I was questing an alt account at Level 1 with a PUG (Pick Up Group), and saw a couple of them die needlessly. They didn't understand how it could happen - "very easily" is the answer. Sad (and on several levels), but all you can do is shake your head. So I was inspired to toss this out as something of a PSA for new(er) players who might be having trouble with Hardcore... because you really shouldn't have any trouble at all, and once you get the hang of it, it's almost easy. (Almost...
First, a couple basics:
1) Use a
forum-approved build. Hardcore is
not the place to test out your personal design if you haven't been playing the game long. Strong DDO builds are not D&D builds, and are not all "intuitive", just trust me* on that. Seriously.
(* and most every veteran player on the boards!)
Don't do "optionals" if they involve
any combat.
Every combat is a % chance to die - even if very, very small, it's a chance, and those chances add up to a real risky habit. Experience is easy, starting a new character is a pain. (Also, many optionals are actually
slow xp - in the time it takes to detour to complete them, you could have run half another quest. Do that instead.)
Don't zerg. Just
don't. Don't even half-zerg. Show some patience, stay with the group, keep the group together around you. You
want the group to stay together, to keep all that DPS focused as a single group-threat to mobs, to act as support for your DPS. Enemy casters die faster, champs die faster, everyone reduces that % chance to die. Also, groups of mobs have more targets, instead of just "you". There is no reward for being the "
First to the key!" except being the first to find that unexpected greater % chance to die.
Bank (at least!*) the
full next Level +4 AP before leveling up and hitting those next-level quests. Be Level 4
with all 16 AP before you do any Harbor 2 quests, be level 5 with 20 AP before doing 3's (Redfang, Swiped Signet, Catacombs) etc. Be as tough as you can; no reason not to.
(* The difference is Bravery Bonus to XP, but if you're running (most) all content for Favor, you'll be capped without trying. This season, you can be base level +4, so Level 6 for Harbor 2's, Level 7 for Redfang, etc. There are groups running at those levels, so it's not an issue to find a group.)
Okay, so, that said - how do you not die at Level 1?
Easy - you get to Level 2 safely, and before you start any "real" questing (including Korthos!).
o Run the Harbor solo quests a couple/few times to get some AP. Miller's Debt has a chest, and so does the longer Explosive Situation. If you have Expeditious Retreat (and only if you do!), run Home Sweet Sewer - no chest, but no combat = easy xp. This should get you near Level 2, and get you a couple/few Action Points to become tougher. Most builds are
much tougher with a couple/few AP than they are straight off the beach, so don't quest with fresh paint.
(Do not run Arachnophobia until later; that has dozens of combats and a mini-boss at the end, and is far more demanding than the other Solo quests. You probably could finish at Level 1, but it'd be really slow. Not recommended.)
o To finish getting to 2, farm
Haverdasher (north Harbor, near top of ramp - the one with the scorpions) on NORMAL a couple times. Why "Normal"? Besides being stupidly safe and easy, 4 reasons:
1) Haverdasher is a low-xp quest, so you are not losing much xp vs. higher difficulties, and you'll be back later for Elite. Consider this "warm up"; kill 9 scorpions just to remind you how your build works (and how weak it is before Level 2!).
2) It's really fast. You can run it a half-dozen times* and it won't seem grindy at all. Zip/zap kill-kill-kill done already, gimme reward!.
(* You won't need more than a couple/few runs for Level 2, but you could farm more AP (and loot!) after that - see below.)
2) You don't need anything more. Normal will get you to 2, so you don't need the greater risk. (If you really crush Normal, then try Hard - but see next...)
3) There are 2 chests plus the end reward - Normal gives you ML 1-2 gear, which you can actually use
now. Hard gives you ML 3-4, which won't help for a while. You're looking for help
now, to get to 2 (and 3), remember? With luck, a decent weapon or caster stick, maybe some armor or a stat boost - yes please, tysvm!
All this should take less than an hour. Once you hit 2, TAKE it, immediately! Don't be lazy, don't go "just one more time" - get tougher first.
Once you are Level 2, you have 2 choices:
1) Start questing: Go to Korthos and get 3 there. Re-run some of the quests for extra clicky rewards.*
(* Cannith Crystal has a +12 HP Aid temp HP clicky, Redemption has a Cure Light Wounds cloak, and Sacrifices has fast boots (get 2 pair!), DR 1/- gloves, and +3 Search gear. Collaborator has 4 level-approp chests. Safe XP + Loot = win.)
2) Keep farming some more easy Harbor quests and get 3 before
anything Elite. The first 2 of the Baudry chain don't have combat, and can be run Elite without risk. Bringing the Light is another short one with a chest, so Normal = easy XP. Any Harbor quest on Normal could work, but some are longer and might invite mistakes.
Depending on your build, you may still have low DPS (typically casters, some Bard builds, some others). Just as 2 is greater than 1, 3 is greater than 2. It's slow, but it's an investment in security - and you'll quest that much faster later, making up part of that time. Not much is easier than running Korthos Village starting as a Level 3 character. ![Cool](/forums/images/smilies/cool.png)
(Borderlands quests are also Level 1 quests, but are much tougher than Korthos quests. Bigger groups of mobs, tougher attacks, more mini-bosses, more ways to die. Get (at least!) Level 3 before running those.)
From there, just stick to the basic rules, above - don't level up until you have enough XP for all +4 AP for that next level, be smart, don't be in a rush, stick with the group.
Good luck, and haff fun stomin da cassul!