Most basic way to explain it.
You already value VIP. --->That's good.
He doesn't. --->That's not so good.
SSG is
already getting your money. --->That's good.
SSG will NOT be getting his money. --->If enough people feel his way, this will not work out so well for the company.
Your opinion of the value has zero impact on his estimation of the value. Only his estimation of the value affects incoming money to SSG since they are already getting yours.
Who knows? But that's at the heart of the issue as to why many people no longer value VIP. They've had free codes catching people up on content twice(?), they've given away some races and classes that were previously premium, they've pushed to make a large scale content update each year for the last 3 or 4 years that is NOT included in VIP so VIP ALL content access has little to no meaning anymore. Movement speed trumped by mounts. Elite unlock matters the most on HC because regular servers have enough TRs that can open elite for any PuG VIP or no. The points have value... but in a game that pushes you through the content over and over and over... well points add up just because of the entire TR mechanic which is THE QUINTESSENTIAL mechanic of the game. None of these decisions are inherently bad as they get new and returning players involved and semi-caught up with long time players via content but it has over time devalued and eroded the very definition of VIP.
So what does VIP have really that can truly in almost any situation be considered a PERK? Saga Skip, 10% extra XP, weekly gold rolls?
I own everything but isle of Dread, and I subbed for 3 months during HC 6 for elite opening. Daily Gold Dice was really neat. I cannot explain it but I rolled better on Gold than I have EVER rolled on silver. I typically roll a 100 on silver 2
maybe 3 times a year. I came away from those 3 months with 3 gold 100s on HC and 2 on Thelanis, and at least 1 more on EVERY other server. I cannot explain that, but I have proof in the tomes/hearts/horses/cosmetics on the characters that I may someday transfer to my main server. If my experience was even halfway typical I can fully understand why some people might feel the loss of daily gold.
IF daily Gold Rolls is completely off the table then to make VIP seem more worthwhile to people in general, I would suggest:
- Upping VIP XP to 15%
- Add Once a day free VIP chest reroll, NOT once to every chest... just ONCE a day
- Add VIP in-game store discount, 10% ALL the time, EVERYTHING, but not additive to other sales. So if something goes on sale for 25% off VIP doesn't get 35% off. Might make some people more loose with their points and actually need to buy points occasionally. Won't make a difference for most things where even VIP would wait for big sales.
- Regenerating sp/hp faster in public areas.
- Either a VIP Bigby's Guide FEAT that lets a VIP put down a single guiding hand of any color (put another down the first disappears) or a VIP Guild Beacon FEAT which allows VIP to get to their Airship more conveniently. The first shouldn't interfere with sales as I do NOT know a single person that buys them from the store, the second option might interfere with sales but it has VIP convenience written all over it. Feat gets removed automatically when no longer VIP, kind of like a favor feat but the faction is VIP.
Idk if it would be enough but it might be enticing.