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  1. #1
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Default New to Hardcore? Don't die at Level 1 (or Lvl 2) (or Lvl 3...)

    I was questing an alt account at Level 1 with a PUG (Pick Up Group), and saw a couple of them die needlessly. They didn't understand how it could happen - "very easily" is the answer. Sad (and on several levels), but all you can do is shake your head. So I was inspired to toss this out as something of a PSA for new(er) players who might be having trouble with Hardcore... because you really shouldn't have any trouble at all, and once you get the hang of it, it's almost easy. (Almost... )

    First, a couple basics:

    1) Use a forum-approved build. Hardcore is not the place to test out your personal design if you haven't been playing the game long. Strong DDO builds are not D&D builds, and are not all "intuitive", just trust me* on that. Seriously.

    (* and most every veteran player on the boards!)

    2) Don't do "optionals" if they involve any combat. Every combat is a % chance to die - even if very, very small, it's a chance, and those chances add up to a real risky habit. Experience is easy, starting a new character is a pain. (Also, many optionals are actually slow xp - in the time it takes to detour to complete them, you could have run half another quest. Do that instead.)

    3) Don't zerg. Just don't. Don't even half-zerg. Show some patience, stay with the group, keep the group together around you. You want the group to stay together, to keep all that DPS focused as a single group-threat to mobs, to act as support for your DPS. Enemy casters die faster, champs die faster, everyone reduces that % chance to die. Also, groups of mobs have more targets, instead of just "you". There is no reward for being the "First to the key!" except being the first to find that unexpected greater % chance to die.

    4) Bank (at least!*) the full next Level +4 AP before leveling up and hitting those next-level quests. Be Level 4 with all 16 AP before you do any Harbor 2 quests, be level 5 with 20 AP before doing 3's (Redfang, Swiped Signet, Catacombs) etc. Be as tough as you can; no reason not to.
    (* The difference is Bravery Bonus to XP, but if you're running (most) all content for Favor, you'll be capped without trying. This season, you can be base level +4, so Level 6 for Harbor 2's, Level 7 for Redfang, etc. There are groups running at those levels, so it's not an issue to find a group.)

    Okay, so, that said - how do you not die at Level 1?

    Easy - you get to Level 2 safely, and before you start any "real" questing (including Korthos!).

    o Run the Harbor solo quests a couple/few times to get some AP. Miller's Debt has a chest, and so does the longer Explosive Situation. If you have Expeditious Retreat (and only if you do!), run Home Sweet Sewer - no chest, but no combat = easy xp. This should get you near Level 2, and get you a couple/few Action Points to become tougher. Most builds are much tougher with a couple/few AP than they are straight off the beach, so don't quest with fresh paint.

    (Do not run Arachnophobia until later; that has dozens of combats and a mini-boss at the end, and is far more demanding than the other Solo quests. You probably could finish at Level 1, but it'd be really slow. Not recommended.)

    o To finish getting to 2, farm Haverdasher (north Harbor, near top of ramp - the one with the scorpions) on NORMAL a couple times. Why "Normal"? Besides being stupidly safe and easy, 4 reasons:

    1) Haverdasher is a low-xp quest, so you are not losing much xp vs. higher difficulties, and you'll be back later for Elite. Consider this "warm up"; kill 9 scorpions just to remind you how your build works (and how weak it is before Level 2!).

    2) It's really fast. You can run it a half-dozen times* and it won't seem grindy at all. Zip/zap kill-kill-kill done already, gimme reward!.

    (* You won't need more than a couple/few runs for Level 2, but you could farm more AP (and loot!) after that - see below.)

    2) You don't need anything more. Normal will get you to 2, so you don't need the greater risk. (If you really crush Normal, then try Hard - but see next...)

    3) There are 2 chests plus the end reward - Normal gives you ML 1-2 gear, which you can actually use now. Hard gives you ML 3-4, which won't help for a while. You're looking for help now, to get to 2 (and 3), remember? With luck, a decent weapon or caster stick, maybe some armor or a stat boost - yes please, tysvm!

    All this should take less than an hour. Once you hit 2, TAKE it, immediately! Don't be lazy, don't go "just one more time" - get tougher first.

    Once you are Level 2, you have 2 choices:

    1) Start questing: Go to Korthos and get 3 there. Re-run some of the quests for extra clicky rewards.*

    (* Cannith Crystal has a +12 HP Aid temp HP clicky, Redemption has a Cure Light Wounds cloak, and Sacrifices has fast boots (get 2 pair!), DR 1/- gloves, and +3 Search gear. Collaborator has 4 level-approp chests. Safe XP + Loot = win.)

    2) Keep farming some more easy Harbor quests and get 3 before anything Elite. The first 2 of the Baudry chain don't have combat, and can be run Elite without risk. Bringing the Light is another short one with a chest, so Normal = easy XP. Any Harbor quest on Normal could work, but some are longer and might invite mistakes.

    Depending on your build, you may still have low DPS (typically casters, some Bard builds, some others). Just as 2 is greater than 1, 3 is greater than 2. It's slow, but it's an investment in security - and you'll quest that much faster later, making up part of that time. Not much is easier than running Korthos Village starting as a Level 3 character.

    (Borderlands quests are also Level 1 quests, but are much tougher than Korthos quests. Bigger groups of mobs, tougher attacks, more mini-bosses, more ways to die. Get (at least!) Level 3 before running those.)

    From there, just stick to the basic rules, above - don't level up until you have enough XP for all +4 AP for that next level, be smart, don't be in a rush, stick with the group.

    Good luck, and haff fun stomin da cassul!

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    I guess most of the advice is good, but still there's at least one comment worth making, I think. Regarding the builds. Play something you're familiar with. For example, if you only have experience with Barbarians on live servers, don't switch to DC casters for hardcore, even though someone may recommend it.

    The only thing that's worse than playing a build that you don't understand is playing it on the hardcore server.

  3. #3
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    I guess most of the advice is good...
    I guess... mostly thanks?

    Experimenting with new classes is a bad plan, agreed - didn't try to make it comprehensive.

    For more tips, Players can see this current thread:

  4. #4
    Community Member Maxxcore's Avatar
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    The best thing you can do to succeed in hardcore, in my opinion, is to known thyself and known thy enemy. I definitely encourage trying new builds on hardcore, because there aren't all of the group pressures to play R+ content like live server. However, you still have to be fundamentally aware of 1) your skill level (how fast do you react, how well can you strafe/kite, how dexterious are you in-game etc.) and 2) the challenge of the content you're playing (no deadly surprises). Don't be afraid to crack open the wiki to check for traps, especially if you're a squishy caster.

    It's true barbarians often only have 8 intelligence, but that does not mean you have to play them like they do haha!

    Love seeing new players on hardcore, but hate to see so many silly deaths
    Sheikra - Completionist Wizard

  5. #5
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    I'd add knowing how to communicate with other players in game helps solve a lot of one's questions and problems!

    And it is confusing (or was) and a bit intimidating to me.

    From learning how to select & use any of the text windows (like frantically typing to your group that you are lost, help help, in General instead of Party & getting frustrated or worse when no-one responds/helps 'cause they don't see that text), how to change in/out text (like unchecking list everyone's loot in Party Chat window so people's texts don't scroll by b4 you read them), existence of other channels like advice or guild, how to use voice chat if you speak or just listen, etc.

    Nice list though!

    Sadly, I think that most that would love to read your post do not even know that this forum exists.

  6. #6
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    Also, depending on how much free time you have to HC, can crystal to 2 (3 if you're vip and wait a bit I guess). Also helps with starting $$
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  7. #7
    Savage's Husband Phoenicis's Avatar
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    Default Personally

    I do Beaudry 1 & 2 on elite before anything else.

    One has a chest and you can hide by the gate and the kobolds will never attack you. Break all the boxes (or not, I do) wait 5 min, kill the now trapped kobolds and done.

    In two, break 50 boxes and done.

    You are now lvl 2, or silly close depending on if you actually did grotto or not.

    End up with more gear your way, but hey, lvl 2 with no risk.

  8. #8
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seph1roth5 View Post
    Also helps with starting $$
    Yep, if you're VIP you'll be wanting that 1st gold roll to come up low, since then you can skip across to the stormreach vendors and pick up a stack of CSW pots plus a handful each of the curative potions & that'll make for a massive boost early on.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  9. #9
    The Hatchery CaptainSpacePony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenicis View Post
    I do Beaudry 1 & 2 on elite before anything else.
    End up with more gear your way, but hey, lvl 2 with no risk.
    On live, after TR, I often go into Baudry 1 to get all my hotkeys setup.
    I can be found on Orien as Cilon
    HC7: Typhoon, Dreaded Knight, and Wish. HC6: Naivety. HC5: Who Is Here. HC4: Cylon Centurian. HC3: Soulstone in Your Pack. HC2: Carnage

  10. #10
    Community Member Theolin's Avatar
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    I guess, if you need to be that risk averse for the first few levels sure, or you can take a chance and get to lvl 2/3 in less than 10 minutes by doing other things. And if you die oh well not much time spent & hopefully you learned what not to do.

    I really do not understand the extreme risk avoidance that most seem to do on HC. I make new builds try fun things, run quest like I do on the other servers, zerg to my toons ability, do crazy things ... because, why not, life is short especially on HC.
    Mechanics - To Hit/Dam mods

  11. #11
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theolin View Post
    I guess, if you need to be that risk averse for the first few levels sure, or you can take a chance and get to lvl 2/3 in less than 10 minutes by doing other things...
    What is an acceptable risk for some is (very clearly) not for others.

    Players who know what those "other things" are, and how to survive them, are not the target audience of this post.

    Players know if this is not addressed to them. (Hmmm... or think they do... survival defines whether they're correct in their self-assessment. )

  12. #12
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    Some great advice here C-Dog.

    An effective farming character is worth the time investment if you arent in any hurry. Get to level 5 and farm the Depths chain for example.

    The extreme safest way to play is to cherry pick quests on normal or hard and further farm items until you are holding level 5 ready to take level 6 with full Action Points for enhancements. Use exp potions to level up faster if you get them. Now you can start playing level 1s on elite or reaper and have the best chance of surviving a quest without feeling out gunned. If you have built and equipt right thats half the battle.

    Research quests and know what defenses and tactics you may need to deploy. I keep ddowiki quests list open for reference in case i need it as i go. This can take the fun out of playing quests for the first time because it is a total spoiler to what you will be facing. Indiana Jones style will surely mean more setbacks but it is the most fun way to play. If the quests were based on randomness for greater replay ability HCL would be a lot more challenging to the DDO lifers that have played the quests ad nauseum. And a lot of them wouldnt talk so proud any more.

    Take time to run difficult quests on regular servers if they look dicey. I have an array of characters at different levels i can use to scout quests. Or at least run the quest on casual on the HC server first if you are not sure about it.

    Watch quest run throughs attached to the ddowiki write ups. If there is none attached search youtube for one.

    Its not only traps to be concerned about. There are also some overpowered opponents you should be aware of as was mentioned.

    Learn where mobs spawn because you can end up fighting two separate mobs if youre not careful where you stand or back peddle to. Dont allow yourself to be surrounded by mobs. Move around and fight as many at a time as you can handle by creating space. Doorways are your friend as front mobs will block ones behind them and keep them at bay.

    Always make sure you have the ability to heal yourself. HP pots at the very least. If you are not a self healing character then consider bringing a hireling along. Learn how to park them then bring them forward after you have agro on the mobs because they can die easily as you get to higher levels.

    Always be ready to retreat if are outgunned and near dead. No shame in leaving the quest either to think things through

    Hope this helps.

    GL and HF!
    Last edited by Coffey; 12-14-2022 at 05:45 PM.

  13. #13
    Community Member Antheal's Avatar
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    You could always do Korthos town quests on Normal Difficulty with the cleric hire.

    Takes about 15 minutes and by the time you've done The Collaborator you should be almost level 2.
    Those are not pebbles surrounding the urn filled with Human teeth. They are megaliths!

  14. #14


    great advice. Maybe grab the spearblock bracers from Cannith Crystal on normal or even casual to become invincible against the Haverdasher scorps?
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  15. #15
    Community Member DoctorOfLiterature's Avatar
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    Great advice C-Dog. I did Korthos on Normal w a healing hire but your strategy is safer.

    Other advice:
    1. Beware if falling! I died once in Misery Peaks when I fell and I didn’t realize the FF item you get in Korthos is a clickie.
    2. You can die swimming if you lag in water! Best precaution for that is yo be warforged or undead or farm water breathing item.
    3. Beware of stirring up dungeon alert in wilderness by running fast to quest. Or if in group other people can create dungeon alert and you can die alone as they ride their horse to the quest.
    4. Traps are deadly. Take spot if you don’t know where they all are. Go slow. Check wiki for traps.
    5. If a pug is playing recklessly, zerging, stirring up dungeon alert, leave quest.
    6. If a quest has traps and no one in group can trap, leave quest.
    7. If you enter quest late and group is far ahead, don’t rush to catch up. You will die alone when you run into a mob they didn’t kill or there are back pops.

    As you said, get your four levels above quest and stick to that and don’t Zerg and you will get far.

  16. #16
    Community Member Nebless's Avatar
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    I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to say 'just play the darn game'. So what if you die? The point is to have fun and learn from the experience, not to create a bunch of overly cautious players. Especially at lower levels. Big deal you just lost a whooping 10 mins and have to start over. You'd think learning your playstyle or build is bad early would be a good thing.

    You get up to lvl 16 trying for 20, NOW's the time to get cautious.

    Don't be stupid and do a Leroy Jenkins through the dungeons, but play it in the spirit of a PnP game session (and I don't ever remember telling a player there to just stay by the entrance so he wouldn't get hurt).
    Aias Iceforge. Barbarian Ice Dwarf - Khyber

  17. #17
    Community Member Antheal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nebless View Post
    Don't be stupid and do a Leroy Jenkins through the dungeons, but play it in the spirit of a PnP game session (and I don't ever remember telling a player there to just stay by the entrance so he wouldn't get hurt).
    Me, as DM: "Okay guys, roll for initiative and do your to-hits and damage."

    Players: *roll their dice* *make their attacks* *roll damage*

    Me, as DM: "..."

    Players: "Uh... what now?"

    Me, as DM: "..."

    Players: "Hello?"

    Me, as DM: *rolls every die in my collection all at once*

    Players: "Dafuq?"

    Me, as DM: "You take a combined total of 1,337 damage. You all die."

    Me, as DM: "Sorry, lag spike."
    Those are not pebbles surrounding the urn filled with Human teeth. They are megaliths!

  18. #18
    Founder adamkatt's Avatar
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    All i see in a nice wall of text...

    Just started HC last week, went from 1-3 almost 4th. doing borderlands first , get yourself enough gold to get a lvl 1 hire.. you can do the slayer zone until lvl 2. much better gear than korthos as well...
    Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
    This character is dedicated to a once great game destroyed by a greedy corperation.. Goodbye Star Wars Galaxays!

  19. #19
    Forum Turtle
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    If you have borderlands, as far as getting to level 2 safely, slayers/explorers/rares there is a good option. Take a hire, move slowly and don't get an alert. You can get that level, and some gear from rares. And ingots, that you can turn in for a level 2 weapon that will help you survive level 2 to 3.
    Turtel, Turtley Wrath, Tortoisse, Waterssong, Victerr Creed, Utahraptor, Velocaraptor, Minddancer, Loggerhead, Matamata, Sulcata, Ticerratops, Sierrann, Hankx, Shartelhane

    Member of Highlords of Malkier! Help channel, everyone welcome in this channel!

  20. #20
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamkatt View Post
    All i see in a nice wall of text...
    I tried to break it into discrete bricks of text, which should not be as intimidating. <shrug>

    Quote Originally Posted by TrinityTurtle View Post
    If you have borderlands, as far as getting to level 2 safely, slayers/explorers/rares there is a good option. Take a hire, move slowly and don't get an alert...
    Some players, and some builds, will get chewed up quickly by Borderlands wilds at Level 1 (esp casters who can quickly run out of spell points!).

    For one, many don't know that it scales with the party, so they invite others and then their easy-ish 2-monster encounters become 4 which become 6, and they suddenly get gang-ganked.

    Worse, many new players don't notice the monsters they aggro as they run past nor the green alert symbol, and so "don't get an alert" suddenly goes yellow then red, and (again) gang-ganked.

    Which is why I suggested the relatively low-risk, fool-proof option, as above. With solo quests, you'd almost have to go afk to die.

    I suppose with KotB you could just run out to the mud-man, kill a few, recall, reset, and repeat - but that's slower than what I suggested. <shrug>

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