Cone being net even seems ideal if the goal is to not nerf cone but make it so other shapes are usable?
Majority of Warlocks I've ever talked to are Cone or nothing lol, maybe this will make it worth swapping a bit XD
Personally I like chain shape a lot so I'm happy with this idea.
Admittedly I am making the assumption the 130% applied only to the spellpower scaling and not the pure base damage, due to the wording of "this spell scales with 130% spell power". If the 130% also applies to the base as well as scaling, then the numbers do change a bit. Essentially it would add a 0.3 to the multiplier to the blast dice, ex: @ 1000 sp instead of 15d6 * 14, it would be 15d6 * 14.3. Hard to know without having access to how the game truly calculates things.
Personally I see the changes more as making the other blast shapes more appealing when compared to cone, which has been seen as the most appealing shape if you are going blaster-lock for quite some time.
I don't see the appeal of other warlock blast shapes. Cone is king. If its net neutral, and the others are buffed, I can still blast an AOE vs. single target, Maybe chain is now viable, but 6 to one, half a dozen to still doesn't compare to other casters in heroics...
Khyber: Main Nicodemous Alt: Ichuck
Is this Unquenchable Rage from Fury of the Wild? Also uh what's changing?
Sweet, this is huge QoL!
- SLA tooltips now display spell info, such as their spell point cost, spell DC, and spell school, automatically
Possible to add something like Inverse Legacy Sort? Whatever you put in last is at the top? Would be the most useful sorting option available thus far personally. I could care less about anything I put in 26 pages ago and haven't taken out since
- Bank - Crafting storage now has a sorting option: Alphabetical (A-Z) or (Z-A) or Legacy Sort (the old way)
Now if they provided a Tier 5 and/or Core 5/6 to give 4/5/6 targets hit with chain, it would be fairly equivalent to chain lightning. I'd take that I think. I really love chain early game as being able to hit round corners is a nice tactical advantage to me, but later in the game with the huge inflated mob packs of later expansions it's simply not viable.
Really glad to see Warlocks get a slight boost. This seems like about what they need to be on par with other ranged DPS builds to me. Will definitely dust off my mid level Warlock for this.
Edit: I see some folks already saying this won't be enough. However, I'd rather see adjustments like this done gradually and then tweaked again if needed rather than watch balance jitter around randomly like a bunch of bumper cars. However I will at least agree that Cone should absolutely not be nerfed, not even by 1%.
Last edited by yfernbottom; 01-18-2023 at 08:12 PM.
Thanks for these notes, Devs. Glad to see a bunch of bug fixes too! But regarding the notes, some things that stood out to me:
UI Changes:
I appreciate the looking into updating UI, but I'm not a fan of most of these changes. Though the added functionality of easier to see and clickable feats is nice - it look's very visually jarring. It gives the impression of someone with Accessibility on Windows turned on. I also dislike the < Brackets > around feats in the Character Sheet; it doesn't give a polished appearance but rather that of broken programing code.
The archetype that most intrigued me was the Dark Hunter Ranger and I was very disappointed to find the over-decades-old Trap Making system was just tacked on without an revamp. These damage numbers, effects, and crafted system could really use modern numbers - or borrow new spell/trap effects in the game - but if nothing else scaling in some way. I would really like to see this be a larger part of the class; as almost a 3rd of the archetype's enhancement tree is taken up by a new pet - which also used an old and yet-to-be-revamped system.
The Blight Druid looks the most promising, and although I have not yet had the time to test it - I applaud the theme and new spells. I really like the direction, my only concern is if the damage on the higher level spells - i.e. the lvl 8 spell Thornlance is a 1d6+8 single target spell. Thornwave, lvl 6 - is AoE and is 1d6+6. I understand Druid is very much damage over time, but consider a way to frontload some of this damage so the player isn't having to wait around for their damage to start to matter. When placed alongside say, the Acid Draconic Mantle 'Attune the Arcane' - the damage dot of the mantle will far outpace the damage of the highest level Druid acid spell. Again, loving the theme and direction - but these are my concerns.
Thank you for considering our feedback, and keeping continuous updates to the game. Looking forward to Lammania round 2!
Streamer - Leader of Between Hammer n' Anvil - Ghallandian~~~ The Great Forge Experiment ~~~Hephaestas • Haidies • Artemaes • Bladebarri«««- Visit Heph's Forge on twitch! -»»»
(Standard): You are on server 13 at r4 lx407 ly603 i12 ox157.71 oy76.13 oz188.52 h296.7. Game timestamp 114766.117. Could not report bug in game. Crashed when raptors attacked. Using 64 bit client.
-Neilfladchmacholiacfogartiage on Argonnessen
"Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh
Everyone bellyaching about Eldritch Blast nerfs is too busy arcmchair quarterbacking rather than taking the time to actually poke around on Lamannia.
Also, the past life:
No bard's Iced Edges fix?
The new archetypes could really use some alignment restrictions. Non-good for the blight druid and non-lawful for the dark hunter maybe?
So uh just curious if this is the new thing or if something broken or not~ but I made sure I'm not undead cuz for whatever reason it seems like I am when I have 400 heal amp and 600 positive and im healing myself for only 300...
Find me on Orion: Shiks, Shikagami, shikee, shikers