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  1. #1
    Community Member archest's Avatar
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    Default Guard items and Crafting

    I picked this item up somewhere, dont recall were.
    It appears to be craftable with airguard intact.

    if I were to set this with a item level shard.
    Is that all that can be done with this item?

    If I were to clean it and ready it for crafting would the air guard remain?

    can we get guard item shards back in Cannith crafting?
    earth grab , air guard , magma surge.....

    or can the existing guard enhancement remain in the item like augment slots, silver , adminine....
    Last edited by archest; 01-06-2023 at 11:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by archest View Post
    I picked this item up somewhere, dont recall were.
    It appears to be craftable with airguard intact.
    Huh. I'm not sure I agree... or, rather, it's not clear to me what it is, because it "appears" to be a couple different things at the same time!

    Quote Originally Posted by archest View Post
    If I were to clean it and ready it for crafting would the air guard remain?
    That's the issue - there is some indication that it's already "clean" (i.e. disjuncted, or blanked) and ready for crafting. (I say this because it already states you should apply a ML shard).

    But there were some problems with Guard shards at one time*, so I'm wondering if this is just a bug and the Guard was added (in the suffix position) without the need for the item first being prepared with a ML shard. And this is not a simple "Guard" effect - this has the ability to knock-down, which is outside CC.

    (* specifically that ML didn't change how Guard was applied; the bug would be that you could apply a Guard shard without the need for an ML shard, and that any ML shard would give the same result - possibly???)

    Quote Originally Posted by archest View Post
    or can the existing guard enhancement remain in the item like augment slots, silver , adamantine....
    That's the problem - barring someone who has experience with this specific situation speaking up, it is an unknown.

    I'd ~think~ that a guard effect would not survive disjunction, but... who knows what bugs/quirks survive in the CC/droploot system.

    What I recommend is that you apply a ML shard and see. If it did indeed "survive" a previous disjuncting (blanking), then it should(?) again*. If you get 2 available slots to drop shards into, it's a win; if not, it's a small loss.

    (* Unless the window for that bug has been closed - which can happen.)

    Quote Originally Posted by archest View Post
    can we get guard item shards back in Cannith crafting?
    earth grab , air guard , magma surge.....
    2 problems here: 1, you're talking apples and orangutans. Simple "Guard" effects are one thing, and the "earth grab/magma surge/etc/etc" effects are an entirely different thing with their own special effects, and were never part of the CC system.

    Last I heard, standard damage CC "Guard" effects were bugged, and only did 1d6 no matter what ML was applied. But worse, beyond 1d6 (and character level ~4, so after The Harbor quests) you don't want to waste an effect slot on a Guard effect.

    Why? Because it doesn't scale - not with melee power, and certainly not with character level! An xd6 effect only does xd6, up to Level 32.

    Guard items are triggered by you getting hit. In the Harbor, a typical mob might hit you for... let's say 7 points of damage, so your item doing an average 3.5 passively is a decent addition to your own DPS. However, by the time you start mid-heroics, maybe Character Level 8, mobs are doing ~30 points of damage (and MUCH more with crits/bosses!), and 2- to 3d6 (7-10 Guard damage) just isn't keeping up. So you're volunteering for a losing trade off.

    By default (and before Insightful), your 12 gear slots (not including weapons/quiver) only give you room for 24 effects. By the time you're Character Level 5+, you can do much better than "Guard", and you want to!

  3. #3
    Community Member J1NG's Avatar
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    Slightly off tangent, but I noticed that guards were working on being missed too these days (a few months ago at least I noticed this, I have not checked again lately). So whilst it may not be much in the grand scheme of things, in theory you could get a small amount of damage going if you are facing off against multiple assailants that attack fairly quickly and can avoid being hit at the same time.

    I am unsure if that got changed back to needing to be hit to trigger again since then though (as sometimes changes get leaked through and wasn't intended). Although again, this is for the basic damage guards, and not the effect guards.

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  4. #4
    Community Member archest's Avatar
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    used to be good guard and evil guard and such these are new after the last crafting update and those item were removed.

    earth grab guard , was not part of the cc system ( not sure if it was even part of the game before the old system was nerfed)
    but if silver weapons can remain as part of a craftable item like augment slots
    then this current enhancement of these types of guard items could be as well I would think since they exist in the items now but are removed when cleaning for crafting.
    I used to use evil guard and still have a few items I crafted using it.
    no longer available
    I hate seeing these newer guard enhancements disappear Slay Living Guard for example.
    I would like to see it remain in the item like an augment slot or a material part of the item.
    Last edited by archest; 01-07-2023 at 09:44 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Firebreed's Avatar
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    Default Update us please!

    I had a similar item with Freezing Ice Guard; it seemed as if Freezing Ice Guard remained after disjunction, but when I actually crafted on the item, the Freezing Ice Guard went away. Please update us on what happens with your item should you choose to craft on it!

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