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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Chain flagging is one of the worst aspects of DDO

    Having to constantly reflag quest like Ravenloft and Sharn is just infuriating. There are few enough LFMs these days and not being able to join a group because they are on the second quest in a chain seems at minimum counter productive. Can anyone make a good case for chain flagging, why is it even a thing? If you want to get the full flavor of a quest chain you have the choice of running them in order. Removing the flagging requirements, or better yet, not putting them there in the first place seems to make sense to me.

  2. #2
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phatlewts View Post
    Having to constantly reflag quest like Ravenloft and Sharn is just infuriating. There are few enough LFMs these days and not being able to join a group because they are on the second quest in a chain seems at minimum counter productive. Can anyone make a good case for chain flagging, why is it even a thing? If you want to get the full flavor of a quest chain you have the choice of running them in order. Removing the flagging requirements, or better yet, not putting them there in the first place seems to make sense to me.
    Absolutely remove flagging

    I don’t know how many times someone joined group only to drop because they are not flagged

    Ravinloft at least can be red boxed

    The argument for flagging is storyline but after having played it umteen times we know the story that’s just arbitrary

    Lore wise a group that is on any certain quest in a chain could recruit a new team member they are going to repeat flagging in a story perspective they would just begin where they left off

    Flagging is game design that’s come from games where once you flag that’s it that makes sense in a storyline to flag once but in DDO you reset flagging with TR

    If we only every had to flag a character once that be fine but as it is now it’s just an exclusion from groups

  3. #3
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    + 1

    Remove flagging, make all quest red-door-able-

    It even doesn't make sense lorewise to not be able to reddoor. Most places quests take part in , any adventurer could go to, nothing stopping them for entering. Even if the "quest giver" hasn't told them personally to go there, they have told a party member to go there so they can just follow the party.

    And with TR you have memories of your pastlives, so not just the player would know the story but the character too.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phatlewts View Post
    Having to constantly reflag quest like Ravenloft and Sharn is just infuriating. There are few enough LFMs these days and not being able to join a group because they are on the second quest in a chain seems at minimum counter productive.
    These two are especially problematic since Into the Mists and A Sharn Welcome are so short.

  5. #5
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    I like the idea of flagging in theory but in a practical sense these days with the state of the population being what it is flagging should be removed for everything. It's hard enough to fill groups as is, particularly raids.

    Pretty sure the devs know and agree with this though from looking at their comments and actions. We haven't seen any flagging requirements that I can remember in new content for quite a while. Ex: Hunter raid, Dryad raid, Skeletons raid have no flagging. DQ1 reflagging requirement was removed recently for DQ2.

    Pretty sure none of the Feywild, Saltmarsh or Dread quests require flagging. Hunter pack and Grip packs don't have any flagging requirements for the quests.

    iirc one of the devs made comments in a fairly recent interview that they wanted to retroactively remove flagging for everything but there's a technical hurdle of some kind. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
    Last edited by axel15810; 01-06-2023 at 12:36 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post
    I like the idea of flagging in theory but in a practical sense these days with the state of the population being what it is flagging should be removed for everything. It's hard enough to fill groups as is, particularly raids.

    Pretty sure the devs know and agree with this though from looking at their comments and actions. We haven't seen any flagging requirements that I can remember in new content for quite a while. Ex: Hunter raid, Dryad raid, Skeletons raid have no flagging. DQ1 reflagging requirement was removed recently for DQ2.

    Pretty sure none of the Feywild, Saltmarsh or Dread quests require flagging. Hunter pack and Grip packs don't have any flagging requirements for the quests.

    iirc one of the devs made comments in a fairly recent interview that they wanted to retroactively remove flagging for everything but there's a technical hurdle of some kind. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
    Yeah especially with low pop, flagging is not a good mechanic.

    Wasn't actively playing back then but I heard population dropped dramatically by the end of MOTU. So that's when flagging and strict party makeup requirements (ex. needing a trapper because traps are not survivable) should have stopped IMHO. Unfortunately they did flagging as late as Sharn. Only stopped at Feywild.

    Hopefully they can work out the issues and retroactively change questlines and flagging.

  7. #7
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    Approx 13 years ago when I first came to DDO, I joined a guild. My new guildies took me to various low level quests so that I could be flagged for Water Works.

  8. #8
    Community Member Merrillman's Avatar
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    God yes please remove flagging. i have missed strahd raid literally every time since launch because when people run it i am never flagged. Just let us run the quests we like free and clear.

  9. #9
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Default Disagree

    I love the flagging quests and storyline. This is very D&D style. You only have to flag for any flagging series once in your characters life.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Flagging for ravenloft and sharn can be done on either heroic or epic/legendary.

    I don't think the flagging is that big of a deal. There are a few quest chains that can be done out of order, and still flag for raids. That I can see being a nice change for all raid flagging. But honestly, story lines and quest chains is a big part of ddo as a whole. It is nice to have a mix of chains and stand alone quests.

    Also, both ravenloft and sharn have 2 raids each, 1 requires flagging, other does not. So there is that.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  11. #11
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post
    I love the flagging quests and storyline. This is very D&D style. You only have to flag for any flagging series once in your characters life.
    This is not true with TR system in place you have to repeatedly flag a character if you want to be flagged a charicters life is not just get to cap & sit there

  12. #12
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    Flagging for ravenloft and sharn can be done on either heroic or epic/legendary.

    I don't think the flagging is that big of a deal. There are a few quest chains that can be done out of order, and still flag for raids. That I can see being a nice change for all raid flagging. But honestly, story lines and quest chains is a big part of ddo as a whole. It is nice to have a mix of chains and stand alone quests.

    Also, both ravenloft and sharn have 2 raids each, 1 requires flagging, other does not. So there is that.
    Flagging for raids could stay but flagging for quests should be removed or at least let Redbox or run in any order it’s just an anti grouping mechanism once you already know the story

  13. #13
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    Eveningstar is by far the worst. Would be awesome if the key just counted as flagged.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  14. #14
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seph1roth5 View Post
    Eveningstar is by far the worst. Would be awesome if the key just counted as flagged.
    Agreed. Evenigstar is at the top of the list for sure.

    Sagas is what keeps me coming back to eveningstar. If not for them, not sure I'd ever flag there again.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  15. #15
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    Flagging for raids / end rewards of quest chains / etc doesn't bother me.

    I do think people should be able to "redbox" any quest for XP tho, if they are willing to give up whatever the flagging would've given them.

    I think this would be the best compromise.

  16. #16
    Community Member CaptainPurge's Avatar
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    Too late now, but imagine flagging persists through Reincarnations on that character. After all, you remember the story lines, etc, through a previous life.
    The reason I say "too late now" is because that type of change is pretty rare.

  17. #17
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Agreed flagging should die. I've hated it in every MMO I've ever played.

    They should start with ****ing Threnal though. Start with the hardest one to deal with, that'll demonstrate you mean it.
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    My words are great. Even out of context.

  18. #18
    Community Member Paladin_of_Power's Avatar
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    Agreed flagging for quest really stinks of someone wants to join your sharn 2 for example and they haven’t ran everything in Sharn one plus flagging for a raids really stinks cause sometimes we have trouble filling raid spots let’s just drop all the flagging requirement shall we

  19. #19
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainPurge View Post
    Too late now, but imagine flagging persists through Reincarnations on that character. After all, you remember the story lines, etc, through a previous life.
    The reason I say "too late now" is because that type of change is pretty rare.
    Yeah they did it with tomes but that was to sell tomes

    Rather they just make ALL QUESTS either be able to run in any order or at least redboxable

    Raids I’d like to see flag one & done

  20. #20
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    We have little enough immersion as it is keep flagging for 1st life characters maybe remove it for a 2nd life.

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