I'd like to make a caster cleric with attack spells. And with tomes, I thought I could eventually try melee cleric also for fun to alternate try with.
What skills beginner skills to add to? There is healing. The Heal. Which for resting recovers more health. I think that would be ok with cleric. And the other is Spellcraft which increases damage. Does Spellcraft increase damage for cleric and worth getting in beginning? Concentration for preventing interrupting spells looks like maybe a good idea. What do you think?
I did read on there that cleric is very good for solo, and I know for group that they are wanted.
For cleric weapon class feat I thought either warhammer, longsword, or longbow. Any weapon better than the other? With bows, can't block with shield. Any weapon do more damage than the other? And are there any best weapons for cleric? A shield provides more defense for armor and survivability.
Do you have to buy arrows and bolts in the game or find them like in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2? Can you craft arrows and bolts? I see that cleric can use heavy crossbows.
Does gaining the warhammers feat allow cleric to use two-handed warhammers effectively?
What feats to get with cleric? There is skill focus Heal +3 check. More healing. I saw Diehard and Improved shield bash. I'd like to bash with shield with cleric also. That looks fun. Yet being a caster at first may not even use it as much. If monsters get in melee enough with cleric, he can use improved shield bash. The Toughness feat I like for more HP per level up.
I think the organic gaining more HP per level and tomes causes me to think the skin of even humans becomes tougher. Really tough skin to protect with. In Diablo 2, there is Iron Skin for barbarian. The forged race looks like fun, except don't have the best wisdom for cleric class; still could play it. Eventually can get the wis stat up with tomes.
How far in the game like hours does it require to get to the reset skills and feats creature to do so? If I mess up, I can do that.
Anything else?