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  1. #1
    Community Member Lycurgus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default General purpose wizard

    Having come back to the game after taking a 2 year hiatus, a LOT has changed. This build is my attempt to adapt to a lot of those changes while allowing for competitive play at the high end. The build is designed to capitalize on the flexibility of the wizard class and focuses on solid dps (force and cold spell power >1100), built-in crowd control effects from the Magister destiny, good saves (84 Fort, 77 will, 106 reflex with evasion and improved evasion), without sacrificing too heavily in the dc department (110 conjuration, 112 enchantment, 116 necromancy). Other caveats include the fact that this is NOT a Pale Master (personal bias, never wanted to play in undead form) and the character IS warforged for immunities and recon.

    The build is described as a racial completionist although I still have about 8 more lives to go. It would probably play better as a deep gnome or possibly a bladeforge for the recon sla. I'm sticking with warforge for nostalgia more than anything else. It's definitely not a build that will work for everyone, but it may provide a fun alternative for anyone looking to run a non-pale-master life. One of the biggest perks is that it allows you to adapt your playstyle based on your mood without requiring gear swaps. If you want to dps, blow things up! Between cone of cold, otilukes freezing sphere, niacs, and ruin you can produce some pretty big numbers. Alternatively, dc casting remains viable especially if your goal is to troll the melee as they rush the mob.

    Variations for flavor:
    There's room to adjust the build for personal preference. The archmage core enhancements can be swapped easily enough with corresponding changes in the affected school dcs. The cores for enchantment and evocation both have appeal and would result in a loss of 1 dc in necromancy. Several feats are a tough choice. The bonus feat at 20 is listed as enlarge for zerging, but it may be more practical to replace enlarge with extend. With a bit more shuffling of feats, enlarge could be replaced with mithral or adamantine body (replace sp focus enchant with body feat at 15, then replace enlarge with sp focus enchant at 20). Embolden at 24 could feasibly be replaced with burst of glacial wrath for more of a dps flavor at the cost of 2 dcs. The Scion feat at 30 could be replaced with a number of options (most notably Celestia or Water). That really comes down to balancing dps vs dc casting to suit your preference.

    Destines have changed one hell of a lot over the last few years. Shiradi has firmly been nerfed to oblivion. Draconic would make for a stronger dps focus. I opted to go with Magister in part to see what the reworked tree does and in large part due to the built-in cc effects and cold focus. Randomly freezing mobs is a blast for questing. Cone of cold followed by otilukes clears rooms. Freezing time? Who doesn't want to freeze time? It's fun, versatile, and group friendly.

    Thoughts, comments, criticisms are welcome.

    Character name: Findael
    Classes: 20 Wizard, 10 Epic, 2 Legendary
    Race: Warforged · · · · · ·Alignment: Lawful Good

    · · ·Start Tome Final
    Str:· · ·8· · 8 · ·31
    Dex:· · 12· · 8 · ·53
    Con:· · 16· · 8 · ·72
    Int:· · 18· · 8 · ·98
    Wis:· · 10· · 8 · ·34
    Cha:· · 12· · 8 · ·57

    HP: 2081
    SP: 4783
    AC: 98
    PRR: 108
    MRR: 75
    Dodge: 27
    Fort: 244
    SR: 20

    Heroic Past Lives
    Past Life: Alchemist
    Past Life: Artificer(2)
    Past Life: Barbarian
    Past Life: Bard(2)
    Past Life: Cleric(3)
    Past Life: Druid(3)
    Past Life: Favored Soul(2)
    Past Life: Fighter
    Past Life: Monk(2)
    Past Life: Paladin(2)
    Past Life: Ranger
    Past Life: Rogue
    Past Life: Sorcerer(3)
    Past Life: Warlock(3)
    Past Life: Wizard(3)

    Racial Past Lives
    Past Life: Aasimar(3)
    Past Life: Dragonborn(3)
    Past Life: Drow(3)
    Past Life: Dwarf(3)
    Past Life: Elf(3)
    Past Life: Gnome(3)
    Past Life: Half-Elf(3)
    Past Life: Half-Orc(3)
    Past Life: Halfling(3)
    Past Life: Human(3)
    Past Life: Shifter(3)
    Past Life: Tabaxi(3)
    Past Life: Tiefling(3)
    Past Life: Warforged(3)

    Iconic Past Lives
    Past Life: Deep Gnome(3)
    Past Life: Purple Dragon Knight

    Epic Past Lives
    Past Life: Arcane Sphere: Ancient Knowledge(2)
    Past Life: Arcane Sphere: Arcane Alacrity(2)
    Past Life: Arcane Sphere: Eclipse Power(2)
    Past Life: Arcane Sphere: Enchant Weapon(3)
    Past Life: Arcane Sphere: Energy Criticals(3)
    Past Life: Divine Sphere: Ancient Blessings
    Past Life: Divine Sphere: Block Energy
    Past Life: Divine Sphere: Brace(3)
    Past Life: Divine Sphere: Power Over Life and Death(3)
    Past Life: Martial Sphere: Ancient Tactics
    Past Life: Martial Sphere: Doublestrike
    Past Life: Martial Sphere: Fortification(3)
    Past Life: Martial Sphere: Skill Mastery
    Past Life: Primal Sphere: Ancient Power
    Past Life: Primal Sphere: Colors of the Queen(3)
    Past Life: Primal Sphere: Doubleshot
    Past Life: Primal Sphere: Fast Healing(3)

    Granted Feats
    Hide in Plain Sight
    Improved Evasion
    Magical Training

    Class and Feat Selection (Consolidated)
    Level Class · · · · · ·Feats
    1 · · Wizard(1) · · · ·Standard: Insightful Reflexes
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Metamagic: Maximize Spell

    3 · · Wizard(3) · · · ·Standard: Spell Penetration

    5 · · Wizard(5) · · · ·Metamagic: Empower Spell

    6 · · Wizard(6) · · · ·Standard: Spell Focus: Necromancy

    9 · · Wizard(9) · · · ·Standard: Past Life: Arcane Initiate

    10· · Wizard(10)· · · ·Metamagic: Heighten Spell

    12· · Wizard(12)· · · ·Standard: Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy

    15· · Wizard(15)· · · ·Standard: Spell Focus: Enchantment
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Metamagic: Quicken Spell

    18· · Wizard(18)· · · ·Standard: Toughness

    20· · Wizard(20)· · · ·Metamagic: Enlarge Spell

    21· · Epic(1) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Epic Toughness

    22· · Epic(2) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Epic Spell Power: Force

    24· · Epic(4) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Embolden Spell

    25· · Epic(5) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Elusive Target

    27· · Epic(7) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Ruin

    28· · Epic(8) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Wind through the Trees

    30· · Epic(10)· · · · ·Epic Feat: Master of Knowledge
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Legendary: Scion of the Shadowfell

    31· · Legendary(1)· · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Arcane Pulse

    Enhancements: 80 APs, Racial 16, Universal 1
    Warforged - Points spent: 17
    Core1 Improved Fortification I
    Core2 Constitution I
    Tier1 Construct Nature I: Construct Hardiness - 3 Ranks
    Tier1 Inscribed Armor - 1 Ranks
    Tier1 Construct Toughness I
    Core3 Improved Fortification II
    Tier2 Construct Nature II: Construct Thinking - 3 Ranks
    Tier2 Construct Toughness II
    Tier3 Memories of the Last War I: Arcane Slinger
    Tier4 Memories of the Last War II: Final Witness
    Arch-Mage - Points spent: 42
    Core1 Specialization I: Necromancy I: Chill Touch
    Tier1 Subtle Spellcasting - 3 Ranks
    Tier1 Spell Critical: Elemental and Force I
    Tier1 Wand and Scroll Mastery - 1 Ranks
    Core2 Specialization II: Necromancy II: Command Undead
    Tier2 Efficient Metamagic: Efficient Maximize - 2 Ranks
    Core3 Specialization III: Necromancy III: Halt Undead
    Tier3 Intelligence I
    Tier3 Spell Penetration - 3 Ranks
    Tier3 Arcane Bolt - 3 Ranks
    Core4 Specialization IV: Necromancy IV: Enervation
    Tier4 Intelligence II
    Tier4 School Mastery: Primary Spell Focus: Necromancy
    Tier4 Efficient Heighten - 1 Ranks
    Core5 Specialization V: Necromancy V: Waves of Fatigue
    Tier5 Arcane Blast - 3 Ranks
    Tier5 Arcane Supremacy
    Tier5 School Mastery II: Primary Spell Focus: Necromancy
    Tier5 Secondary School Mastery: Secondary Spell Focus: Enchantment
    Core6 Master of Magic
    Feydark Illusionist - Points spent: 26
    Core1 Find Familiar: Pseudodragon
    Tier1 Study the Arcane - 2 Ranks
    Tier1 Twist Reality
    Core2 Ability I: Intelligence
    Tier2 You've Got My Back
    Tier2 Reality Bulwark - 3 Ranks
    Tier2 Bend Light
    Core3 Greater Color Spray
    Tier3 Ability I: Intelligence
    Tier3 Spell Penetration - 3 Ranks
    Tier3 Magical Attunement I
    Core4 Ability II: Intelligence
    Tier4 Ability II: Intelligence
    Harper Agent - Points spent: 12
    Core1 Agent of Good I
    Tier1 Traveller's Toughness - 3 Ranks
    Tier1 Weathered Traveller - 2 Ranks
    Tier1 Harper Enchantment
    Core2 Harper Training I: +1 Intelligence
    Tier3 Ability I: +1 Intelligence
    Epic Destinies: 40 APs + 13 permanent Destiny Points
    Primal Avatar - Points spent: 7
    Core1 This is your Nature: Sky
    Tier1 Rejuvenation Cocoon
    Tier1 Seeking Balance - 2 Ranks
    Tier2 Spirit Boon: Mind - 2 Ranks
    Magus of the Eclipse - Points spent: 39
    Core1 Touched by the Moon
    Tier1 Imperceptible Casting - 3 Ranks
    Tier1 Moon Lance: Moon Lance
    Tier1 Frostlight
    Tier1 Impregnable Mind - 3 Ranks
    Core2 Deepening Arcana
    Tier2 Moonlight: Cold Light of the Moon
    Tier2 Chill Aura
    Core3 Nullmagic Aura
    Tier3 Piercing Spellcraft - 3 Ranks
    Tier3 Starlight - 3 Ranks
    Tier3 Lunar Imbuement
    Tier3 Partial Eclipse: Necromancy - 3 Ranks
    Core4 Nightwind
    Tier4 Enhanced Metamagics: Maximize - 2 Ranks
    Tier4 Nullmagic Strike
    Tier4 Improved Arcane Pulse
    Tier4 Greater Beams
    Tier5 Total Eclipse - 3 Ranks
    Tier5 Cosmos: Zero Degree Comet
    Tier5 Time Stop
    Tier5 Lunar Power
    Shadowdancer - Points spent: 15
    Core1 Shadow Training
    Tier1 Stealthy - 3 Ranks
    Tier1 Cover of Darkness - 3 Ranks
    Core2 Step Through Shadows
    Tier2 Lithe - 3 Ranks
    Core3 The Darkest Luck
    Tier3 Spell Focus: Enchantment - 3 Ranks
    Dire Thaumaturge - Points spent: 22
    Core1 Reaper's Arcanum I
    Tier1 Reaper's Arcana I - 3 Ranks
    Tier1 Reaper's Focus I
    Tier1 Reapers's Ability I: +1 Intelligence
    Tier1 Reaper's Deep Magic I
    Core2 Reaper's Arcanum II
    Tier2 Reaper's Ability II: +1 Intelligence
    Tier2 Reaper's Focus II
    Tier2 Reaper's Deep Magic II
    Tier2 Reaper's Arcana II - 3 Ranks
    Tier3 Reaper's Deep Magic III
    Core3 Reaper's Arcanum III: +1 Intelligence
    Tier3 Reaper's Ability III: +1 Intelligence
    Tier3 Reaper's Focus III
    Tier3 Reaper's Arcana III - 3 Ranks
    Core4 Reaper's Arcanum IV
    Tier4 Reaper's Deep Magic IV

    Grim Barricade - Points spent: 23
    Core1 Reaper's Defense I
    Tier1 Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud I: PRR - 3 Ranks
    Tier1 Reaper's Constitution I
    Tier1 Reaper's Evasion I - 3 Ranks
    Tier2 Reaper's Constitution II
    Core2 Reaper's Defense II
    Tier2 Reaper's Bullwark/Shroud II: PRR - 3 Ranks
    Tier2 Reaper's Evasion II - 3 Ranks
    Core3 Reaper's Defense III
    Tier3 Reaper's Constitution III
    Tier3 Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud III: PRR - 3 Ranks
    Core4 Reaper's Defense IV
    Tier4 Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud IV: PRR - 3 Ranks

    Spell Power · · · · · · ·Base · ·Critical Chance· · Critical Multiplier.
    Acid· · · · · · · · · · · 941 · · ·12%· · · · · · · · 15
    Light/Alignment · · · · · 816 · · ·11%· · · · · · · · 15
    Cold· · · · · · · · · · ·1027 · · ·12%· · · · · · · · 50
    Electric· · · · · · · · · 931 · · ·12%· · · · · · · · 15
    Evil· · · · · · · · · · · 801 · · ·11%· · · · · · · · 15
    Fire· · · · · · · · · · · 936 · · ·12%· · · · · · · · 15
    Force/Untyped · · · · · ·1163 · · ·14%· · · · · · · · 60
    Negative· · · · · · · · · 773 · · ·11%· · · · · · · · 30
    Physical· · · · · · · · · 801 · · ·11%· · · · · · · · 15
    Poison· · · · · · · · · · 816 · · ·11%· · · · · · · · 15
    Positive· · · · · · · · · 733 · · ·11%· · · · · · · · 15
    Repair· · · · · · · · · · 819 · · ·11%· · · · · · · · 15
    Rust· · · · · · · · · · · 819 · · ·11%· · · · · · · · 15
    Sonic · · · · · · · · · · 761 · · ·11%· · · · · · · · 15
    School· · · · ·DC
    Transmutation ·102
    Evocation · · ·104
    Abjuration· · ·101
    llusion· · · ·102
    Enchantment · ·112
    Conjuration · ·110
    Necromancy· · ·116

    Equipped Gear Set: Standard
    Armor · · · · Legendary Docent of the Locus · Drops in: Quest: Fall of the Forbidden Temple, end chest
    · · · · · · · Blue: +100 Sapphire of Fortification
    · · · · · · · Yellow: +6 Topaz of Spell Focus: Conjuration
    · · · · · · · Echoes of the Walking Ancestors
    · · · · · · · Deacon of the Auricular Sacrarium
    Belt· · · · · Legendary Admiral's Cummerbund· ·Drops in: Quest: The Trouble with Tar Pits, end chest
    · · · · · · · IoD: Accessory: Claw Slot: Claw: Force Spell Crit Damage
    · · · · · · · Green: +12 Sapphire of Resistance
    · · · · · · · Colorless: Diamond of Vitality +20
    · · · · · · · The Legendary Dread Isle's Curse
    Boots · · · · Legendary Deepsnow Boots· ·Drops in: U48 Quest: A Frosty Reception
    · · · · · · · Green: +12 Diamond of Dexterity
    · · · · · · · Eminence of Winter
    Bracers · · · Legendary Aetherband· ·Drops in: Quest: Roll Call
    · · · · · · · Green: +14 Sapphire of Dodge
    · · · · · · · Legendary Esoteric Initiate
    Cloak · · · · Legendary Walking Ancestor's Shroud · Drops in: Quest: Whispers of Return, end chest
    · · · · · · · Green: +32 Sapphire of Defense
    · · · · · · · Colorless: +2 Festive Intelligence
    · · · · · · · Echoes of the Walking Ancestors
    Gloves· · · · Legendary Greenpine Gauntlets · Drops in: Quest: The Curse and the Captive Crustacean, end chest
    · · · · · · · IoD: Accessory: Scale Slot: Scale: Force Spell Crit Damage
    · · · · · · · Green: +52 Sapphire of False Life
    · · · · · · · Colorless: Globe of True Imperial Blood
    · · · · · · · The Legendary Dread Isle's Curse
    Goggles · · · Legendary Acolyte's Lenses· ·Drops in: Quest: Lost at Sea
    · · · · · · · Green: Topaz of Deathblock
    Helmet· · · · Legendary Walking Ancestor's Helmet · Drops in: Quest: Plundering Pirates' Point, end chest
    · · · · · · · Green: +6 Topaz of Spell Focus: Necromancy
    · · · · · · · Colorless: Globe of True Imperial Blood
    · · · · · · · Echoes of the Walking Ancestors
    Necklace· · · Legendary Pendant of the Earth· ·Drops in: Quest: Wild Thing, end chest
    · · · · · · · IoD: Accessory: Fang Slot: Fang: Force Spell Crit Damage
    · · · · · · · Green: Legendary Wraithborn Emerald
    · · · · · · · Colorless: +2 Festive Constitution
    · · · · · · · The Legendary Dread Isle's Curse
    Quiver· · · · Epic Quiver of Alacrity · Drops in: Raid: The Mark of Death
    Ring1 · · · · Legendary Signet Ring of the Earth· ·Drops in: Quest: Spiders and Flies, end chest
    · · · · · · · IoD: Accessory: Claw Slot: Claw: Magical Resistance Rating
    · · · · · · · Green: +12 Sapphire of Natural Armor
    · · · · · · · Colorless: +5 Diamond of Insightful Dexterity
    · · · · · · · The Legendary Dread Isle's Curse
    Ring2 · · · · Dinosaur Bone Ring· ·Drops in: The Isle of Dread, any legendary chest; or Dread saga legendary end reward
    · · · · · · · IoD: Accessory: Scale Slot: Scale: Cold Spell Crit Damage
    · · · · · · · IoD: Accessory: Fang Slot: Fang: Cold Spell Crit Damage
    · · · · · · · IoD: Accessory: Claw Slot: Claw: Cold Spell Crit Damage
    · · · · · · · IoD: Accessory: Horn Slot: Horn: Sacred DCs
    · · · · · · · Blue: Legendary Undying Sapphire
    · · · · · · · Green: Sapphire of Good Luck + 3
    · · · · · · · Yellow: Draconic Soul Gem
    · · · · · · · The Legendary Dread Isle's Curse
    · · · · · · · Filigree 1: Otto's Irrevocable Power: Intelligence
    · · · · · · · Filigree 2: Otto's Irrevocable Power: MRR
    · · · · · · · Filigree 3: Otto's Irrevocable Power: Spell Power
    · · · · · · · Filigree 4: Otto's Irrevocable Power: Will
    · · · · · · · Filigree 5: Eye of the Beholder/The Inevitable Grave: +2 Intelligence
    Trinket · · · Bottled Rainstorm · Drops in: U48 Raid: The Dryad and the Demigod
    · · · · · · · Blue: Crystallized Unicorn Tear
    · · · · · · · Green: +6 Topaz of Spell Focus: Enchantment
    · · · · · · · Eminence of Autumn
    Weapon1 · · · Attuned Bone Quarterstaff · Drops in: ??
    · · · · · · · IoD: Weapon: Scale Slot: Brightscale
    · · · · · · · IoD: Weapon: Fang Slot: Iridescent Fang
    · · · · · · · IoD: Weapon: Claw Slot: Meltclaw: Intelligence
    · · · · · · · IoD: Weapon: Horn Slot: Icehorn
    · · · · · · · Orange: +149 Ruby of Repair/Rust Spell Power
    · · · · · · · Purple: +149 Ruby of Glaciation Spell Power
    · · · · · · · The Legendary Dread Isle's Curse
    · · · · · · · Sentient Weapon Personality: Sentient Jewel of the Furious
    · · · · · · · Filigree 1: Eye of the Beholder/The Inevitable Grave: +2 Intelligence
    · · · · · · · Filigree 2: Eye of the Beholder: Intelligence
    · · · · · · · Filigree 3: Eye of the Beholder: MRR
    · · · · · · · Filigree 4: Eye of the Beholder: Spellpower
    · · · · · · · Filigree 5: Zarigan's Arcane Enlightenment/Voltaic Experiment: +2 Intelligence
    · · · · · · · Filigree 6: Zarigan's Arcane Enlightenment: 5% Force Absorption
    · · · · · · · Filigree 7: Zarigan's Arcane Enlightenment: Force Spell Power
    · · · · · · · Filigree 8: Zarigan's Arcane Enlightenment: Spell Points
    Weapon2 · · · Restricted by another item in this gear set
    Trinket2· · · Restricted by another item in this gear set
    Trinket3· · · Restricted by another item in this gear set


  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015


    Been away for a really long time plus I have never played a caster. I appreciate this!

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