Sorc iconic...Dragonborn, for sure.
Arti and Warlock EDs.
Actual Melee Warlock Archetype (Eldritch Claws or Eldritch Glaive?)
Make Scouts, either as its own class, or a Rogue Archetype.
Split Archmage into two trees, one a Kineticist, dealing damage, slinging spells, less raw oomph than Sorc, but with a few neat procs to help along, the other Willbender, Enchantment and Illusion Specialist, crowd control extraordinaire.
(I know that last one is a bit far-fetched, but I'm a minionmancer at heart)
Make summons and pets viable endgame
Enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiast.
Yes, this absolutely. Though teleporting shouldn't be VIP only (then people have to wait longer for people without VIP to enter.) Add quest auto share too. Or a button to share the quest you're in. Sometimes confusing to find the right quest in your log.
I'll also add: This is an MMO. I have nothing against soloers. But doing quest C solo (even if you do like grouping) because grouping up with others in the LFM to do either quest A or B gives you LESS xp (because you already did those), shouldn't happen IMHO.
So please rebalance xp / rxp so it's not so much reliant on first time bonus and bravery (latter regular xp only). Or copy bravery/first time from party leader if he has those open. (limit 1 /day maybe).
Yes please make more items account bound, and expand storage massively. Or at least provide an official way to search through your mules inventories and banks.
Hard agree on number 1.
Soft agree on the second- I don't personally think it should be a VIP benefit. Though I'm also imagining something more akin to the Ravenloft quest teleporters rather than a Bracelet of Friends.
Soft disagree on the third point. I actually feel like character paths should be removed, and SSG should devote that space, and their effort, into onboarding players to the forums (and other community spaces), and giving new players the basic DDO literacy tools to find and use the vast wealth of community knowlage.
I've been holding out hope that the Dragonborn iconic is based on the old Dragonborn of Bahamut race from 3.5, being a Favored Soul iconic. BUT... if that isn't going to happen (And it isn't likely to happen), then I can sign on to a Dragonborn Sorc iconic.
For the melee warlock, +1. Hard agree.
For scouts: Scouts are really fun in PnP. In fact, anytime I see a fellow player playing a Rogue, and they aren't having fun, I always suggest they switch to Scout. And so far that's fixed the issue 100% of the time. But Scouts are just a hybrid of Ranger and Rogue, and it's actually less than then sum of its two component base-classes.
I don't think there's really enough substance there to warrant an entire new class, with all the baggage that entails. BUT, I do hard agree it should be an Archetype. (either Rogue, as you suggested. Or Ranger, which I've always found it to be more thematically aligned with).
Might I recommend instead of Willbender, we go with the Mindbender class from Complete Arcane. And HARD AGREE summons and pets being made viable.
1. Development has slowed to a crawl and been really unfinished when put out in large part because Tolero just spent June to November running for local political office. So number one wish is she goes back to actually producing. Someone needs to crack the whip.
2. There is a lot of BS not being in office stuff at SSG. I think it makes the product much worse. Number two wish is that they actually have to go back to work in the office.
3. Finish things. There need to be more Destinies... Isle of Dread is pretty half assed compared to Fewild, Sharn and Ravenloft. Polish it and add story content.
4. Then some perennials... make the UI scaleable, make a reincarnation template system etc...
More cosmetics for Reaper points.
Something minor for points above 156.....(+2-4 HP per point.....inside reaper....min level 31 to get this).
Make all BTC items BTA........or at least make the "Wish of inheritance" permanently make that item BTA.
Add some more thing to do with the Nebula Fragment......maybe make it so that you can add a 4th filigree slot to ANY artifact?
Fix the inactive LFM entries. That can't be that hard to fix, right? Low hanging fruit if you ask me.
I've been looking at this one lately. I keep getting Failed messages when dragging the collectable bag to the shared bank. This got me thinking that maybe they ARE dropping but invisible in the UI, maybe a bad string or table lookup mashup. Then when dropping into the bank they trip the failed message. Just a theory, I need to look at it some more. Probably get a fresh character/account and get a bag and shared bank and try just collecting the no drops and dragging the empty bag over the shared. Then trying the same, but this time with some amount of actual collectables mixed in as well.
Bring back the Divine Vitality. I don't mind if I need a burn a feat on it, I want to give Spellpoints back to my teamates.
Also a Mystic Theurge Enchantment Tree could be nice
Last edited by Eizer; 01-02-2023 at 03:28 AM.
For 1 & 2 I'm down with that!
Maybe add to #2 an EK tree for Warlocks where their Pact imbue can be applied to a weapon, thus making a Melee-Warlock possible.
For Wizard EK, change the imbues from being elemental based to something that better represents the differences between Sorcerers and Wizards. Instead, use Rust, Force, Sonic and Negative powers for imbues.
Last edited by Smokewolf; 01-02-2023 at 05:19 AM.
Monk Pass
Lizard Man Race, with unarmed and sword and board dps.
Sword and Board pass. Needs to be a viable DPS play-style.
Archmage pass. This is way past due.
Say it with me everyone:
If I can read the dev tracker, you can too.
Move this puppy on to Unreal Engine 5. So the **** game doesn't feel like I'm doing IT over the phone with an elderly person.
"The proper office of a friend is to side with you when you are in the wrong. Nearly anybody will side with you when you are in the right."
The Burning Hand ~ Sarlona
(\/)annaz ~ (\/)annox ~ (\/)anny ~ (\/)annfred
I'm going to have to echo the Iconic Dragonborn demand. I'll add - make it Metallic and design it so that it has a decent synergy with the other charisma heavy classes (I.E. Pallies and Bards).
My silly extra wish: And make it a Forgotten Realms race so there's wiggle room for adding Bahamut as a deity choice.
Oh yeah, and second the Sword and Board pass. Vanguard is severely in need of some rework.
Last edited by thegreatcthulhu; 01-02-2023 at 09:17 PM.
Dragnilar, Follow of Bahamut
Server: Khyber
Guild: ClanNotAGuild
1. Help the alts. The number of PLs currently in existence is stupid.
2. Filters for the crafting bank. Why don't we have them yet?
3. That they give us the space that we have in the cache and eliminate it; TRs are hell because of the stupid TR cache. And a review of btc items, turning into bta all items that are not raid and end game (and the jibbers)
4. Cosmetic storage. And convert the iconic ancient cosmetics into bta: shadar-kai, morninglord, bladeforged...
5. No more nerfs or unnecessary changes. I'm tired of having to change my builds. And even more so having to pay for it, because they don't give hearts, sentient kits, or jewelers kits.
6. Wishes for iconic. And by the way for heroic classes too.
Yes, I know. I might as well wish for the moon, given the odds that my wishes will come true.
For an iconic sorcerer I would prefer the genasi races, which have a link to the elemental planes. That would be authentically iconic, although of course the iconic ones in ddo are characterized by not having anything iconic in the background sense, so...
But I can dream. The elemental planes are missing their planetouched race in ddo. We have the planetouched races of the upper planes (aasimar), lower planes (tiefling), and the shadar-kai is related to the shadow plane. We lack the elemental planes races, that is, the genasi...