See title
edit: it also fails to block stat damage like shadow str drain
See title
edit: it also fails to block stat damage like shadow str drain
Last edited by Sqrlmonger; 12-07-2022 at 12:02 PM.
But Fighters can heal themselves through Deathward, finally!
Please don't just revert to the old way when you fix this, it's been extremely frustrating having to choose between Deathward or being able to heal myself.
We're looking into this.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Yeah, I did that. And took Energy Drain immunity. You know what I didn't know before this past month? How much damage a failed PK save does.
I gave up on basically any quest with Wisps. It also made it difficult to raid. My guildies would laugh at me entering the quest and immediately running away to avoid mass buffs. I also found out to get the ghost flame's aggro so that she'd strip my deathward when people accidentally hit me with it anyway.
Sounds like guildies are bullies. Not sure how hard it was to raid when healers should be doing their job. Ghost Flame is a pain with Skeletons if the tank doesn't have control. If you're implying you are the tank, then that's rough.
There's more: DW doesn't protect against insta kills; GH doesn't protect against Fear (Mummy's Despair at least).
Shield spell does not block magic missles. Aren't "updates" supposed to make things better instead of worse?
Shield not stopping Magic Missile as well - I wasn't able to 100% confirm this but it appeared to be happening on first blush and with other issues being reported I feel safe reporting it as well.
edit: woops
Didn't refresh to see this before posting the above - will leave it as a confirmation still.
Sounds like you played EQ - if not that is exactly how it worked in EQ.
To be fair people were even pickier about buffs in EQ, they would want specific buffs in a specific order and would click them off if not in the proper order. Though in that system a buff clicked off left a gap and would be filled by the next buff cast. This was also in a system where dispel would start at the front of your buff list so people would put junk/clicky buffs they could replace quickly up front and important stuff towards the back.
But I digress.
Spell absorb is broken too. Things that should be absorbed aren't anymore and charges aren't going down on any of my various absorb items.