I am just giving my perspective feel free to disagree. It's also possible I am overlooking an option as my knowledge of the game is limited.
I played this game when it originally came out many years ago, and I stopped around the time Amrath came out. I recently started playing again maybe 3 months ago and have enjoyed it. I also want to say what a great community this game has. This is probably the only MMO I have ever played where people don't go into rage mode if you have an underpowered character. I truly enjoy this community. During the last 3 months, I have leveled a sorcerer to 30 twice with the intent of having a single character I could play when I have time. I even bought a few of the expansions and +8 tome with the intent of playing long-term.
Now part of this is my fault for not planning ahead. I will admit that. My first character was a cold Sorcerer(Drow) that I really liked but she was very squishy. My second character was a cold Sorcerer (Dragonborn) who I hated even though state-wise he was much better and easier to play. Last night I hit 30 for the 2nd time and was going to make my 36-point build and start the leveling process one last time.
When doing that and looking at my options for this character. It seems to come down to Drow, Dragonborn, and Tiefling. I am a huge Drow fan but when I look at the 32-point stats vs 36 Dragonborn/Tiefling it's just not comparable. I am like I want to be Drow but why would I do that? "X" race is much better.
I got discouraged from even starting the character. Drow cant compete with Dragonborn stat-wise, I do not want to make my final character a Dragonborn even though they seem to be the best option. I started to play around with Tiefling because they are comparable to Dragonborn stat-wise. However considering they are built specifically for fire I was like well do I want to pass on playing cold sorc for a race a kinda like? It was at this point I just got discouraged altogether.
It would be great if a player could work toward racial parity through racial reincarnation or perhaps in some other way that makes sense. Again my knowledge of the game is limited. If I level a Dragonborn and do a racial reincarnation maybe let me be a drow/human/etc with the Dragonborn stats/abilities. I am probably going to make D&D people lose their minds here because it does not follow the rules