Hi there OP, I was one of the original beta testers in January 2006.
Attached in the screenshot:
Screenshot 2022-12-04 155619.jpg
However, I do have an idea last night while sleeping, dreaming:
What if for those people with hundreds of DDO reaper points... why not let them do something except twisting their fingers?
They can have alternative XP progression as in
monster XP like in LoTRO:
For total monster XP in 0 -> say 1 million, they get to be playing a kobold.
the progression is perhaps every 1 million monster XP, they get to upgrade?
1. Kobold (melee with clubs) -> Kobold Commandoes (that uses alchemist fire and range attacks) -> Kobold Shaman (spells)
2. Ogre (melee with clubs) -> Ogre Ninjas (the ones that disappear as in Redwillow Ruins) -> Ogre Magi (casters)
3. Yuan-ti (melee with spears) -> Medusa -> Marilith (with 6 khopeshes like the Demon Queen)
4. Hill Giant (melee with great clubs) -> Fire Giant -> Storm Giant
5. Beholder -> Chaos Beholder -> Doomsphere
6. Baby Red Dragon -> Baby White Dragon -> Baby Blue Dragon
7. Mature Red Dragon -> Mature White Dragon -> Mature Blue Dragon
So to get a play a Blue Dragon, that is 7x3 - 1 = 20+ million monster XP required.
Sounds Cool? Of course to unlock these they need a character with <developer determined> number of reapear points. They could also merchandize this and sell the higher options in the store or sell monster XP elixirs... or just make regular XP elixirs work. These monsters can have evil alignments. They will not join the Stormreach (or Forgotten Realms) heroes in fighting, but will be fighting on the monsters team against these heroes.
Upon wiping the party (i.e. hero's party cannot complete dungeon), monster will deem defended the dungeon and will be rewarded with monster loot and monster XP.
However, to do this, they must convert one character with those <X> reaper points to a monster; and loose all reaper points and all past lives, since monsters do not have such things.
They can join any party in progress at random, and that party will be make aware of a "smarter" than normal champion monster. That attached party will gain increase XP upon completion of the dungeon, as determined by the developers; if the monster player failed to stop the party from completion.
Sounds like a cool idea?
The drawbacks of this idea is that the monster player cannot solo. They must join a party in progress.