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  1. #1
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default Bladesinger Universal Tree


    CORE 1

    Bladesong--Stance. You benefit from the Bladesong.

    While Bladesong is active your to hit and damage with weapons naturally comes from your dexterity modifier. You add your intelligence modifier to your armor class, as long as you are wearing light or no armor and are wielding nothing in your offhand. You gain access to the Elven Bladesong Attacks. 1 AP.

    CORE 2

    Improved Bladesong-- While Bladesong is active Your attacks now also add your intelligence bonus to your melee attacksl. 1% to dodge, and dodge cap 5% stacking Incorporeality while in Bladesong Stance. 1 AP. Requires Character level 3. Requires 5 points spent.

    While in Bladesong Stance you gain 10% Movement Speed.

    CORE 3

    Greater Bladesong--While Bladesong is active you gain 5% doublestrike, 5 Melee Power and 1% dodge and dodge cap. 1 AP. When spell casting you add your Melee Power to your Universal Spell Power Requires Character level 6. Requires 10 points spent.

    CORE 4

    Shielded Bladesong--While Bladesong is active You gain the deflect arrows feat, +10 PRR/MRR. Requires Character level 12. Requires 20 points spent.

    CORE 5

    True Song--While Bladesong is active You gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, an additional 5% Doublestrike and 5 Melee Power, an additional 2% dodge and dodge cap.

    CORE 6

    Eberron's Got Talent--The secrets of the Bladesong whistle throughout your footwork: Active Ability:- While this ability is active any hit point damage you take is subtracted from your Mana Points. Lasts 20 Seconds. Initial Cooldown 180 seconds. (OPTIONALLY Lowered In a T5)

    TIER 1

    Knowledge Arcana-- +1/2/3 Concentration, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device. 1 AP. 3 Ranks.

    Spellblade Toughness-- [+5/+10/+15] maximum hit points. 1 AP. 3 Ranks.

    True Value-- Multi selector. Choose one: Light, Force, Negative Energy. You gain [+5/+10/+15] resistance. 1 AP. 3 Ranks.

    Awareness-- +[1/2/3] to Listen, Search, and Spot. 1 AP. 3 Ranks.

    Arc Strike-- if you remain stationary while attacking you can weave magic and blade attacks together.

    While Bladesong is active if you remain in place while attacking your magic damage builds over time. Every 3 seconds you gain +1 imbue die, until you move again. Max 3 imbue die.

    TIER 2

    Meticulous Weaponry-- You have a 25/50/75% chance to negate potential item wear. 1 AP. 3 Ranks.

    One in the Same-- +10/25/50 Spell points. 1 AP. 3 Ranks.

    Spellblade Resolve-- Gain +2/4/6 Physical Resistance Rating. 1 AP. 3 Ranks.

    Acolyte Training-- Gain +5/10/15 to Healing Amplification. 1 AP. 3 Ranks.

    Arc Strike II-- You achieve perfect form and as long as you are in Bladesong Stance Gain +3 imbue die. 2 AP. 1 Rank.

    Tier 3

    Conditioned-- You gain +5% Quality bonus to your maximum hit points. 2 AP. 1 Rank.

    Arcane sight--SLA True seeing. 2 AP. 1 Rank.

    Self-Motivated-- +1/2/3 to all skills. 1 AP. 3 Ranks.

    Synaptic Static-- Requires Bladesong Stance. SLA. Heighten/Quicken/Enlarge/ Empower/Maximize Intensify Emits a psychic wave that does 1d6+6 Evil Damage to all targets in its path. (The intent with spell DMG typing is to bypass resistances)

    Ability I-- DEX

    TIER 4

    Bifurcated Training-- Your main hand weapon is now considered an Implement. When you critically hit with a Spell, you gain +3% Dodge, +3 Reflex saving throws, and your spell point costs are reduced by 5% lasts 18 sec. 2 AP. 1 Rank. No Cooldown.

    Master of the Fundamentals-- +1 Caster Level. 2 AP. 1 Rank.

    Extension of Mind-- While Bladesong is active You gain the Extend Spell Metamagic feat.

    Always Training-- +1/2/3 to your spell DC's, and +1/2/3 to your ability to overcome enemy spell resistance. 2 AP. 3 Ranks.

    Ability II-- DEX 2 AP. 1 Rank.

    TIER 5

    Blink-- You teleport to a targeted enemy. 150 ft range, range is doubled by the Enlarge Metamagic feat. Active Ability. 12 second Cool down.

    Blinding Blur-- While in Bladesong Stance you double the benefits from Haste and Blur.

    Deathsong-- While Bladesong is active you make a Melee Attack: Deals +1/3/5[W]damage. On activation: For 10 seconds, you gain the ability to Strikethrough regardless of combat style. You also gain +0/100/200 Strikethrough for the duration. (Cooldown: 15 seconds). 1 AP. 3 Ranks.

    Exceptional Focus-- While in Bladesong Stance you make a Melee Attack Grants Action Bonus +2 critical rate and +2 critical multiplier for a 6 second duration. Cool down 15 seconds.

    Magic is Life-- Reduce the cooldown of Eberron's Got Talent by -30/50/50 Seconds.
    Last edited by EdsanDarkbane; 04-08-2023 at 03:40 PM.
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