Returning player that never played too much and been away for a long time. My highest level char is lvl 11 (almost 12) halfling monk using a rockin robbin build (so a long time ago).

I've got a free +0 heart of wood that I was planning to respec him with and would like some advice. My hope is to get to 20, likely playing solo 90% of the time, doing elite for favor (over leveled), without it being too much of a slog. Then I can TR or start a different char.

I'd like to stay pure monk and use hand wraps. He does have +1 str and +2 dex tomes. At level 15 I'll have the Shield Guardian hireling. I have a decent number of adventure packs (non-expansion) plus Sharn.

Here is what I have made w/character builder:

20 Monk Halfling, Lawful Good

· · ·Start Tome Final · · ·Incorp:· · ·0% · · ·Displacement:· · 0%
Str:· · ·8· · 1 · · 9 · · ·HP:· · · · 711 · · ·AC:· · 46
Dex:· · 18· · 2 · ·26 · · ·PRR: · · · ·20
Con:· · 14· · 0 · ·14 · · ·MRR: · · · · 0 · · ·+Healing Amp:· · 60
Int:· · 12· · 0 · ·12 · · ·Dodge: · 16/27 · · ·-Healing Amp:· · ·0
Wis:· · 16· · 0 · ·25 · · ·Fort:· · · ·0% · · ·Repair Amp:· · · ·0
Cha:· · ·8· · 0 · · 8 · · ·SR:· · · · ·30 · · ·BAB: · · · · · · 20

1 · · Monk(1) · · · · ·Standard: Dodge
· · · · · · · · · · · ·Monk Bonus: Two Weapon Fighting
2 · · Monk(2) · · · · ·Monk Bonus: Mobility
3 · · Monk(3) · · · · ·Standard: Stunning Fist
· · · · · · · · · · · ·Monk Philosophy: Path of Harmonious Balance: Fists of Light
4 · · Monk(4) · · · · ·Dexterity: +1 Level up
6 · · Monk(6) · · · · ·Standard: Whirlwind Attack
· · · · · · · · · · · ·Monk Bonus: Spring Attack
8 · · Monk(8) · · · · ·Dexterity: +1 Level up
9 · · Monk(9) · · · · ·Standard: Improved Two Weapon Fighting
12· · Monk(12)· · · · ·Standard: Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
· · · · · · · · · · · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up
15· · Monk(15)· · · · ·Standard: Greater Two Weapon Fighting
16· · Monk(16)· · · · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up
18· · Monk(18)· · · · ·Standard: Two Weapon Defense (or Toughness or Precision)
20· · Monk(20)· · · · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up

Enhancements: 80 APs
Halfling - Points spent: 7
Core1 Luck I
Core2 Dexterity I
Core3 Luck II
Core4 Dexterity II
Core5 Luck III
Shintao - Points spent: 49
Core1 Bastion of Purity
Tier1 Elemental Curatives I: Difficulty at the Beginning
Tier1 Reed in the Wind - 3 Ranks
Tier1 Deft Strikes - 3 Ranks
Tier1 Ki Shout
Core2 Protection from Tainted Creatures
Tier2 Elemental Curatives II: Lifting the Veil
Tier2 Smite Tainted Creature
Tier2 Iron Skin - 3 Ranks
Tier2 Elemental Ki Strikes: Unbalancing Strike
Tier2 Conditioning - 3 Ranks
Core3 Iron Hand
Tier3 Elemental Curatives III: Restoring the Balance
Tier3 Jade Strike
Tier3 Dismissing Strike
Tier3 Ability I: +1 Wisdom
Tier4 Tomb of Jade
Tier4 Elemental Curatives IV: The Receptive Earth
Core4 Argent Fist
Tier4 Instinctive Defense - 1 Ranks
Tier4 Ability II: +1 Wisdom
Tier5 Empty Hand Mastery
Tier5 Kukan-Do
Tier5 Violence Begets Violence
Tier5 Meditation of War
Tier5 Rise of the Phoenix
Core5 Touch the Void Dragon
Core6 To Seek Perfection
Ninja Spy - Points spent: 24
Core1 Basic Ninja Training
Tier1 Sneak Attack Training I
Tier1 Acrobatic - 3 Ranks
Core2 Advanced Ninja Training
Tier2 Sneak Attack Training II
Tier2 Elemental Ki Strikes: Eagle Claw Attack
Tier2 Agility - 2 Ranks
Core3 Shadow Veil
Tier3 Flash Bang - 3 Ranks
Tier3 Sneak Attack Training III
Tier3 Ability I: +1 Dexterity
Core4 Poisoned Darts
Tier4 Ability II: +1 Dexterity

Max Concentration, Diplo, Healing.
The rest in jump, balance, tumble

So monk sound currently underpowered and no builds suggest a halfling. Is this going to be a slog?
Is UMD worth it? I really don't see myself using that but I may be missing something.
Is healing really worth it?
What are the best elemental strikes, esp. for solo play? Is unbalancing strike a good choice, paired with some sneak attack training from Ninja Spy?
I'm uncertain about the last feat: Two Weapon Defense or Toughness or Precision or ...?
Any hireling suggestions especially before lvl 15?
Any other thoughts or suggestions?
