Last edited by Oxarhamar; 12-06-2022 at 06:25 PM.
Evil characters in D&D are already there by default. You're going into monsters homes who (in many cases) don't even live near the city, to kill them in droves. You're stealing anything
you can pawn off, breaking the furniture, and slaughtering their pets. When you get back into town, a random guy who's never seen them, pays you for mass murder based off rumors
they're dangerous. The area leader recognizes the deed, and gives you perks (faction), again without ever getting his hands dirty.
Your motivation for doing all that? Someone you've never met, offers you money to kill humanoids you've never met. I'd like to see anyone convince us they're good. )
NPC: There's some Orcs in a cave 57 miles away. We need you to make them move. For safety.
Player: Sure.
...(One day later)...
Player: Ok, I killed 47 Orcs, including the kids, a couple trained dogs, and burned everything else.
NPC: Killed? Uh, wow, I didn't know Clerics were that ruthless. Here's a reward.
Player: Thanks.
Faction Guy: So, murdered them all?
Player: Yup.
Faction Guy: I'll let you sell here now.
Player: Cool, less walking.
Usually I'd not allow that type of action, but the group abandoned the Assassin and left him for dead (without reason), so we allowed him to act accordingly.
The part that's hilarious, is the actions taken by the Assassin we're written out to me in advance, and he used NPCs (now dead) to do the "rescue" plan. He
was "catching up to the group" (aka - watching) while the entire thing went down. To this day they don't know he was responsible for wiping out 10 people.
Yes, they are, which brings up the point that the alignment attribute on a D&D character sheet is not really about what a character decides to do and ends up doing. What is listed on the character sheet is a targeting reticule of sorts that lets both the player of that character and other PCs and NPCs that interact with that character make decisions based on something that only exists in fantasy worlds - some innate force or signal that identifies how a living thing will behave that is independent of how it is currently acting. It's about the Detect Alignment spell.
Without magic being able to determine how a character is likely to act (without studying its current behavior) there would be no real purpose to having an alignment attribute. People would be able to label a character by its actions and those alone, just how it is done in the real world without the aid of magic. And yes, I fully agree that most of the characters in DDOland are evil by any rational categorization in that manner.
As for evil alignment, without the spell being part of the game, I think Chaotic Neutral, True Neutral, etc. work well enough for a character that needs to justify his role in the game on his character sheet window - but I haven'tt really noticed anybody that would actually care about that, at least not for a really long time.
True, now the only way to determine (by spell) an alignment, is indirectly. The Glyph of Warding has an alignment trigger.
It's not used that often, either. That's about it, so people have to do the work as you mentioned. Investigation check time!
We usually throw alignment out the window, but I do track "major" actions for when that scenerio actually happens.
DM: OK. You just set off a Ward, I need you to roll a Dex save!
Assassin: HOW?? Seven people just walked over that. (Rolls a 2).
DM: Detect Evil.
Assassin: You know it says here I'm Neutral, right?
DM: Good luck with that, you just burned down an Orphanage an hour ago.
Assassin: It attacked me first!
DM: You take 97 Radiant damage.
Assassin: But, I....
DM: Shhh. Ashes can't talk.
Evil alignments are already in DDO and are purposefully, mislabeled.
they are mislabeled purposefully as an avoidance of responsibility of implementation,
mitigation of problems the labels may have, and rhetoric to bypass the truth they are already in the game.
Where? Three examples of Evil alignments in DDO are Fiend Warlocks, Apostate Priests, Tieflings.
These three are purposefully mislabeled with the vague phrase 'cannot be good'
This is simple circumlocution.
It would be better if they removed alignments flat out since they are only flavor,
rather than leave them incorrectly in.
Gygax used the paradigm for a reason and its plausible the 5e has moved past that.
No reason for DDO to lug around something
that is not enhancing game play -
For anyone who thinks having evil alignments would lead to griefing, etc;
that is another laughable falsehood - there is already
griefing, trolling, player killing, bullying, stealing, hacking, exploiting -
because, as I said,
evil exists already in DDO,
it is just incorrectly labeled.
To what purpose? Setting aside the problem of further splitting the player base, SSG is barely able to hold the game together as is, and you want them to develop, code, and manage an entire secondary progression path for the few players who have "finished" their characters?
My Paladin is a follower of the Sovereign Host and they even attacked me. I was fully justified in slaughtering every last one of them for their perfidy.
On another note, there is one thing that is odd to me. Paladins should be able to see through Gnomon's disguise like they see through the tieflings' disguises in Party Crashers.