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  1. #1
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    Default Quality of Game Improvements ( list the biggest you can think of )

    For me nothing would be a better improvement than listing the reaper level in LFMs.
    It's just a pain when you take a character who can barely handle r1 and discover the group is doing r10.
    Or vice versa you have a r10 handling character and discover the group is running r1.

    I know there are supposedly technical issues making this difficult but if it could be managed it would be a boon.

  2. #2
    Community Member archest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elvesunited View Post
    For me nothing would be a better improvement than listing the reaper level in LFMs.
    It's just a pain when you take a character who can barely handle r1 and discover the group is doing r10.
    Or vice versa you have a r10 handling character and discover the group is running r1.

    I know there are supposedly technical issues making this difficult but if it could be managed it would be a boon.
    i list it in the notes area of the lfm R1 most others n argo do as well.

    Make the traps quicker to damage without evasion. not higher in dc.
    lower the spot dc for seeing the trap or the disabling box
    so players without evasion dont run through and set them off.
    killing the rogue who follows

    Last edited by archest; 01-11-2023 at 11:23 PM.

  3. #3
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    1. the ability to sit in a chair! I've been standing up for going on 17 years now! Cheese and rice, enough is enough!
    2. the ability to competently climb a ladder. I know many people under the age of 16 that have mastered this skill yet none of my 100+ alts have managed this!
    3. Quest flagging.... get rid of it. If you can't bring yourselves to do that allow flagging for ALL quest to persist through TR.
    4. BTC needs to go
    5. Shared bank space needs increasing dramatically, especially when BTC is abolished.
    6. Either cosmetic closets or get rid of all cosmetics, calm down I haven't finished, apply the designs to random loot and keep the mirrors. That way people who want a specific look for their char can still have it and those of us that like the changing look our alts get with new loot can still get the cool designs without having to take up bank space.
    7. build in a bypass or just get rid of the infuriating precision jump elements in countless quests. It is ridiculous in a game with lag issues like DDO, and is the reason I never set foot in crystal cove and certain other quests.
    8. teleport to quests option for all quests.

    With the exceptions of 1,2 and 6 I'd be quite happy if these were implemented as VIP only.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by elvesunited View Post
    For me nothing would be a better improvement than listing the reaper level in LFMs.
    It's just a pain when you take a character who can barely handle r1 and discover the group is doing r10.
    Or vice versa you have a r10 handling character and discover the group is running r1.

    I know there are supposedly technical issues making this difficult but if it could be managed it would be a boon.
    Depends on server I guess, on Thelanis people usually write the difficulty in the description. If there is no description it is mostly likely low reaper. If it is R+ (or R4+, R6+ etc.) it goes up depending on party members and you should send the party leader a tell to ask about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Smelt32 View Post
    1. the ability to sit in a chair! I've been standing up for going on 17 years now! Cheese and rice, enough is enough!
    2. the ability to competently climb a ladder. I know many people under the age of 16 that have mastered this skill yet none of my 100+ alts have managed this!
    3. Quest flagging.... get rid of it. If you can't bring yourselves to do that allow flagging for ALL quest to persist through TR.
    4. BTC needs to go
    5. Shared bank space needs increasing dramatically, especially when BTC is abolished.
    6. Either cosmetic closets or get rid of all cosmetics, calm down I haven't finished, apply the designs to random loot and keep the mirrors. That way people who want a specific look for their char can still have it and those of us that like the changing look our alts get with new loot can still get the cool designs without having to take up bank space.
    7. build in a bypass or just get rid of the infuriating precision jump elements in countless quests. It is ridiculous in a game with lag issues like DDO, and is the reason I never set foot in crystal cove and certain other quests.
    8. teleport to quests option for all quests.

    With the exceptions of 1,2 and 6 I'd be quite happy if these were implemented as VIP only.
    All good additions, especially 3, 4, 5 , 7 , 8 ! I don't think they should be VIP only except for 5.

  5. #5
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    Copy all saga npcs to the hall of heroes

    Gong in devil assault

    Craftable 100% returning ammo

    Fast travel unlocks in all wilderness zones

    Auto-refresh mode for self buffs, ie pays the cost to refresh automatically when it expires

    More consumable options for CoV spending

    Reduce seer timer in madstone from 3 min to 90 sec. Same for litany countdown room. Reduce door timer in tomb of the forbidden from 5 min (!!!)

    Skip cut scene version for just business, spinner, captives, sunrise, etc

    Make the air elementals the optional in flesh maker and the zombie waves the required ending

    Convert air jets in spies into fixed coord teleporters rather than using the physics engine

    "Keep current build" option for ETR

    edit: bonus entries

    Add scaling boosts for Pray for Mercy (Dark Apostate) and all Shadowblades (Feydark Illusionist). T4: 1d6+4. T5: 1d6+6. Capstone: 1d6+8. These trees are completely wasted when their main mechanics simply dont do adequate damage for late Heroic, let alone Epic + Leg
    Last edited by droid327; 01-12-2023 at 12:11 PM.

  6. #6
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    When looking at the list of quests you have run, show if it has been run on Reaper, ideally showing Heroic Reaper and Epic/Legendary seperately. A change was added to show if the quest was run Elite or Epic Elite which was great, but showing Reaper too would be very helpful.

  7. #7
    Community Member Yamato-San's Avatar
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    A simple one: Auto-mount.
    Select a horse/dino with a right click as "use always"; enter a zone where riding is enabled and be mounted.

  8. #8
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    Make damage over time stop interfering with object use altogether. I ended the quest. I'm in front of the chest. Eladar's not going to kill me, just let me loot and leave plz?

    "Just get me to level 20 as I was" ETR.

    "Skip me past the talky bits" button in some quests (Rift being the first. Stop it Elminster, I've heard it before)

    Quote Originally Posted by droid
    Auto-refresh mode for self buffs, ie pays the cost to refresh automatically when it expires
    I'd love this, but I also understand some buffs also require the player to stand still or at least move slower while you cast them, and that IS part of their cost, which we can't exactly pay for on auto-refresh.

    For most low duration buffs, they could come in two versions. Normal, and 10x duration for 15x the cost. The action cost is now paid differently.
    There's a few exceptions, like charge-based actions, that this wouldn't fit though.
    Enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiast.

  9. #9
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    Some of these requests seem so extreme to me.

    If you really want an easy button, y'all know you can go to youtube and watch someone else play the game and just pretend you're the one controlling everything in your mind, right?

    Many of these requests seem ridiculous to me, and a bunch of effort by programmers that will actually take away from the game and not add to it.

    If tapping a hotkey to get on your horse is too much work... I mean you can do it while you're waiting on the screen to load, and most of the time you're on the horse by the time it does.

    No, we don't need to completely bypass running to quests. I'm all for unlockable teleporters for wilderness areas, but running there once is not a big inconvenience, and allowing everyone to teleport instantly everywhere takes away from the game for new players especially and we need more new players. They don't need to see an empty world because you can't be arsed to spend 75 seconds getting somewhere between quests. And they don't need to bypass it from the get go, or they don't even know the world exists.

    Auto-Renewing buffs is an awful idea too.

    As a Cleric, I can get 50% concealment at level 5 with a displacement SLA. The only drawback is that I have to continuously recast it. If you do that for me, then it is truly an overpowered thing at that level. This is just one example. Doing something like this would require a complete rebalance of man spells. And for what? Because someone wants to play on autopilot? Meh. People who play on autopilot get bored and cancel subs. Bad use of development funds.

    I do think BtC sucks sometimes, but I understand the reason for it. If everyone can use a level capped alt to grind all their gear for them it will take infinitely less long, and become unchallenging, which might seem great, but it turns into boring and cancelled subs, so BtC needs to stay even though it makes me grumble.

    Air jets do not need to be replaced with teleporters. Please don't do something that lame. If there's some problems with them, work on making those better, not dumping them all together.


    Blah, I could go on, but nothing I say will change anyone's opinion. They'll either agree or disagree on their own.
    Last edited by Ereshkigal; 01-12-2023 at 07:16 AM.

  10. #10
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    Add a timer to gather points that triggers when the first person gets there, a minute or two is fine.

    Fix all quest exit doors. Two that come to mind are Ruinous Schemes and Sacred Bounty. I want to say Thralls of the Fungus Lord is also broken. I think Needle in a Fey Stack drops you slayer enterance from the hut. Should be easy for the QA to find them all and verify they are fixed.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yamato-San View Post
    A simple one: Auto-mount.
    Select a horse/dino with a right click as "use always"; enter a zone where riding is enabled and be mounted.
    Put the mount on your hotbar and you can pre-load it during the loading screen as you zone in

    Still requires a button press but saves you the induction bar

    Quote Originally Posted by Xgya View Post

    I'd love this, but I also understand some buffs also require the player to stand still or at least move slower while you cast them, and that IS part of their cost, which we can't exactly pay for on auto-refresh.
    Much like DOTs breaking induction bars after combat, I really don't see that as a useful penalty. You're not going to die because you refreshed Divine Favor in combat. All it does is break the flow of combat and force arbitrary micromanagement, which isn't fun, and isn't the kind of player skill I think the game needs to reward. I think the game would be improved if buffs were always on, and the trade-off became resource management, especially for non caster classes with more limited SP pools. That's part of the QOL upgrade. That would still create value for Extend too since it reduces resource cost over time.

  12. #12
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    Get rid of the death timer once the quest/raid completes. It's really annoying dying right at the end of a raid and having to wait around for a minute and a half to res and loot. I mean, not that it would ever happen to me. I'm just asking for a friend. ;-)

  13. #13
    Community Member vryxnr's Avatar
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    I've always been confused and disappointed that taking damage while opening a door or pulling a lever or activating a rune doesn't proc a concentration check to continue the task uninterrupted.

    My own wishes would include things like:

    Add a concentration check to performing tasks when taking damage to not get interrupted.

    Remove invisible walls (either turn them into an actual graphic blocking the path, a forcefield if it makes sense thematically, or allow us through).

    Bring life back to "trapper" and sneaky types / stealthy playstyle, by doing things like: removing "kill to unlock" as mandatory requirements (optional instead for those who cannot pick locks), have forcefields that block paths tied to a specific caster enemy or a rune to activate rather than "all enemies in this area", bring back ranged noise distractions (where you could hit a distant wall, and the sound will originate from the wall hit, leading nearby enemies to investigate it rather than instantly homing into your location), etc.

    Cosmetics tab akin to pets and horses. Them taking up inventory is annoying af.

    More favorable collision detection (when the server and the client don't agree due to latency, lean more in the direction of the client instead of the server. I know most companies are reluctant to do this as that allows the devious to have an easier time cheating, but for those of us who are honest, it will greatly reduce rubber banding, ladder glitches, jumping fails, falling through platforms, air jets sending you all over the place inconsistently, getting hit by attacks that look like they completely missed you, etc), letting player skill shine more vs relying much more on just having the stats to survive and trying multiple times for certain tasks that should be skill based (jumping puzzles). This would also let things like Tumble being used in combat to be actually really valuable, but still not necessary due to also being able to build for stats to just absorb it all (making combat potentially more dynamic when there isn't a tank around).
    Last edited by vryxnr; 01-12-2023 at 04:13 PM.

  14. #14
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    • Stop releasing content where the bugs and problems have already been found (and often with ideas on how to correct) by the Llama players. Fix, then release - don't "do it live". Measure twice and cut once should be a mantra around the office.
    • Stop the platitudes your players have heard Nth times before and can no longer believe.
    • Stop changing things just to change them, maybe don't change them if/when a lot of players vocalize the change is bad. Even if y'all worked hard on it.

    This is an impossible list, and I know none of it will come to pass. But, every point on it bears repeating. Often. Loudly.
    Last edited by Memnir; 01-12-2023 at 04:15 PM.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  15. #15
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    1. 1-3,000 more storage spaces in shared bank.
    2. Free or plat teleports to all wilderness quest entrances.

    And obviously fix the lag but whatever.
    If I can read the dev tracker, you can too.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    maybe don't change them if/when a lot of players vocalize the change is bad. Even if y'all worked hard on it.
    Maybe they could run ideas past players before doing a ton of development work? I'm pretty sure sunk cost phalicy is behind 90% of the extremely negative changes we've had to deal with.
    If I can read the dev tracker, you can too.

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