Trying to figure out the best handwraps for a monk per level. Anyone have a list they would like to share?
Trying to figure out the best handwraps for a monk per level. Anyone have a list they would like to share?
Have not played a handwrap monk in some years, also curious what is used now. Apart from Adamantine Knuckles 12 and 14 nothing looks too appealing for the leveling process.
For low level (1-4ish). I have some crafted wraps that do force damage and have an augment slot for one of the low level damage augments (fire/cold/electric).
For 5-10 - I use the Ferrocrystal Handwarps from Feywild
Level 10-15 - Barovian Handwraps are king at this level
Level 10 - 29ish - Syrranian Handwraps from Sharn. Electric 4, Holy4, Construct Bane4, Adamantine, and a red slot. Good all around wraps for everything (no real switching needed)
There are other options for sure, but these provide a good amount of general utility and are relatively easy to get/farm. the Syrranian will probably take the longest to get, IMO (unless you have all the ingredients stockpiled).
End game is where there are a couple options.
I am currently using Handwraps of the Hound (slotting with a deconstructor augment for constructs and a cold augment for more damage) and they are great. Fetter of the Forgewraith are great as well. Duality have also be considered the be-all/end-all for wraps.. but I think the new Dinosaur bone crafting stuff is taking over.
Member: Circle of Night (Cristyle Sunn, Grygor Sunn, WarChild Sunn)
Magic is a curious thing; full of hope and promise one minute, then someone summons a t-rex jet fighter to kill you.
I use the lv 2(4?) ones from that first rare in 3bc, on the ship. Mostly because I have nothing else lol. Then no clue until vampiric stonedust at 12 because why not. At 15 I like the sharn ones that take up 2 slots, because platinum-ing stuff is neat.
Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.
Until level 12, crafted with 2 colored augment slots and a useful material type will *always* be better than named, particularly if you managed to craft festival solar on them. With a few exceptions, damage procs, damage dice, and enhancement bonuses scale at the same rate for named and crafted. Ruby damage augments do the same dmg as crafted/named damage procs from 1-4, but more damage starting at lvl 8. If you only have 1 colored augment slot and no solar, then barovian and syranian are nearly as good as crafted for most mobs, better vs their bane type, and worse against mobs that resist their proc dmg. Starting at 20, you should try to have a sentient weapon with at least 4 filigree slots.
- lvl 1-3: crafted holy of blunt, ideally with silver or cold iron and an augment or 2, crafted with festival solar. If you don't have access to crafting (not that difficult to level it enough for low level weapons, or ask around for people offering crafting services), you can use min's wraps, starter wraps, eternal rest, or weeping wraps (there really aren't any decent named wraps below lvl 10)
- lvl 4-9: crafted or devotion if you don't have access to crafting
- lvl 10-11/13/14: either crafted (with the addition of insightful damage, ins attack, ins seeker, or vampirism) or barovian (2 damage procs (holy + fire), silver + good bypass, undead bane, 1 aug slot)
- lvl12/14-19: adamantine knuckles (+2 increased crit range, no damage procs, 2 aug slots, slightly lower enhancement bonus, slightly higher damage dice, adamantine bypass, binds to character on equip). With decent dmg bonuses, they should outdo anything else. The level 13 version has +1 enh bonus, 14 has an extra half damage die. If you have particularly low damage, or against mobs with high fortification, maybe go with:
- lvl 15-19 (alternate): crafted or syranian (2 dmg procs (holy + electric), adamantine + good bypass, construct bane, 1 aug slot)
- lvl 20-22/27/28/30: epic sworn silver (destruction, +2 atk/dmg vs evil, unnatural bane, silver + good bypass, no other dmg procs, 1 aug slot, +1 dmg die vs crafted/most other named). I prefer this to ethereal, as it already has good bypass, along with the best bane type and destruction. At this level you will really appreciate the good bypass, and can use the augment slot for more damage, as opposed to slotting good in the other decent wraps at this level:
- lvl 20-22/27/28/30 (alternate): epic ethereal (1 damage proc (force) + ghostbane (undead bane + ethereal bypass), weaken undead (-20% fortification), adamantine bypass, 1 aug slot, +1 dmg die vs crafted/most other named). If you can't slot ethereal bypass elsewhere and don't care about bypassing good damage reduction, these do more damage than sworn silver.
- 23-27/28/30: antipode (+2 crit range, +1 enhancement bonus vs crafted/most other named, 2d6-4d6 alignment dmg (most procs at this lvl are 5d6), all alignment bypasses, reinforced fists (+0.5 damage die if you don't have it slotted elsewhere), stunning and doublestrike (both at lower values than craftable/named for this level)). Can be upgraded to get +1 enh bonus, +0.5 dmg die, and an augment slot. The extra crit range is what really makes this shine vs other options. However, it only drops in a rarely run, very long raid, and requires mats that only drop in that raid and 1 other rarely run raid to upgrade it.
Once you get to level 28+, there are quite a few good options, namely:
- 28: duality (raid)
- 29: morninglord
- 29: hound (raid)
- 29: fetters (raid)
- 31: dino crafted
Augments to slot (in this order):
- eye of dolurrh (lvl 30) or ghostbane if you can't slot ethereal bypass elsewhere
- good bypass
- feareater (lvl 28, raid)
- eye of dolurrh (lvl 30) (even if you do have ethereal bypass slotted somewhere else)
- vampire slayer to bypass silver earlier than level 12
- any level appropriate straight damage augment (I prefer acid or electric as they are generally the least resisted)