in epic levels and vice versa. No reason this would be any different.

    Because when this tome was put up for sale the maximum level was 30.
    No, when this was put up for sale the maximum level was 28.

    However while there is no level 40 and no [Greater] Tome of Legendary Learning available it feels like a bug/oversight.
    Except right now, once you hit level 30, you immediately jump to 32 after you earn 32 once. So a legendary XP tome would be basically worthless at this point in time. Later once the level cap goes up, I'm sure it will be included in the $129 version of whichever expansion is being offered.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    Except right now, once you hit level 30, you immediately jump to 32 after you earn 32 once. So a legendary XP tome would be basically worthless at this point in time. Later once the level cap goes up, I'm sure it will be included in the $129 version of whichever expansion is being offered.
    The plan is quite obvious.

    They will keep the current system of "hit 30, take whatever legendary levels you've earned" until lvl cap hits 40.

    6 months after it hits 40(when all the uber-capped "what do I do with 200 repear points try-hards get angry), they will introduce "legendary TR".

    6 months after that once all the above-mentioned try-hards have maxed out legendary completionist without boosts, they will sell a legendary tome.

    Expect it to be severely over-priced because by then all the poor decisions will have reduced the player-base to the 5 people that needed horses nerfed so they could use the tavern.

  10. 01-20-2023, 01:48 PM

  11. #10
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    No, when this was put up for sale the maximum level was 28.
    But with full awareness and expectation that the game cap would be 30. It has also worked for however many years in quests 30 and above with no issues.

    They removed functionality, therefor the purchase is degraded, devalued.

    There's only 9 level 30 quests and 3 level 30 raids anyway, all this accomplished was annoying customers that already showed a willingness to spend.

    Furthermore, has anyone tested to see if you continue to get bonus XP from your epic tome when doing a level 29 quest on elite making it lvl 31? I'm just curious.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
    Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd

  12. #11
    Community Member Loriega's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    The heroic tome doesn't work in epic levels and vice versa. No reason this would be any different.

    No, when this was put up for sale the maximum level was 28.

    Except right now, once you hit level 30, you immediately jump to 32 after you earn 32 once. So a legendary XP tome would be basically worthless at this point in time. Later once the level cap goes up, I'm sure it will be included in the $129 version of whichever expansion is being offered.
    Well if you want to be splitting hairs, 28 is much less far away from 30 than 32 from 40
    and you need to grind those 2 levels from 30 to 32 first before you can enjoy that instant jump to 32 from 30.
    Also extra exp after until 30 cap doesn't carry over, for instance you're 100k away from 30 and do WGU getting 300k exp, but you only get 100k and the 200k are wasted.

    I knew this kind of response would come, heroic and epic are 2 different game modes, I could only repost what Aelonwy wrote in that regard.
    The difference between epic and legedary is arbitrary. It's the same epic game mode. There is no exclusive legendary game mode. Heroic has no epic destinies, legendary has epic destinies and a little bit more difficult mobs.
    On HC we run legendary sagas on hard, well, some do, from level 20 on for quick advancement.

    Yes it's pretty obvious that Legendary Tomes of Learning will come at some point.
    Right now though level 40 is far away and we've just stepped into legendary levels and earn epic feats after 30.
    Tomayto Tomato but you're the one splitting hairs here.

  13. #12
    Community Member Diracorvus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by systemshaker1941 View Post
    The plan is quite obvious.

    They will keep the current system of "hit 30, take whatever legendary levels you've earned" until lvl cap hits 40.

    6 months after it hits 40(when all the uber-capped "what do I do with 200 repear points try-hards get angry), they will introduce "legendary TR".

    6 months after that once all the above-mentioned try-hards have maxed out legendary completionist without boosts, they will sell a legendary tome.

    Expect it to be severely over-priced because by then all the poor decisions will have reduced the player-base to the 5 people that needed horses nerfed so they could use the tavern.
    If people grind through past lifes and RP like maniacs, you can't blame SSG for selling them more and more.
    And many suggestions by players are simply about getting more power and speed to get even more past lifes, faster.
    When there is a patch or change that reduces that power only slightly people cry bloody murder, because now their grind gets slowed down slightly. Quests that take a bit longer or give less xp are declared "dead", no matter how well designed the quest is otherwise.
    The game is also what the players make of it.
    If SSG were to get rid of epic past lifes and reaper points, I wouldn't wanna be on this forum for the rage. So what target audience should the game be designed for in the future in your opinion? Not the roleplayers that don't want horses in taverns, not the power-grinders? I think, ideally a game like this should have something for many different kinds of players.

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