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Thread: Monk Build

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Monk Build

    Are there any high DPS monk builds these days? Has the been gimped since 2019? Looking to make my next life a Wis Based monk. Also, is there a good character planner? Seems the one I am using does not have the new stuff and it has been discontinued support. Ellisdee maybe? Don't remember.

  2. #2
    Community Member DrawingGuy's Avatar
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    Feb 2008


    Maetrim is a good option that is still getting updates:

    As for Monk, that depends what you're asking to do. If you're looking for end game meta DPS, Monks really only have throwing builds. "Meta" melee (melee isn't really meta in general these days) would maybe have a Wolf build splash monk for Jade strikes.

    If you're trying to compare a pure Monk melee vs other melee options, they indeed fall short. But I wouldn't go as far as to call them "gimped". Sure, it mean you wouldn't want one in a push raid as any reason to have one can be accomplished with a 3 level splash but better, but R10s are not at the difficulty level where the DPS gap is of any real concern. You can CC priority targets, tank dooms and bosses (they finally fixed Ki Shout), and come in with huge fort bypasses for the party, jade debuffs, and some sustain options. Over the last few years they've added some MRR cap increase options and put absorbs into the GMoF destiny so you can avoid being 1-shot by certain mobs and mechanics. Sword to Plowshares buffed some common monk weapons, with handwraps being recently added. Monks are definitely in a better place than they were when they were over-nerfed, and I'm still bitter about them removing the core monk die scaling mechanic (that should be reinstated), but I don't feel bad playing on a Monk. A key thing to realize is that you're playing a support class, not a DPS class (unless you're a thrower).

    Though do realize there is a vast gulf of DPS potential. Proper gearing (including filigrees), debuff/buff application, using elemental Ki strikes and combos, cc and utilities, target prioritization and positioning... Monk is NOT a passive class, but rather one of the most intensive melee classes in the game. If you don't play it that way, you leave a lot on the table.
    Pinc Punch - Unarmed Monk (Uber Completionist) // Porc the Orc - Paladin // Thunderborn - Warlock // Imustbe Emo - PewPew Rogue // Aquamine Artifact - Crafting Artificer (shelved)

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrawingGuy View Post
    Maetrim is a good option that is still getting updates:

    As for Monk, that depends what you're asking to do. If you're looking for end game meta DPS, Monks really only have throwing builds. "Meta" melee (melee isn't really meta in general these days) would maybe have a Wolf build splash monk for Jade strikes.

    If you're trying to compare a pure Monk melee vs other melee options, they indeed fall short. But I wouldn't go as far as to call them "gimped". Sure, it mean you wouldn't want one in a push raid as any reason to have one can be accomplished with a 3 level splash but better, but R10s are not at the difficulty level where the DPS gap is of any real concern. You can CC priority targets, tank dooms and bosses (they finally fixed Ki Shout), and come in with huge fort bypasses for the party, jade debuffs, and some sustain options. Over the last few years they've added some MRR cap increase options and put absorbs into the GMoF destiny so you can avoid being 1-shot by certain mobs and mechanics. Sword to Plowshares buffed some common monk weapons, with handwraps being recently added. Monks are definitely in a better place than they were when they were over-nerfed, and I'm still bitter about them removing the core monk die scaling mechanic (that should be reinstated), but I don't feel bad playing on a Monk. A key thing to realize is that you're playing a support class, not a DPS class (unless you're a thrower).

    Though do realize there is a vast gulf of DPS potential. Proper gearing (including filigrees), debuff/buff application, using elemental Ki strikes and combos, cc and utilities, target prioritization and positioning... Monk is NOT a passive class, but rather one of the most intensive melee classes in the game. If you don't play it that way, you leave a lot on the table.
    I used to roll a few monks in WF and BF and they were amazing but that was 4 years ago and survivability was never an issue but never went above r4 in a group. 10K stars and being a thrower just seems blah. I dont like the animation, too slow. I love GMoF, Jade, etc. A very flamboyant class with a lot of beauty but that does not get me to 30. I have good gear at least in clothing I do. I would love to get better handwraps but no clue on whats good now adays. I will roll a monk for my Aasimar racials or WF racials. I know they are feat starved and everything counts or its a gimped build from what I remember. I just dont have a good template to go off of that is recent to guide me. Only been back a few weeks.

  4. #4
    Community Member Logicman69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccd1977 View Post
    Are there any high DPS monk builds these days? Has the been gimped since 2019? Looking to make my next life a Wis Based monk. Also, is there a good character planner? Seems the one I am using does not have the new stuff and it has been discontinued support. Ellisdee maybe? Don't remember.
    As far as melee DPS goes, I got some pretty good results with an Aasmir (Fallen path) Monk6/Fighter 14. Using the Kensei Tree and all the extra fighter feats helped up the DPS and really upped the DC for things like stunning fist. The downside is that it is a bit enhancement point heavy (I am racial and class completionist on the character I did it on). I also went heavy into the Kensei tree, but you could just as easily invest more into shintao to get the jade strikes. (I just wanted raw damage out of it). If you were going to run high reaper, I would probably go that route as Tomb of Jade is one of the best lockdowns for reapers.

    Let me know if you are interested and I can post the build (I'll have to regear, as I haven't geared her since the new expansion).
    Member: Circle of Night (Cristyle Sunn, Grygor Sunn, WarChild Sunn)
    Magic is a curious thing; full of hope and promise one minute, then someone summons a t-rex jet fighter to kill you.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logicman69 View Post
    As far as melee DPS goes, I got some pretty good results with an Aasmir (Fallen path) Monk6/Fighter 14. Using the Kensei Tree and all the extra fighter feats helped up the DPS and really upped the DC for things like stunning fist. The downside is that it is a bit enhancement point heavy (I am racial and class completionist on the character I did it on). I also went heavy into the Kensei tree, but you could just as easily invest more into shintao to get the jade strikes. (I just wanted raw damage out of it). If you were going to run high reaper, I would probably go that route as Tomb of Jade is one of the best lockdowns for reapers.

    Let me know if you are interested and I can post the build (I'll have to regear, as I haven't geared her since the new expansion).
    So, I have a level 32 pure Aasimar Wisdom monk using the Shintao tree plus the Falconry tree. I have almost filled out the Grim Barricade reaper tree and can stay alive as well as just about anyone in any reaper level. I use jade strike and falcon to debuff monsters - even bosses. Tomb of Jade for reapers. My problem is that I can't kill anything after about R5. I would like to know how to build up my DPS without giving up too much defense. As the saying goes, "You can't kill anyone if you're dead." Main stats (not in reaper and no clickies):

    HP: 2306
    Wis: 74
    Con: 51
    Fort: 229
    PRR: 197
    MRR: 117
    AC: 176
    Dodge: 45
    Doublestrike: 43
    Melee Power: 175

    Will gladly share more if there is any interest in helping me. I would just like to be effective in higher reaper levels.

  6. #6
    Community Member Logicman69's Avatar
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    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Kalsang View Post
    So, I have a level 32 pure Aasimar Wisdom monk using the Shintao tree plus the Falconry tree. I have almost filled out the Grim Barricade reaper tree and can stay alive as well as just about anyone in any reaper level. I use jade strike and falcon to debuff monsters - even bosses. Tomb of Jade for reapers. My problem is that I can't kill anything after about R5. I would like to know how to build up my DPS without giving up too much defense. As the saying goes, "You can't kill anyone if you're dead." Main stats (not in reaper and no clickies):

    HP: 2306
    Wis: 74
    Con: 51
    Fort: 229
    PRR: 197
    MRR: 117
    AC: 176
    Dodge: 45
    Doublestrike: 43
    Melee Power: 175

    Will gladly share more if there is any interest in helping me. I would just like to be effective in higher reaper levels.
    Here is what I am running for a Monk/Fighter mix. I included the gear set up that Strimtom recommends (I'm running a different setup because I don't have any of the new dino stuff). The defensive on mine is lower, but that may be due to gear/filagree set up (which plays a huge roll in the defensive stats). You can take this as a starting off point and work in your own gear/enhancements.

    FYI: This is a completionist build (class and race). Racial completion is HUGE for getting the enhancement points to spend. Because of this, I go heavy into the Aasmir tree to pick up ascended fallen bond (increase in DPS and vulnerability for any weapon you hold.. basically Fetters on any weapon). Like any trade off, this comes at a cost, as the other bond gives more defensive stats.

    Character name: Cris Monk Hybrid
    Classes: 14 Fighter, 10 Epic, 6 Monk, 2 Legendary
    Race: Aasimar · · · · · · ·Alignment: Lawful Good

    · · ·Start Tome Final · · ·Incorp:· · 10% · · ·Displacement:· ·25%
    Str:· · ·8· · 8 · ·22 · · ·HP:· · · ·1842 · · ·AC:· ·141
    Dex:· · 13· · 8 · ·52 · · ·PRR: · · · 113
    Con:· · 18· · 8 · ·50 · · ·MRR: · · · ·68 · · ·+Healing Amp:· ·208
    Int:· · 12· · 8 · ·28 · · ·Dodge: · 40/40 · · ·-Healing Amp:· · ·0
    Wis:· · 18· · 8 · ·86 · · ·Fort:· · ·207% · · ·Repair Amp:· · · ·0
    Cha:· · ·8· · 8 · ·25 · · ·SR:· · · · · 3 · · ·BAB: · · · · · · 23
    Immunities: Disease, Fear, Slippery Surfaces, Falling Damage, Most forms of Knockdown, Fear

    Heroic Past Lives
    Past Life: Alchemist
    Past Life: Artificer
    Past Life: Barbarian
    Past Life: Bard
    Past Life: Cleric
    Past Life: Druid
    Past Life: Favored Soul
    Past Life: Fighter
    Past Life: Monk(3)
    Past Life: Paladin(3)
    Past Life: Ranger
    Past Life: Rogue
    Past Life: Sorcerer
    Past Life: Warlock
    Past Life: Wizard

    Racial Past Lives
    Past Life: Aasimar(3)
    Past Life: Dragonborn(3)
    Past Life: Drow(3)
    Past Life: Dwarf(3)
    Past Life: Elf(3)
    Past Life: Gnome(3)
    Past Life: Half-Elf(3)
    Past Life: Half-Orc(3)
    Past Life: Halfling(3)
    Past Life: Human(3)
    Past Life: Shifter(3)
    Past Life: Tiefling(3)
    Past Life: Warforged(3)

    Epic Past Lives
    Past Life: Arcane Sphere: Ancient Knowledge
    Past Life: Divine Sphere: Power Over Life and Death(3)
    Past Life: Martial Sphere: Doublestrike(3)
    Past Life: Primal Sphere: Ancient Power(3)

    Fortitude:· · · · ·82
    · vs Poison:· · · ·83
    · vs Disease: · · ·83
    Will: · · · · · · ·91
    · vs Enchantment: ·96
    · vs Illusion:· · ·93
    · vs Fear:· · · · ·91
    · vs Curse: · · · ·91
    Reflex: · · · · · ·80
    · vs Traps: · · · ·82
    · vs Spell: · · · ·91
    · vs Magic: · · · ·80
    Marked with a * is no fail on a 1 if required DC met

    Class and Feat Selection
    Level Class · · · · · ·Feats
    1 · · Monk(1) · · · · ·Standard: Stunning Fist
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Aasimar Bond: Aasimar: Fallen Bond
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Monk Bonus: Dodge
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Balance(4), Concentration(4), Jump(2), Tumble(2)
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Heal(4), Use Magic Device(4)
    2 · · Monk(2) · · · · ·Monk Bonus: Mobility
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Balance(1), Concentration(1), Jump(2)
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Heal(1), Use Magic Device(1)
    3 · · Monk(3) · · · · ·Standard: Two Weapon Fighting
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Monk Philosophy: Path of Harmonious Balance: Fists of Light
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Balance(1), Concentration(1), Jump(2)
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Heal(1), Use Magic Device(1)
    4 · · Fighter(1)· · · ·Fighter Bonus: Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning Weapons
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Balance(2), Concentration(2)
    5 · · Fighter(2)· · · ·Fighter Bonus: Power Critical
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Balance(2), Concentration(2)
    6 · · Monk(4) · · · · ·Standard: Whirlwind Attack
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Balance(1), Concentration(1)
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Heal(1), Use Magic Device(3)
    7 · · Monk(5) · · · · ·
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Balance(1), Concentration(1), Jump(1)
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Heal(3), Use Magic Device(1)
    8 · · Monk(6) · · · · ·Monk Bonus: Precision
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Balance(1), Concentration(1), Jump(3)
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Heal(1), Use Magic Device(1)
    9 · · Fighter(3)· · · ·Standard: Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Balance(2), Concentration(2), Use Magic Device(1)
    10· · Fighter(4)· · · ·Fighter Bonus: Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Balance(2), Concentration(2), Use Magic Device(1)
    11· · Fighter(5)· · · ·
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Balance(2), Concentration(2), Use Magic Device(1)
    12· · Fighter(6)· · · ·Standard: Master of Forms
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Fighter Bonus: Tactical Training
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Balance(2), Concentration(2), Use Magic Device(1)
    13· · Fighter(7)· · · ·
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Balance(2), Concentration(2), Use Magic Device(1)
    14· · Fighter(8)· · · ·Fighter Bonus: Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Balance(2), Concentration(2), Use Magic Device(1)
    15· · Fighter(9)· · · ·Standard: Greater Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning Weapons
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Balance(2), Concentration(2), Heal(1), Use Magic Device(1)
    16· · Fighter(10) · · ·Fighter Bonus: Tactical Combatant
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Balance(2), Concentration(2), Heal(1), Use Magic Device(1)
    17· · Fighter(11) · · ·
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Balance(2), Concentration(2), Heal(1), Use Magic Device(1)
    18· · Fighter(12) · · ·Standard: Grandmaster of Forms
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Fighter Bonus: Tactical Mastery
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Balance(2), Concentration(2), Heal(1), Use Magic Device(1)
    19· · Fighter(13) · · ·
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Balance(2), Concentration(2), Heal(1), Use Magic Device(1)
    20· · Fighter(14) · · ·Fighter Bonus: Weapon Specialization: Bludgeoning Weapons
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Balance(2), Concentration(2), Heal(2)
    21· · Epic(1) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Overwhelming Critical
    22· · Epic(2) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    23· · Epic(3) · · · · ·
    24· · Epic(4) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Greater Weapon Specialization: Bludgeoning Weapons
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up
    25· · Epic(5) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Doublestrike
    26· · Epic(6) · · · · ·
    27· · Epic(7) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Two Weapon Defense
    28· · Epic(8) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Harbinger of Chaos
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up
    29· · Epic(9) · · · · ·
    30· · Epic(10)· · · · ·Epic Feat: Swords to Plowshares
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Legendary: Scion of the Astral Plane
    31· · Legendary(1)· · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Legendary Toughness
    32· · Legendary(2)· · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up

    Skill Points· · ·20 ·6· 6 ·4· 4 ·6· 7 ·7· 5 ·5· 5 ·5· 5 ·5· 6 ·6· 6 ·6· 6 ·6
    Skill Name· · · ·01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20· Total Buffed
    Balance · · · · · 4 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· ·23.0 · 70.0
    Bluff · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 29.0
    Concentration · · 4 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· ·23.0 · 68.0
    Diplomacy · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 30.0
    Disable Device· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 32.0
    Haggle· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 30.0
    Heal· · · · · · · 2 ·½· ½ · · · ·½ 1½ ·½· · · · · · · · · · ½ ·½· ½ ·½· ½ ·1· · 9.0 · 72.0
    Hide· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 48.0
    Intimidate· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 30.0
    Jump· · · · · · · 2 ·2· 2 · · · · · 1 ·3· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·10.0 · 41.0
    Listen· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 66.0
    Move Silently · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 49.0
    Open Lock · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 43.0
    Perform · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 29.0
    Repair· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 33.0
    Search· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 40.0
    Spell Craft · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 34.0
    Spot· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 75.0
    Swim· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 28.0
    Tumble· · · · · · 2 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 2.0 · 48.0
    Use Magic Device· 2 ·½· ½ · · · 1½· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· ½ · · ·11.0 · 42.0
    Available Points· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0

    Enhancements: 80 APs, Racial 14, Universal 1
    Aasimar - Points spent: 20
    Core1 Stronger Bonds I
    Tier1 Improved Recovery I
    Core2 Ability I: +1 Wisdom
    Tier1 Fight the Wicked I
    Core3 Stronger Bonds II
    Core4 Ability II: +1 Wisdom
    Core5 Stronger Bonds III
    Tier2 Fight the Wicked II
    Tier2 Divine Purpose: Divine Purpose: Fallen
    Tier3 Improved Recovery II
    Tier3 Fight The Wicked III
    Tier3 Divine Charge - 2 Ranks
    Tier4 Ascendant Bond: Fallen
    Tier4 Improved Recovery III
    Falconry - Points spent: 23
    Core1 Summon Falcon: Summon White Falcon
    Tier1 Rugged - 3 Ranks
    Tier1 Practiced Accuracy - 2 Ranks
    Tier1 Out in Nature - 3 Ranks
    Core2 Ability I: Wisdom
    Tier2 Killer Instinct I
    Tier3 Killer Instinct II
    Tier3 Conditioning
    Core3 Well Rounded I
    Tier3 Eyes of the Eagle
    Tier4 Deadly Instinct - 3 Ranks
    Ninja Spy - Points spent: 4
    Core1 Basic Ninja Training
    Tier1 Acrobatic - 3 Ranks
    Shintao - Points spent: 23
    Core1 Bastion of Purity
    Tier1 Elemental Curatives I: Restoring the Balance
    Tier1 Deft Strikes - 3 Ranks
    Tier2 Iron Skin - 3 Ranks
    Tier2 Smite Tainted Creature
    Core2 Protection from Tainted Creatures
    Tier2 Conditioning - 3 Ranks
    Tier2 Elemental Ki Strikes: Eagle Claw Attack
    Tier3 Jade Strike
    Tier3 Ability I: +1 Wisdom
    Core3 Iron Hand
    Tier4 Tomb of Jade
    Kensei - Points spent: 25
    Core1 Kensei Focus: Kensei Focus: Martial Arts
    Tier1 Weapon Group Specialization I: Kensei Focus: Martial Arts
    Tier1 Action Boost: Haste Boost - 3 Ranks
    Core2 Spiritual Bond
    Tier2 Tactics - 3 Ranks
    Tier2 Weapon Group Specialization II: Kensei Focus: Martial Arts
    Tier3 Weapon Group Specialization III: Kensei Focus: Martial Arts
    Tier3 Ability I: +1 Wisdom
    Core3 Strike With No Thought
    Tier3 Critical Mastery - 1 Ranks
    Tier4 Strike at the Heart
    Tier4 Ability II: +1 Wisdom
    Epic Destinies: 40 APs + 14 permanent Destiny Points
    Grandmaster of Flowers - Points spent: 49
    Core1 Inner Focus
    Tier1 Serenity
    Tier1 Strike with Poise - 3 Ranks
    Tier2 A Dance of Flowers
    Tier2 Hail of Blows
    Tier2 A Flower's Bloom: Deflection
    Tier2 Grandmaster Strikes: Drifting Lotus - 1 Ranks
    Core2 Disciple of Material: Adamantine
    Tier3 The Flickering Flame - 3 Ranks
    Tier3 Serene Mercy - 3 Ranks
    Tier3 Catch the Wind - 3 Ranks
    Tier3 Strength of Stone - 3 Ranks
    Core3 Disciple of Morality: Good
    Tier3 Flow of Water - 3 Ranks
    Tier4 The Delight of Chaos - 3 Ranks
    Tier4 Epic Strike Upgrades: Lotus Bloom
    Tier4 The Clarity of Law - 3 Ranks
    Tier5 Beyond the Center - 3 Ranks
    Tier5 Imposing Force
    Tier5 Everything is Nothing
    Tier5 Split the Soul
    Tier5 Legendary Flurry of Blows - 3 Ranks
    Legendary Dreadnought - Points spent: 4
    Core1 Fearless
    Tier1 Epic Tactics - 3 Ranks
    Weapon Damage
    Melee Power:· 144.0
    Doublestrike: 72%
    Strikethrough: 40%
    Mainhand damage ability multiplier: 1
    Offhand damage ability multiplier: 0
    Off-Hand attack Chance: 105%
    Fortification Bypass: 100%
    Dodge Bypass: 0%
    Helpless Damage bonus: 85%
    Ranged Power: 96.0
    Doubleshot Chance: 23%

    Sneak Attack Attack bonus: 19
    Sneak Attack Damage: 0d6+29

    Main Hand: Attuned Bone Handwraps (Centering)
    On Hit· · · · ·6.25[1D6+3]+95 ·+ 1D6 Fire + 4D6 Electric + 15D6 Acid
    Critical 18-18 (6.25[1D6+3]+102) * 3· + 15D6 Acid
    Critical 19-20 (6.25[1D6+3]+102) * 5· + 15D6 Acid
    DR Bypass: Adamantine, Bludgeon, Byeshk, Cold Iron, Crystal, Evil, Good, Magic
    You bypass Incorporeality miss chance with this weapon
    You bypass Concealment miss chance with this weapon

    Tactical DCs
    Intimidate· · · · · · · · · · · · ·10+HD+Wis Mod vs d20 + 30 : d20 + Intimidate(30)
    Diplomacy · · · · · · · · · · · · ·CR+Quest Level vs d20 + 30 : d20 + Diplomacy(30)
    Bluff · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·CR+Quest Level vs d20 + 29 : d20 + Bluff(29)
    Breath of the Fire Dragon · · · · ·Reflex vs 54 : 10 + Wis Mod(38) + Monk(6)
    Sunder· · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·Fortitude vs 45 : 10 + Str Mod(6) + Sunder(29)
    The Gathering Storm · · · · · · · ·Fortitude vs 54 : 10 + Wis Mod(38) + Monk(6)
    The Raging Sea· · · · · · · · · · ·Fortitude vs 54 : 10 + Wis Mod(38) + Monk(6)
    The Trembling Earth · · · · · · · ·Fortitude vs 54 : 10 + Wis Mod(38) + Monk(6)
    Trip· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·Balance vs 45 : 10 + Str Mod(6) + Trip(29)
    Stunning Fist · · · · · · · · · · ·Fortitude vs 117 : 10 + Wis Mod(38) + Stun(53) + Character Level/2(16)
    Falling Star Strike · · · · · · · ·Fortitude vs 54 : 10 + Wis Mod(38) + Monk(6)
    Freezing The Lifeblood· · · · · · ·Fortitude vs 54 : 10 + Wis Mod(38) + Monk(6)
    Pain Touch· · · · · · · · · · · · ·Fortitude vs 54 : 10 + Wis Mod(38) + Monk(6)
    Touch Of Despair· · · · · · · · · ·Fortitude vs 54 : 10 + Wis Mod(38) + Monk(6)
    Shintao: Smite Tainted Creature · ·Will vs 107 : 10 + Wis Mod(38) + Stun(53) + Monk(6)
    Shintao: Jade Strike· · · · · · · ·Will vs 107 : 10 + Wis Mod(38) + Stun(53) + Monk(6)
    Shintao: Tomb of Jade · · · · · · ·Will vs 107 : 10 + Wis Mod(38) + Stun(53) + Monk(6)
    Lotus Bloom · · · · · · · · · · · ·Balance vs 111 : 20 + Max Mod(Str(6), Dex(21), Con(20), Int(9), Wis(38), Cha(7)) + Stun(53)
    Everything is Nothing · · · · · · ·Fortitude vs 111 : 20 + Max Mod(Str(6), Dex(21), Con(20), Int(9), Wis(38), Cha(7)) + Stun(53)

    Equipped Gear Set: Strimtom New expansion
    Armor · · · · Legendary Turncoat· ·Drops in: Quest: A Sharn Welcome
    · · · · · · · +15 Enhancement Bonus
    · · · · · · · Fortification +142%
    · · · · · · · Physical Sheltering +33
    · · · · · · · Healing Amplification +53
    · · · · · · · False Life +50
    · · · · · · · Green: Empty augment slot
    · · · · · · · Legendary Part of the Family
    Belt· · · · · Legendary Belt of Sure Strikes· ·Drops in: U46: Quest: Rosemary's Ballad
    · · · · · · · Magical Sheltering +33
    · · · · · · · Insightful Seeker +6
    · · · · · · · Quality Combat Mastery +3
    · · · · · · · Quality Accuracy +4
    · · · · · · · Green: +30 Topaz of Swiftness
    Boots · · · · Legendary Sunken Slippers · Drops in: Quest: Members Only
    · · · · · · · Lesser Displacement
    · · · · · · · Insightful Potency +49
    · · · · · · · Quality Potency +24
    · · · · · · · Nearly Finished (Qual IWC): +3 Quality Wisdom
    · · · · · · · Yellow: Empty augment slot
    Bracers · · · Legendary Hallowed Castigators· ·Drops in: Quest: Blown Deadline
    · · · · · · · Devotion +142
    · · · · · · · Healing Lore +21%
    · · · · · · · Insightful Sheltering +17
    · · · · · · · Efficient Metamagic - Empower Healing II
    · · · · · · · Green: +11 Sapphire of Protection
    · · · · · · · Legendary Flamecleansed Fury
    Cloak · · · · Legendary Mantle of Fury· ·Drops in: Quest: Into the Mists
    · · · · · · · Constitution +13
    · · · · · · · Raging Resilience
    · · · · · · · Doublestrike +15%
    · · · · · · · Dodge Bonus +13%
    · · · · · · · Green: +11 Sapphire of Natural Armor
    · · · · · · · Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
    Gloves· · · · Legendary Hammerfist· ·Drops in: Quest: Blown Deadline
    · · · · · · · Insightful Doublestrike +6%
    · · · · · · · Cannith Combat Infusion
    · · · · · · · Seeker +13
    · · · · · · · Insightful Deadly +4
    · · · · · · · Blue: Sapphire of Good Luck + 3
    · · · · · · · Legendary Part of the Family
    Goggles · · · Legendary Raven's Sight · Drops in: Quest: The Last Stand, Base Item plus crafting in the 12
    · · · · · · · Insightful Wisdom +6
    · · · · · · · Will Save +11
    · · · · · · · Accuracy +21
    · · · · · · · True Seeing
    · · · · · · · Green: Empty augment slot
    · · · · · · · Colorless: +2 Festive Constitution
    · · · · · · · Legendary Raven's Eye
    Helmet· · · · Legendary Umber Brim· ·Drops in: Quest: No Refunds
    · · · · · · · Improved Quelling Strikes
    · · · · · · · Insightful Accuracy +9
    · · · · · · · Insightful Deception +5
    · · · · · · · Profane Well Rounded
    · · · · · · · Green: Empty augment slot
    Necklace· · · Legendary Family Recruit Sigil· ·Drops in: Quest: House of Pain
    · · · · · · · True Seeing
    · · · · · · · Armor-Piercing +20
    · · · · · · · Deadly +10
    · · · · · · · Relentless Fury
    · · · · · · · Yellow: Empty augment slot
    · · · · · · · Legendary Part of the Family
    Ring1 · · · · Legendary Celestial Ruby Ring · Drops in: Quest: The Same Old Song
    · · · · · · · Stunning +15
    · · · · · · · Accuracy +20
    · · · · · · · Ghostly
    · · · · · · · Nearly Finished (SDI): +13 Dexterity
    · · · · · · · Green: +11 Sapphire of Resistance
    Ring2 · · · · Dinosaur Bone Ring· ·Drops in: The Isle of Dread, any legendary chest; or Dread saga legendary end reward
    · · · · · · · IoD: Accessory: Artifact Scale Slot: Scale: +15 Wisdom
    · · · · · · · IoD: Accessory: Fang Slot: Fang: Deception +11
    · · · · · · · IoD: Accessory: Claw Slot: Claw: Assassinate
    · · · · · · · IoD: Accessory: Horn Slot: Horn: Relentless Fury
    · · · · · · · Blue: Sapphire of Greater Heroism
    · · · · · · · Green: +2 Festive Dexterity
    · · · · · · · Yellow: +2 Festive Wisdom
    · · · · · · · The Legendary Dread Isle's Curse
    · · · · · · · Filigree 1: Celerity/Vigilance: +2 Wisdom
    · · · · · · · Filigree 2: Prowess: Melee Power
    · · · · · · · Filigree 3: The Abiding Path: Wisdom
    · · · · · · · Filigree 4: The Abiding Path: Stunning DC
    Trinket · · · Legendary Gem of Many Facets· ·Drops in: Raid: The Chronoscope, Base Item plus crafting in the 12
    · · · · · · · Legendary Facets Set Bonus 1: The Legendary Desert's Writhing Storm
    · · · · · · · Legendary Facets Set Bonus 2: Legendary Raven's Eye
    · · · · · · · Cannith Trinket Prefix: +11 Spell Saves
    · · · · · · · Cannith Trinket Suffix: +6 Parrying
    · · · · · · · Cannith Trinket Extra: +6 Insightful Dexterity
    · · · · · · · Yellow: +12 Diamond of Constitution
    Weapon1 · · · Attuned Bone Handwraps· ·Drops in: ??
    · · · · · · · Damage and Type 5[1d6+3] + 15 Bludgeon, Magic
    · · · · · · · Critical Threat Range 20 x2
    · · · · · · · +15 Enhancement Bonus
    · · · · · · · IoD: Weapon: Scale Slot: MeltScale
    · · · · · · · IoD: Weapon: Fang Slot: Meltfang
    · · · · · · · IoD: Weapon: Claw Slot: Meltclaw: Wisdom
    · · · · · · · IoD: Weapon: Horn Slot: Melthorn
    · · · · · · · Orange: Empty augment slot
    · · · · · · · Purple: Empty augment slot
    · · · · · · · The Legendary Dread Isle's Curse
    · · · · · · · Sentient Weapon Personality: Sentient Jewel of Wave
    · · · · · · · Filigree 1: Celerity/Vigilance: +2 Wisdom
    · · · · · · · Filigree 2: Prowess: Melee Power
    · · · · · · · Filigree 3: Prowess: Attack and Damage
    · · · · · · · Filigree 4: Prowess: Critical Attack and Damage
    · · · · · · · Filigree 5: Prowess: PRR
    · · · · · · · Filigree 6: The Abiding Path: Wisdom
    · · · · · · · Filigree 7: The Abiding Path: Doublestrike
    · · · · · · · Filigree 8: Shattered Device: Attack and Damage
    · · · · · · · Filigree 9: Shattered Device: MRR
    · · · · · · · Filigree 10: Shattered Device: Armor Piercing
    Weapon2 · · · Restricted by another item in this gear set
    Trinket2· · · Restricted by another item in this gear set
    Trinket3· · · Restricted by another item in this gear set


    Member: Circle of Night (Cristyle Sunn, Grygor Sunn, WarChild Sunn)
    Magic is a curious thing; full of hope and promise one minute, then someone summons a t-rex jet fighter to kill you.

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