Stealth is a really interesting aspect of ddo, but with ever encroaching power creep, it is increasingly becoming a cool thing to do for style points at the cost of taking 3 times as long in all game stages except the highest reaper content. One of the main factors of this is the sheer speed loss from using the stealth stance, not to mention the increased dangers of stealth that often leave you surrounded by enemies should you slip up, or the fact that most quest's challenges require the entire team to be able to stealth appropriately.

In short, stealthy gamestyles need some buffs. I have two fairly easy suggestions to do so.

1. Stealthy feat removing movement penalties from using stealth. (Adjust existing monk/rogue/ranger stealth speed enhancements to balance accordingly)
2. Stealth stance doesn't break under any circumstance except when the player toggles it; especially from being attacked by enemies. Instead, doing actions like attacking, casting spells, or interacting with objects such as pulling levers either disables the benefits of stealth, or makes a consistent level of sound and visibility appropriate for the activity.

Sincerely a veteran player who loves stealth and wants to continue making a stealth video series, but is driven away by the impracticality of doing so.