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  1. #1
    Community Member ZEMTEK's Avatar
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    Default How Does Healing really work and how do you boost it?

    When I equipped my Chilled 16 Ring of Devotion 61 I noticed my healing low went from 41 to 52. I also noticed when I equipped Pansophic Circlet my healing low went from 41 to 67 . When I equipped both items at the same time my healing low remained at 67. Why do Potency and Devotion not stack? And how does both work. I tried to find that info on your forum and on wiki and had no luck. I would also like to know if healing amp would stack with either one of those. Each gear combo I tried I did 200 heals just so people know. Would love some healing expert advise. If the game ever does any updates on this I would love to know.

    I also would love to invite everyone to Pawsuasive Dog Teaching youtube channel. My dog Ruby Doo knows over 60 tricks so far and gets a steak dinner for every 1000 subscibers we get.

    Yes I did report this to game devs and I got the following responce.

    "Thank you for reaching out to us regarding this issue. I have gone ahead and notified our team of this reoccurring error so that they may investigate it in detail. Unfortunately, there is no CS based solution at this time.

    In the meantime please keep an eye out for recent updates as these most often have more information regarding fixes and bugs that our team are aware of. Along with this, our official forums are a great resource to alert the community of specific errors occurring. Often times our team will see these reports and be able to address them in the forums or one of your peers may have a solution as well!

    We do appreciate your patience at this time and of course if you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out again!"

  2. #2
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Potency provides the same bonus to Positive Spell Power as Devotion. It also has the same type of bonus to all the other spell powers. Since the type of bonus is the same, they do not stack.

    Potency is useful because it boosts ALL spell powers while Devotion only boosts Positive Spell Power.

    Universal Spell Power does stack with Devotion so you'll want to get a lot of that in addition.
    Last edited by Arkat; 12-18-2022 at 05:52 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  3. #3
    Community Member Xezom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZEMTEK View Post
    When I equipped my Chilled 16 Ring of Devotion 61 I noticed my healing low went from 41 to 52. I also noticed when I equipped Pansophic Circlet my healing low went from 41 to 67 . When I equipped both items at the same time my healing low remained at 67. Why do Potency and Devotion not stack? And how does both work. I tried to find that info on your forum and on wiki and had no luck. I would also like to know if healing amp would stack with either one of those. Each gear combo I tried I did 200 heals just so people know. Would love some healing expert advise. If the game ever does any updates on this I would love to know.

    I also would love to invite everyone to Pawsuasive Dog Teaching youtube channel. My dog Ruby Doo knows over 60 tricks so far and gets a steak dinner for every 1000 subscibers we get.

    Yes I did report this to game devs and I got the following responce.

    "Thank you for reaching out to us regarding this issue. I have gone ahead and notified our team of this reoccurring error so that they may investigate it in detail. Unfortunately, there is no CS based solution at this time.

    In the meantime please keep an eye out for recent updates as these most often have more information regarding fixes and bugs that our team are aware of. Along with this, our official forums are a great resource to alert the community of specific errors occurring. Often times our team will see these reports and be able to address them in the forums or one of your peers may have a solution as well!

    We do appreciate your patience at this time and of course if you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out again!"
    Potency grants you a set amount of spell power of EACH spell type at a lower value, but it is NOT universal spell power. They are different. The only time potency can stack is under the general stacking rules. That is to say that it can't be the same type: Equipment bonus stacks with everything BUT equipment bonus, Insight stacks with everything but insight, etc.

    This means that since the Pansophic Circlet grants 63 Equipment bonus to all spell powers, 31 Insight to all spell powers, and 8 quality to all spell power, they all stack with each other (since they are not the same types) for a total of 102 total to all spell powers. Your devotion 61 ring has a 61 equipment bonus to positive spell power. Since it is an equipment bonus, it does not stack with other equipment bonuses. Additionally, since it is 61, and your Pansophic circlet has 63, the 61 is discarded in favor of the higher number. This is why your heals don't change when wearing both at the same time. For the purpose of your spell power, it's as if you aren't actually wearing the ring at all, because it's numbers are overwritten but the higher numbers on the Pansophic Circlet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post
    Universal Spell Power does stack with Devotion so you'll want to get a lot of that in addition.
    As Arkat said, universal DOES stack with devotion, or potency whichever is higher. Universal spell power stacks separately, but still follows the general rules of stacking. Equipment with everything but equipment, artifact with everything but artifact, exceptional with everything but exceptional, so on so forth.

    Healing Amp is a percent increase of the INBOUND heal at a 1% rate (1 healing amp = 1% increase in inbound heals). The caster's healing amplification has no impact whatsoever on the strength of the heal going out to allies.

    Examples: I'm going to use Heal as an example. Heal has a 50% spell power penalty, but uses flat numbers so easier for examples. At level 15 heal heals for a flat 150 wit no other modifiers. So it's easy to use.

    1) You cast heal on yourself at level 15 with 100 pos spell power, and you have 0 healing amo. The math looks like this: 150 + [150*(100/2)] (It's divided by two because heal has only a 50% scaling with spell power). >>> 150 + [75]= 225

    2) You cast heal on yourself at level 15 with 0 pos spell power, and you have 10 healing amp. The math looks like this: 150 + [150*(0/2)]. >>> 150 + [0] = 150.
    Once that math is done you then apply healing amp like so: 150 + [150 * (10/100)]. >>> 150 + [150*.1] >>> 150 + [15]= 165. Your total heal on yourself would be 165.

    3) You cast heal on yourself at level 15 with 100 pos spell power, and you have 10 healing amp. The math looks like this: 150 + [150*(100/2)]. >>> 150 + [75] = 225.
    Once that math is done you then apply healing amp like so: 225 + [225 * (10/100)]. >>> 225 + [225*.1] >>> 225 + [22.5]= 247.5. Your total heal on yourself would be 247.5 (rounded down to 247).

    I hope this helps! This works for all forms of healing, be it positive, negative, or repair.
    Last edited by Xezom; 12-18-2022 at 06:25 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    I don't run reaper so I personally do NOT give a capybara butt about content above elite.

  4. #4
    Community Member ZEMTEK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xezom View Post
    Healing Amp is a percent increase of the INBOUND heal at a 1% rate (1 healing amp = 1% increase in inbound heals). The caster's healing amplification has no impact whatsoever on the strength of the heal going out to allies.
    Ok if I understood your examples correctly healing amp does improve self healing but not group healing. Correct? And potency and devotion have the same healing value but only the higher of the 2 is counted correct? Now will a inciteful devotion stack with regular potency?
    Last edited by ZEMTEK; 12-18-2022 at 09:51 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member ZEMTEK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post
    Potency provides the same bonus to Positive Spell Power as Devotion. It also has the same type of bonus to all the other spell powers. Since the type of bonus is the same, they do not stack.

    Potency is useful because it boosts ALL spell powers while Devotion only boosts Positive Spell Power.

    Universal Spell Power does stack with Devotion so you'll want to get a lot of that in addition.
    Wow really Universal Spell power does stack with Devotion and that will add to my healing correct? Universal spell power does not stack with potency? They sure do not make healing simple. I hope this thread helps others like it has helped me because I could not find any of this info on wikki or a forum search. I am sure this had to be discussed before now healing is very important I do appreciate everyones help. I tried to like ya guys posts but i guess you cant do that here.

  6. #6
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZEMTEK View Post
    Wow really Universal Spell power does stack with Devotion and that will add to my healing correct?

    Quote Originally Posted by ZEMTEK View Post
    Universal spell power does not stack with potency?

    Universal Spell Power stacks with Potency.

    Universal Spell Power stacks with Devotion.

    Potency does not, however, stack with Devotion (or any other typical spell powers like Magnetism (Electric), Glaciation (Cold), etc).

    Potency is good for casters who do a lot of elemental damage of multiple types because it's easier to fit a Potency item in your gear set than a second, third, or even fourth spell power item.

    If you're an Electric Sorc that also does a lot of Cold and Force damage, you'll want a Magentism item to power your Electric spells and a Potency item to help power your other elemental and force spells. Trying to fit a Glaciation (Cold spell power) item AND an Impulse (Force spell power) item can be very difficult.

    Things that add Universal Spell Power (feats, enhancements, and filigree for sentient gems are good examples) are great because they stack with the other things that add to spell power whether it's a Devotion item or a Potency item.
    Last edited by Arkat; 12-18-2022 at 11:05 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  7. #7
    Community Member Xezom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZEMTEK View Post
    Ok if I understood your examples correctly healing amp does improve self healing but not group healing. Correct? And potency and devotion have the same healing value but only the higher of the 2 is counted correct? Now will a inciteful devotion stack with regular potency?
    You understood correctly on the healing amp. It wont change your healing power on the party, but it would raise the amount you self healed by.

    Insightful devotion would stack with base potency, yes. That's because base Potency is equipment bonus and Insightful Devotion is a insight bonus. Now, if you have insightful potency and insightful devotion, it will only use the higher number. The TYPE of bonus is what dictates the stacking.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZEMTEK View Post
    Universal spell power does not stack with potency? They sure do not make healing simple. I
    Universal spell power stacks with all forms of spell power EXCEPT from the same type of universal spell power. So as an example, Artifact bonus to universal spell power does not stack with other artifact bonuses to universal spell power, but it would with artifacts bonuses of the specific spell power such as devotion/positive spell power.

    Like Arkat mentioned, Potency is more for casters that use multiple types of spells since it gives equipment/insight/quality bonuses to each individual spell power as if you were wearing an item that had devotion/impluse/resonance/magnetism/etc. all on the same item at the value listed.

    For a healer positive energy healer, you typically want items that have Devotion, Insightful Devotion, Quality Devotion, as well as Universal spell power since they all stack up together to increase your heals.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    I don't run reaper so I personally do NOT give a capybara butt about content above elite.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZEMTEK View Post
    Ok if I understood your examples correctly healing amp does improve self healing but not group healing.
    Heal amp increases the effects of all incoming healing for your character. This can be either your self-healing, but also other players' / hirelings' cure spells will heal you for more. Or potions that you drink. Or scrolls.

  9. 01-21-2023, 03:30 AM


  10. #9
    Community Member ZEMTEK's Avatar
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    Default Thankyou for the information.

    Thank you for the information. Hope you will check my dog out on Pawsuasive Dog Teaching Youtube channel. My Ruby Doo knows over 60 tricks so far. For every 1000 subs My Ruby Doo gets a steak dinner. Hope you will show her some love.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post


    Universal Spell Power stacks with Potency.

    Universal Spell Power stacks with Devotion.

    Potency does not, however, stack with Devotion (or any other typical spell powers like Magnetism (Electric), Glaciation (Cold), etc).

    Potency is good for casters who do a lot of elemental damage of multiple types because it's easier to fit a Potency item in your gear set than a second, third, or even fourth spell power item.

    If you're an Electric Sorc that also does a lot of Cold and Force damage, you'll want a Magentism item to power your Electric spells and a Potency item to help power your other elemental and force spells. Trying to fit a Glaciation (Cold spell power) item AND an Impulse (Force spell power) item can be very difficult.

    Things that add Universal Spell Power (feats, enhancements, and filigree for sentient gems are good examples) are great because they stack with the other things that add to spell power whether it's a Devotion item or a Potency item.

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZEMTEK View Post
    Wow really Universal Spell power does stack with Devotion and that will add to my healing correct? Universal spell power does not stack with potency?
    Part of the reason there is so much confusion about this in the community is that Universal Spell Power didn't used to stack. Potency and Universal Spell Power used to be the same thing.

    But then the devs created a new fully stacking spell power type, and instead of giving the new thing a new name, they reused the name Universal Spell Power, now applying it to the new stacking thing instead of the existing non-stacking thing. I don't know whether they have actually yet fixed them all or not, but long after the change I still had legacy Potency items whose description clearly said they were giving Universal Spell Power, but it was Potency, not the newer stacking kind.

  12. #11
    Community Member ZEMTEK's Avatar
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    Default Thank You

    Quote Originally Posted by kpak01 View Post
    Part of the reason there is so much confusion about this in the community is that Universal Spell Power didn't used to stack. Potency and Universal Spell Power used to be the same thing.

    But then the devs created a new fully stacking spell power type, and instead of giving the new thing a new name, they reused the name Universal Spell Power, now applying it to the new stacking thing instead of the existing non-stacking thing. I don't know whether they have actually yet fixed them all or not, but long after the change I still had legacy Potency items whose description clearly said they were giving Universal Spell Power, but it was Potency, not the newer stacking kind.
    Very cool that it stacks Thanks again for the info. I really do appreciate it.

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