i was on guild's ship, luckly i am safe this time.
but that suddenly message tho '' your character was booted from the server''
made me think i was banned for something XD
i was on guild's ship, luckly i am safe this time.
but that suddenly message tho '' your character was booted from the server''
made me think i was banned for something XD
Well, have fun waiting all. I hope the down time is not too long for you all tonight. Personally, I am not going to wait so I 'll see you all in-game tomorrow.
Last edited by Vectordaemon; 12-07-2022 at 05:07 PM.
Random Shutdown times apparently are the hidden challenge of this hardcore season.
Lunality, Sorcality, Tunality, Axation, Causation, Shurality, Desparality, Stingality and a few more...
dogbreath - one attraction of hardcore is the chance to get names that are unavailable on any server because DDO has an abysmal system of letting names stay unavailable forever if someone used them for 5 minutes 10 years ago then left the game.
What name did you want - maybe someone reading this thread got it but not as a top choice and so is willing to release it.
Someone really should have a long and frank conversation with the Operations Manager at SSG.
A 10 minute (or even a 5 minute) warning would have been better and I'm pretty sure not that many more raid bosses would have been killed and that much more raid loot awarded because of that extra time.
If you guys are in charge of the game, then why would you give us a 30 sec. warning that in reality was more like 15. That is just an insult to your player base. This is far from the first time, but is there anyone with the authority to make it the last? Or is it just whenever the janitor takes the hamsters out of the Wheel? You are better than this, let's get it together and be professionals.
I am a founder and was a beta tester, so I am fully aware of this game more so than id say 90% that play it. Names are symbols, status if you will. Forgive me if I don't share your take on it. So when you don't like the name you chose before , don't take someone else's because you cant think of a name on your own.
Its like the people who join HC and box their way to points, lazy and uninitiated. Seems to be a theme with today's generation.
When you ignore any type of leadership, you yourself are not fit to lead.
Just got off work and finished dinner and was hoping to get a little DDO time.
I know I am late to the party but **** they locked the doors ie. "The game is currently down."
I take it todays update did not go so well.
If it ain't broke, you're not trying hard enough.
We are currently working to reopen the game worlds, but we need a bit more time. We are extending the downtime until 10:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT).
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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