Anybody find anything yet?
I have purchased a bloodhound and hired a private detective to aid in my search. I will post back periodically with updates.
Anybody find anything yet?
I have purchased a bloodhound and hired a private detective to aid in my search. I will post back periodically with updates.
"It's not the lash they fear. It is my Boots of Divine Power."
Can you elaborate on what you mean here? Maybe I'm just having a brain fart, but I am having a hard time understanding what you mean with the "ISO" acronym.
Dragnilar, Follow of Bahamut
Server: Khyber
Guild: ClanNotAGuild
Probably means list some good/great VIP bonus ideas.
Here are a few.
VIP's have shared past lives per server (all chars on a server share past lives with each other).
VIP's can use vet status with reincarnation (Start at level 4/7 when reincarnating as non-iconic).
VIP's give an additional (on top of current 10% bonus) 5% exp bonus to all party members stacking up to 20% (4 vip members).
VIP's can teleport to guild ship from anywhere in town (non wilderness areas/quests).
VIP's get 1000 DDO points per month AND a 10% discount (replaced by any discount larger than that).
VIP's get 1 free chest re-roll per day.
VIP's get 1 free 20 lesser heart of wood per month.
VIP's straight up have unlimited augment removal (no jewlers kits required). You can swap augments at will while VIP.
VIP's get 1 extra class change for any lesser reincarnation (+1 means 2 classes, +3 is 4 and +5 is 6).
VIP two part. VIP's can hire 2 hirelings at a time (non-gold) AND can hire rogue hirelings in heroic levels. STill need gold for more than that.
Obviously not all of them at once. Think we should do away with the requirement for past lives or VIP to start on elite at this point, it only affects new players anyway, and HC. I think we should keep the saga skip (even if I have only used it like once ever), as it's a nice perk.
Same with keeping the exp bonus but i'd expand on that like above, adding a party bonus (or make that flat out for everyone, but it's a good way to incentivize VIP, that'll help get more parties going.
Anyway just a few ideas.
It is interesting to see what some of us consider a great perk.
It would be nice if they could set up a trader for VIP like they do when you go pick up your expansion loot. Every month you can select: Discount in the store, cosmetic for the month, gold rolls, or some other ideas people have, but make the month long only and they go away at the end of the month.
For me personally I would love an instant teleport. I do not have the ultimate collection for each expansion, but would keep my sub for instant teleport to any expansion, or possibly more locations.
Just my 2 cents
All great ideas except the one where only VIPs *give* grouping bonus. That could lead to elitism "LFM Von3, VIP ONLY". Instead just make it 5% per member. People don't open LFMs often enough, but they go out of their way to get voice, so 5% is good. Current 1% is just too low.
Still looking.
"It's not the lash they fear. It is my Boots of Divine Power."
Actually, no, but I respect you for taking the to formulate some suggestions, which is clearly more effort than SSG has expended.
(Hey, SSG, here's how you defuse this bomb quickly and easily: keep the gold rolls in place until such time as you are ready to unveil new VIP bonuses. Order restored; value of player opinions respected.)
"It's not the lash they fear. It is my Boots of Divine Power."
Free server transfers for VIP
Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks
These two together would do nicely.
VIP's can use vet status with reincarnation (Start at level 4/7 when reincarnating as non-iconic).
VIP's get 1 free chest re-roll per chest
Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda
I like these.
The chest reroll definitely sounds like a VIP perk. QoL with absolutely no effect on maximum power. Even making less than once per chest would still be pretty impactful. Say, once every hour or every few hours.
Some of Wolfy above's ideas would be salvageable too
Though I think the first of those two should be an item in the next Anniversary event, because it'd be a lot easier to make as an item than a perk.Originally Posted by Wolfy
Eternal Airship Beacon. Once per hour, beacon.
The augment swap would require some extra coding to work, which is the reason I'm only calling it salvageable, but it'd still be neat.
Enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiast.
Way too many people vocally told SSG that VIP was fine as it is, so we aren't getting any improvements to it. Ever.
Each year they might whittle something else away. Maybe next year the 10% XP bonus drops to 5, the movement speed(which already doesn't work half the time) gets dropped entirely. This is the message SSG sent us.
Okay, I have no idea what you mean by "way too many people vocally told SSG that VIP was fine as it is", but the other message SSG is sending is that they are relying on a core group of desperate Stockholm Syndrome players that will not cut ties with this game short of their own deaths, full-scale nuclear war, or the demise of DDO itself.
It's been said any number of times that "the game is dying" or that SSG is itself crafting DDO's exit strategy. Is any of this true? Beats me, but if it is, what's the hold up? End it. No point in forestalling the inevitable. The Stockholmers will be sad, but no one ever said gaming under the SSG wing was fair, right?
"It's not the lash they fear. It is my Boots of Divine Power."
Take a look at literally any one of the threads recently complaining about the loss of daily gold roles. They are FULL of people saying "no, vip was fine, we didn't need the daily gold roles and we don't need anything else".
Yes its completely stupid to claim SSG is deliberately sabotaging the game so they can justify shutting it down. They don't have to do that. Look at Asheron's Call. They wanted to shut it down. So they shut it down.
No, SSG is just completely tone deaf, head in the sand, and willing to ignore every single problem with the game as long as the same 5 people in the community(who are pretty obviously just 1 person with 5 forum accounts) insist that everything is just fine as it is.
Perhaps make it 2% per party member always, and 5% per vip member with a cap of 20% (so 2 VIP's in a party and the rest non-vip will still hit cap, and a full party of non-vips still get a benefit. That should prevent (VIP only parties).
Augment swapping would just require a special jewlers toolkit that you get in your inventory as long as you are VIP. You could just code that (And even that would just require copying the code for a normal jewlers kit and then make it not go poof after using it). Unlimited use as long as you are VIP, but it goes poof (or perhaps just stops working) if you are not VIP.
The teleporting this is just a minor bonus tbh, and would not affect me at all for most of my characters (I'm a fan of favored souls and I can use word of recall in a quest to get to the guild ship in a a minute from anywhere (even without finishing out of a quest after finishing it). Still would be nice for characters without teleport/word of recall etc.
could also have a longer list of bonuses and have random ones each month for everyone, you don't find out what they are till the start of the new month, and have it actually be based on dice rolls lol....that would be a blast, all of us waiting to see what we will get (you have some that are always in effect, but you also get say, 3 random, VIP bonuses each month as well. That would add some fun into it (you could also do it per player but I kinda like us all being in the same boat for it hehe).
Mainly, I think VIP should be a draw that makes people actually want it, not to support the game (which is great) but because it makes the game MORE FUN. That is the whole point of playing this game. I in no way have felt the game was more fun because I was VIP....well .....almost ever to be honest. I paid subs before FTP came around and just kept doing so afterwards but didn't actually get anything from it. Gold rolls occasionally can give a tome or something but yeah, never, ever, even close, to the value of money I paid VIP for (I got.....I think....1 +5 tome and a few lower +tomes from gold rolls, a bunch of exp/treasure/slayer potions etc, but nothing amazing in the last year.
I did get a freakton of exp stones......but I really don't get much out of them since I mainly reincarnate as Iconic now. They are all just sitting there waiting to be used next time I decide to make another "main" character (3 is plenty though I have no intentions of making a 4th anytime soon).
Anyway more good VIP perk ideas we give them the better I think, maybe they will see them and use the ideas. I would really appreciate being happy I am subbing. Yes, I'll continue to sub anyway, I also buy DDO points and I spent over $300 on the game last year. I love this game. I am not going to stop subbing cause gold rolls are gone (don't even care tbh), but I would like to actually get things I like from subbing since I could just buy points with the same money and actually get useful things that way.
This might be hard to do due to coding…I have no idea
Sure, the favor is not hard to obtain, but does represent time…
Auto leveling to 4 or 7 and still having to get the favor does not really help (me).
Also, I have so many XP gems, I always start at 3 or 4 anyway.
Reincarnating and not having to do House C and K just to get back the bank and bag space would be nice.
Last edited by DareDelvis; 01-08-2023 at 09:57 AM.
Fellowship of the Bling Ghallanda
Main: Shado
Tier 1 Alts: DareDelvis; Ottis; Tortelvis
Tier 2 Alts and Banks: JoeBiten; Hary Darkness; BurnyCynders; Ashhole; Mournfist; Maimonides; DareDelviss; Aeteentee; DareSoulvis; Rambam; Jawill; DoubleDee; Myzadventure; Krav Maga; Snakecobra; and others
The problem with the first suggestion is that it would make low level areas much emptier and make it even harder for the game to entice and retain new players.
The second suggestion (about 3 to 15 shards value) seems to be kinda similar in impact as the daily gold dice (12 shards). I don't see how they'd implement the second when they decided against keeping the first.
I'd guess they'll be more inclined to add benefits that won't have direct impact on the store/shards economy (i.e. no things that can be bought already).