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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Tiered VIP subscription


    I just read a post where a guy made AWESOME VIP ideas.

    And then it hit me - why not make tiered VIP subscription?
    It’s a win win for both players and SSG.

    I value my time A LOT more than 5-10$ a month.
    Certain parts of this game are joy and pleasure and certain parts make us vomit.
    TRing, starting all over again from the beginning and hearing Jeets’ voice made me quit this game SO MANY TIMES!

    So when I saw the idea a guy made in his post so that VIPs would start as a Veteran status it made so much sense to start thinking about tiered VIP subscription.

    This is, of course, just one example but with tiered VIP you could implement SO MANY ideas and spread them across different tiers.

    I believe this might reactivate many players who are at the point of their lives where time is of greater value than money.
    We would like racial PLs but we just don’t have the time nor the will to go through that starting process over and over and over again…
    But as I said, this is just one example or what could be added to VIP higher tiers.

    For SSG this might be a nice additional income with a very low time investment for development.

    Definitely something to think about…

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Drekisen's Avatar
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    Tiered spending should have everything to do with total money expenditure and nothing to do with whether you are a VIP or not.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drekisen View Post
    Tiered spending should have everything to do with total money expenditure and nothing to do with whether you are a VIP or not.
    It’s important to remember that while for us this is a video game which gives us joy and pleasure for them it’s just a business that was designed to make money.

    The more money they make the more they’ll invest in development.

    I remember a long time ago when I was in school I had a lot of free time and I loved the Free to play aspect of the game…

    Well things change in people’s lives and if we’re at the point in our lives where we can support the game more why not have more benefits?

    Let’s not pretend that this game is not Pay to win in a way…

    So I’m just throwing it out there as an idea in hopes they see it and give themselves a way to earn more money…

    Every product placed on market has a couple of versions. Just like when they come out with an expansion!

    So why not do the same with VIP subscription?

    Who doesn’t want to spend more doesn’t have to…

  4. #4
    The Hatchery Drekisen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stricek View Post
    It’s important to remember that while for us this is a video game which gives us joy and pleasure for them it’s just a business that was designed to make money.

    The more money they make the more they’ll invest in development.

    I remember a long time ago when I was in school I had a lot of free time and I loved the Free to play aspect of the game…

    Well things change in people’s lives and if we’re at the point in our lives where we can support the game more why not have more benefits?

    Let’s not pretend that this game is not Pay to win in a way…

    So I’m just throwing it out there as an idea in hopes they see it and give themselves a way to earn more money…

    Every product placed on market has a couple of versions. Just like when they come out with an expansion!

    So why not do the same with VIP subscription?

    Who doesn’t want to spend more doesn’t have to…
    I just fail to see why VIP's deserve some special attention, I mean they already get it.

    But say I am a Premium and spend $100 a month on the game, a ViP spends the same $100 including their ViP sub, so we each spend $100, why should the ViP reap more rewards?

  5. #5
    Community Member Onyxia2019's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drekisen View Post
    I just fail to see why VIP's deserve some special attention, I mean they already get it.

    But say I am a Premium and spend $100 a month on the game, a ViP spends the same $100 including their ViP sub, so we each spend $100, why should the ViP reap more rewards?
    The answer is the subscription. If you are going VIP chances are you at least spring for three months at a time if not a year. That is pretty much a guarantied income for SSG.
    Now it is certainly possible that I spend less in a month for my VIP subscription than you, buying stuff a-la-carte from the store but there is no guarantee you will spend as much each month. When I purchase/renew my subscription they get the total amount in hand at once instead of a little each month with a maybe no attached to it.

    There is also a very good chance I will also be buy items from the store, just this morning I dropped $40 which is a bonus for SSG but the sub is what they shoot for in most cases.

    So they reward VIP (subscribers) for the commitment.

    Just about any game out there that has a free 2 play as well as a subscription option, offer a little something extra for those that subscribe.
    They just seems to be the industry now days.

    Not saying this to prove you wrong or to say your thoughts are not valid as they are valid to you and I respect that. I wanted to offer up a different view point in hope it may help to at least clarify the situation.
    If it ain't broke, you're not trying hard enough.

  6. #6
    Community Member Smokewolf's Avatar
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    Default Not in favor of pay-2-win

    Ask any veteran DDO player if things they’ve earned thru effort should be given via subscription and the vast majority would have a few creative expletives to share with you.

    While sure having VIP status should come with a few perks, the main reason most choose to pay for is to directly support the game we love. Not as a shortcut to success or to bypass the grind that many of us feel is a distinct part of the game.


  7. #7
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    I wouldn't mind a tiered vip system, as long as all the current vip bonuses (and something extra ala gold rolls!) is at the same price as it currently is. And they don't just stretch out the current stuff so you need to pay more to get where we are now.

    As for as why subscriptions get more stuff, uh....that's kind of the point. Like how magazine subscriptions used to be $20/year-ish, or you could buy them for $5 a pop. You got a discount because you were committing/paying for that timeframe.

    While I do like a lot of the current vip benefits, I agree that it needs to be bumped up a bit.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  8. #8
    The Hatchery Drekisen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seph1roth5 View Post

    As for as why subscriptions get more stuff, uh....that's kind of the point. Like how magazine subscriptions used to be $20/year-ish, or you could buy them for $5 a pop. You got a discount because you were committing/paying for that timeframe.
    If there was only ViP and F2P/Premium with no DDO points store or market, I would agree, but that is not the case.

    You read a magazine, that is it, you are done.

    In DDO there is a constant flow of people buying stuff with RL money, whether they are ViP or Premium, how is the person that spends $100-$180 a year on a sub and maybe spends let's say $300 a year on market and store items contributing more than say a Premium who spends $600 a year on the market and store items?

    Plus if someone subs there is no guarantee they will spend money on the game outside of that. A premium doesn't have to either, but I think usually will, at least to have new content (quest packs, not expansions) and good deals on points.

    There is absolutely nothing unfair about running a tiered system on overall spending, and not making it exclusive to ViP's, in fact SSG would be shooting themselves in the foot if they didn't.

    We will probably just never agree on this, for me personally there is absolutely nothing of worth when it comes to ViP.

    I'm not sure, maybe statistically, the average ViP subbie has less available cash to spend on the game than a Premium, if that was the case then I would be more understanding, but I have no idea if it is.

    On a side note, if they did happen to make ViP quite a bit more sparkly, then I probably would subscribe, I will definitely agree that it is probably not overly appealing to many atm.
    Last edited by Drekisen; 01-14-2023 at 08:29 PM.

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