My first death this season: Level 8, 704 favor. Ground all my 1s, 2s, and 3s, had some great folks team with me through Tangleroot (not even close to a death), shan-to-kor (trapper kicked butt), and even saltmarsh (2-manning bullywugs with a cleric, no deaths, just annoyance at the platforming), and was dipping into night revels so I could look spiffy as I ran around. Invited a guy to my group and he jumped into hayweird on level 13. IDK why.
His healbot hireling wasn't healing anything automatically, and another person asked to join, so I clicked accept and was typing out a welcome when I noticed a skeleton was attacking me and my health was low. So I quickly hit Enter and--
Dead. Killed by a skeleton. With my sacred defense up and a decent shield and suit of full plate.
Thanks a lot, guy who decided to do level+5 hayweird on hardcore. Now I've got no night revels stuff, and days of grinding is lost. I try not to be upset about this, because usually when I die on HC it's either my own fault (or last season, "these freaking hounds weren't balanced") or just sheer bad luck (if I was dumb enough to do reapers), but this actually makes me pretty mad, because there were TWO clerics in the room (other player and a healbot hire) and neither so much as glanced my way. So it is actually pretty upsetting.