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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Apr 2017

    Default Increase stealth speed options and make stealth stance consistent

    Stealth is a really interesting aspect of ddo, but with ever encroaching power creep, it is increasingly becoming a cool thing to do for style points at the cost of taking 3 times as long in all game stages except the highest reaper content. One of the main factors of this is the sheer speed loss from using the stealth stance, not to mention the increased dangers of stealth that often leave you surrounded by enemies should you slip up, or the fact that most quest's challenges require the entire team to be able to stealth appropriately.

    In short, stealthy gamestyles need some buffs. I have two fairly easy suggestions to do so.

    1. Stealthy feat removing movement penalties from using stealth. (Adjust existing monk/rogue/ranger stealth speed enhancements to balance accordingly)
    2. Stealth stance doesn't break under any circumstance except when the player toggles it; especially from being attacked by enemies. Instead, doing actions like attacking, casting spells, or interacting with objects such as pulling levers either disables the benefits of stealth, or makes a consistent level of sound and visibility appropriate for the activity.

    Sincerely a veteran player who loves stealth and wants to continue making a stealth video series, but is driven away by the impracticality of doing so.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Ooblagato1 View Post
    In short, stealthy gamestyles need some buffs. I have two fairly easy suggestions to do so.

    1. Stealthy feat removing movement penalties from using stealth. (Adjust existing monk/rogue/ranger stealth speed enhancements to balance accordingly)
    2. Stealth stance doesn't break under any circumstance except when the player toggles it; especially from being attacked by enemies. Instead, doing actions like attacking, casting spells, or interacting with objects such as pulling levers either disables the benefits of stealth, or makes a consistent level of sound and visibility appropriate for the activity.
    I like both options. Making a lacklustre feat at least slightly more interesting sounds nice enough.
    I'd suggest just removing the penalty the Monk/Rogue/Ranger abilities currently don't. (50%)

    I absolutely love 2. Just do the same thing they do for horses in taverns - suppress the effect, don't remove it. Most lever-pulling happens without triggering any spotting/listening involved, so long as you don't move afterwards and just re-hide. This is just QoL stuff.

    Wizards already get to run around at full speed invisible (so long as they train Tumble) AND attacking/interacting with enemies.
    Enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiast.

  3. #3
    Community Member Smokewolf's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Default Reaper killed stealth play.

    The fact that Reapers and several common mobs (spiders, oozes, champs) can see-thru stealth has made it a non-viable play option. I miss the days when a skilled Rogue could flank mobs ahead of the parties attack. (Laying / disarming traps and assassinating scouts) Unfortunately, such skilled play no longer exists as apparently someone saw this as being over-powered, thus deeming it necessary to Nerf stealth to the point of stupidity. Hell, you can't even open a door without it triggering mobs as no stealth check is even given vs a mobs listen skill. (Stealth breaks on any interaction with an object) Instead, we have mobs with inflated stats, skills and immunities that often don't fit the mobs class / type.
    Last edited by Smokewolf; 01-14-2023 at 03:41 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
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    Default Smoke walk

    I will concur with smoke wolf. Because reaper. I don't want to sound negative but if they move the 20% XP bonus from reaper to elite I wouldn't play reaper.

    I don't mean to derail your thread into another reaper isbroken thread because reaper is not broken. Reaper does what it's designed to do but it throws a monkey wrench into the rest of our game when it generates better loot and gives better XP. If it only gave reaper XP I think it would be more in line with its original intended purpose which was to keep all these old veterans have nothing better to do busy between updates.

    I'm very interested in the classes and how they work I love hearing how we as a community feel they should be improved especially because we are the ones playing the classes. So thanks for sharing very creative. Keep calm and rogue on my friend
    Using Trackless Step,

  5. #5
    Community Member archerforever's Avatar
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    Yes I agree for an improvement for stealth. It s actually 100% useless
    The speed penality is just stupid and shouldn t exist in a true action, even more in ddo which is very fast.
    Ghallanda : Abramax Emerald Archer - Heroic Completionist - Racial Completionist - Epic Completionist

  6. #6
    Savage's Husband Phoenicis's Avatar
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    Default Not gonna happen

    Previously it was possible, though not optimal, to stack multiple class stealth and speed boosts, ending up with a faster stealth speed than the default run speed. Then the devs made all the boosts non-stacking. Along with some aggro changes (mobs tend to target stealthed players first) and how easily/quickly mobs that auto-detect stealthed characters (spiders & reapers primarily, but there are others) pass on stealthed characters' positions it has made stealth an invalid playstyle in reaper, and very difficult in most of the rest of the game.

    Asking for any stealth improvement has fallen on deaf ears for a number of years now. Long enough that the discussion almost never comes up any longer.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokewolf View Post
    The fact that Reapers and several common mobs (spiders, oozes, champs) can see-thru stealth has made it a non-viable play option. I miss the days when a skilled Rogue could flank mobs ahead of the parties attack. (Laying / disarming traps and assassinating scouts) Unfortunately, such skilled play no longer exists as apparently someone saw this as being over-powered, thus deeming it necessary to Nerf stealth to the point of stupidity. Hell, you can't even open a door without it triggering mobs as no stealth check is even given vs a mobs listen skill. (Stealth breaks on any interaction with an object) Instead, we have mobs with inflated stats, skills and immunities that often don't fit the mobs class / type.
    Or some of the flip side, you have monsters that are untargetable and inactive until they notice you. So it doesn't matter how sneaky you are.. The monster will just stand there.. Or hide under ground until it noticed you.

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