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  1. #1
    Community Member Scottster's Avatar
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    Default What starter alignment should I choose?

    Lawful good looks good. Neutral good looks okay. Does alignment effect what you do in the game? My character can obey the laws as long as they are reasonable. I know that Elminster and Drizzt Do'Urden are Chaotic Good. I still like looting buildings in games and getting loot that no NPC uses anyway. If that's stealing, then that wouldn't be lawful, yet they aren't using it.

  2. #2
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottster View Post
    Lawful good looks good. Neutral good looks okay. Does alignment effect what you do in the game? My character can obey the laws as long as they are reasonable. I know that Elminster and Drizzt Do'Urden are Chaotic Good. I still like looting buildings in games and getting loot that no NPC uses anyway. If that's stealing, then that wouldn't be lawful, yet they aren't using it.

  3. #3
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    It doesn't make a material difference except that some classes and some warlock pacts are restricted to or from certain alignments

  4. #4
    Community Member archest's Avatar
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    I find neutral alignment opens up weapons availability options.
    its a personal choice for myself.

  5. #5
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    True neutral is the best choice as there are alignment based spells that do full damage to the aligned and half to neutral toons..

    Like Chaos Hammer:
    This spell deals 1d6+4 points of chaotic damage per caster level (Maximum 10d6+40) to lawful creatures, or 2d6+8 points of damage per caster level (Maximum 20d6+80) to lawful outsiders. Additionally, the spell slows lawful creatures for 6d6 seconds. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half and negates the slow effect.
    This spell deals only half damage to creatures who are neither lawful or chaotic, and they are not slowed.
    This spell deals no damage to chaotic creatures, and can only be cast by non-lawful casters.

    Otherwise only take alignment when required for class.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
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  6. #6


    There are some character class options that restrict what alignment you can have. If you want to be a Paladin, you must be lawful good. If you want to be a Monk you must be Lawful, and if you want to be a Barbarian or Bard you must be neutral or chaotic. Druids need to be neutral. Some cleric deities are also rescripted by alignment.

    Other than that, there are only some minor impacts from alignment when playing the game. Some spells do more or less damage to various alignments, but it is not common enough to be important.

    So basically, choose what feels cool, unless it messes up what class you want to choose.
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  7. #7
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    It doesn't make a material difference except that some classes and some warlock pacts are restricted to or from certain alignments
    False (and you should know better, D! )

    There are 3 downsides to choosing "non-Neutral":

    1) Equipping a weapon (and, rarely, certain other named gear) that is aligned counter to the character's alignment (i.e. good vs. evil, or chaos vs. law) will hand the character a "-1 Level" penalty until it is unequipped.

    2) There are some rare-ish monsters and situational attacks that do more damage against certain alignments (e.g. vs. Lawful, or vs. Good, etc.). The additional amount isn't big, but it's there.

    3) There are a (very) few named items that only work with True Neutral. These are hardly deal-breakers for most players, but they're there.

    The only reason not to choose Neutral is either a) for rare class restrictions (as mentioned above), or b) to get some Epic alignment-locked abilities (typically spellcasting), or c) role-playing considerations (for those who value such). If you do not have a specific reason*, just choose Neutral.

    (* There are also some (very) rare quest dialogue options that appear only to certain alignments, but these are so few that I can't imagine any would build specifically for them. If you fit the mold, you fit, otherwise it's never a dealbreaker.)

  8. #8
    Mmm... purple!
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    The only reason not to choose Neutral is either a) for rare class restrictions (as mentioned above), or b) to get some Epic alignment-locked abilities (typically spellcasting), or c) role-playing considerations (for those who value such). If you do not have a specific reason*, just choose Neutral.
    Additional reasons why one might consider choosing an alignment other than neutral.

    d) There are a small number of very rare items that require you to be good to use and have no UMD check to bypass. Ring of the Ancestors

    e) There are some high level epic feats that require you to be lawful or chaotic to benefit from them. Embodiment of Law and Harbinger of Chaos each grant +2 imbue dice but only if you have the matching alignment.

  9. #9
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    I believe you may have to be Lawful in order to do the Daanvi chamber in Prison of the Planes. I haven't actually tested it, but it's only ever been done by lawful characters.

  10. #10
    Community Member Smokewolf's Avatar
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    True Gullible...

    In all seriousness now, alignments are one of the many DnD throwbacks that now have next to no impact on game play. Each is pretty pointless, just like playing an Evil character isn't plausible. In the original PnP games, alignments were tangible choices with perks and consequences. However, in DDO the politically correct police have relegated it to being set up as a game for kids, despite being mostly played / paid for by adults.
    Last edited by Smokewolf; 12-24-2022 at 11:27 AM.

  11. #11
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    By and large neutral is the way to go imo. However, Embodiment of Law/ Chaos are epic feats that are either nearly useless or give you +2 imbue dice depending on whether you have a matching alignment. I have started running some builds that use imbue dice as Lawful neutral. However that's only a consideration above level 20.

  12. #12
    Community Member Nebless's Avatar
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    Alignment is a carry over from the Pen and Paper version of the game and really doesn't mean much. Everyone can bust up crates and barrels, loot NPC's etc.... and the game just glosses over it from an alignment point of view.

    (Frankly the game would be loads more restrictive if alignment did matter. Heck we'd probably all be classified as evil by the time we left Korthos Island considering what players do as a norm; ransack tombs / grave sites, randomly kill everything that moves, rob the good citizens of the village etc....)

    Really the only things you'll see in your normal course of play is how the different classes fall into place as noted above and some weapons are aligned good or chaotic. If a character that's chaotic tries to use a weapon marked 'good' or 'holy' you get a penalty. Same if you're good and us a chaotic weapon.

    Unless you play on a certain playstyle you can just let the game pick the alignment for you when you create your character. In all the years I've played I've never bothered to choose it myself.
    Last edited by Nebless; 12-24-2022 at 12:59 PM.
    Aias Iceforge. Barbarian Ice Dwarf - Khyber

  13. #13
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    The first question is: are you using any class(es) with alignment restrictions?
    • Paladins must be Lawful Good.
    • Monks must be Lawful (Good or Neutral).
    • Druids must be at least part-Neutral (i.e., can't be LG or CG).
    • Bards and barbarians must be non-Lawful.
    • Four Warlock Pacts have alignment restrictions.

    This also means certain combos are impossible, e.g., paladin / druid, monk / barbarian, etc.

    The second question is: do you want to use any gear with alignment restrictions; and if so, will you take that alignment or invest in Use Magic Device (UMD) to bypass the restriction (if applicable)? This is listed on the item description as "Required Trait: <alignment> (UMD: ##)" E.g., Oathblade says "Required Trait: Lawful (UMD: 20)," meaning you need to be Lawful OR you need a UMD score of at least 20 to equip it. [NB: Stability has no UMD bypass, its bonus only applies to True Neutral characters.]

    The third question is: are there any alignment-dependent abilities you plan to use? E.g., Divine Crusader's Holy Mantle: "Weapons and Shields you wield are considered to have your alignment for Damage Reduction purposes."

    And finally, bear in mind your alignment will determine which alignment-based damage your character is vulnerable to. I.e., Good characters are vulnerable to Unholy damage (probably the most common), Chaotic characters are vulnerable to Axiomatic, etc. So one major fringe benefit to True Neutral is immunity to all of them. Also Good characters take a negative level when they equip Evil-tainted items.

    Role-playing impacts? Sorry, you must have confused DDO with a regular CRPG. Might I suggest Neverwinter Nights or the classic Infinity Engine games is that's what you want?
    Last edited by unbongwah; 12-24-2022 at 01:19 PM.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    False (and you should know better, D! )

    That's specifically why I qualified it as "material" difference lol

    None of those things really matter so much that you'd build around them

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottster View Post
    Lawful good looks good. Neutral good looks okay. Does alignment effect what you do in the game? My character can obey the laws as long as they are reasonable. I know that Elminster and Drizzt Do'Urden are Chaotic Good. I still like looting buildings in games and getting loot that no NPC uses anyway. If that's stealing, then that wouldn't be lawful, yet they aren't using it.
    I usually play lawful if my class(es) allow it due to one quest (Prison of the Planes) having a part that can't be done without a lawful character. Some items can penalize your for not being a certain alignment. Some classes restrict which alignments your can be. But, for the most part, it's just flavor and has very little impact on the game.

  16. #16
    Community Member kmoustakas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottster View Post
    Lawful good looks good. Neutral good looks okay. Does alignment effect what you do in the game? My character can obey the laws as long as they are reasonable. I know that Elminster and Drizzt Do'Urden are Chaotic Good. I still like looting buildings in games and getting loot that no NPC uses anyway. If that's stealing, then that wouldn't be lawful, yet they aren't using it.
    Unless your class requires you to be a certain alignment, you want to be true neutral to get hit with less damage from certain spells.
    Bought my first dungeon master's guide in 1992. My favourite part of ddo is coffee and slayers

  17. #17
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    The change to the Harbinger of Chaos feat means that all my melee characters are now chaotic unless paladin.

  18. #18
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post

    That's specifically why I qualified it as "material" difference lol
    Ah - I took "material" in the sense of "tangible", rather than "significant".

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunnie View Post
    I believe you may have to be Lawful in order to do the Daanvi chamber in Prison of the Planes. I haven't actually tested it, but it's only ever been done by lawful characters.
    Incorrect. You can do with any alignment, you just take damage the whole time the room is active if not lawful.

  20. #20
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jskinner937 View Post
    Incorrect. You can do with any alignment, you just take damage the whole time the room is active if not lawful.

    a lawfully aligned player must answer Sir Raleigh's question correctly to successfully complete the chamber.
    Non-Lawful players cant progress the conversation with Sir Raleigh in the Daanvi Chamber.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
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