Is it not time to do a wishlist for what we that love ddo hope to get next year? :-)
My wishlist:
1. Iconic dwarf artificer
2. 1 new class or race or one or more subclasses (love all 3 new ones!- but stormsinger was best/funniest of the 3 imho)
3. A new expansion- maybe to Krynn now when new stuff are released? (and a Class or race from Krynn had been just awesome)
4. A new destiny! (aritificer focused maybe? or a divine focused 2h melee focused one? or something else like a warforged focused one?)
5. + 9 tomes only for the 2 new raids this year! (and next year you can sell them to all in store but have it 1 year as a drop not purchasable for runes/store = many want to run raids and raid scene will be even better! :-)
6. A quest pack in cooperation with Keith Baker incorporating new Eberron stuff!
I know this is way too little for the game and much more will be done in 2023, so what do other want? Bring it on dear ppl!