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  1. #1
    Community Member Eelario's Avatar
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    Jul 2006

    Default Can ANYONE get Baba to spawn in Wheloon Prison?

    I have tried more than 100 times to spawn Baba, the Heroic rare hag, at the location claimed here most recently about 1 year ago to be a legitimate spawn point (West of the one-way gate directly in front of Oldstone Hall - same spot claimed on the DDO wiki). She has never spawned. I suspect this is bugged and she's not able to spawn at all. So, can anyone refute this by finding her NOW, not at some previous point in time, before I submit a bug report?

    One other issue in Wheloon Prison is that the Rest for the Weary, Part 2 random encounter (also related to a hag named Elbagya) will not log as completed. This was noted a few weeks ago here by another player and I can confirm it is not working correctly after at least 10 apparent completions (killing the hag). Strangely, once, after killing Elbagya in the dream and returning with her dead form and dual treasure chests to the shrine near Shar Manor, instead of her name being labeled correctly as "Elbagya," it was labeled as "Baba" (I wish I had taken a screenshot, but at the time I didn't have suspicion of any issues). This makes me even more suspicious that there is something bugged about the hag spawns.

    I would appreciate any help from the community. Especially valuable would be screen shots of either of these things being completed by anyone within the last week or going forward. If you do complete them, please post a video or explain your exact process (route, gates opened, walls jumped, etc.) for getting from whichever spawn point in the prison to the successful result.
    Last edited by Eelario; 12-03-2022 at 11:03 AM.

  2. 12-03-2022, 06:18 PM


  3. #2
    Community Member Eelario's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    Well...after 10-15 more runs today (at least 125 total), the hag showed up!

    This shot is taken looking East toward Oldstone Hall from just outside the one-way gate in the location promised by others and described in my original post above. See the map and the chat log for some details.

    Holy moly is this spawn rate terrible! Roughly 0.8%?!? Perhaps she spawns elsewhere and the actual spawn rate is higher, but I have not seen a reliable report on where else to look for her. I might just be crazy enough to keep doing runs to see if I can get a more reliable spawn rate.

    Route taken (see map): entry via the top of the ramp; travel on horseback clockwise around the perimeter of the prison staying as far away from the spawn point as possible until approaching the one-way gate from the East. Stayed at ground level the majority of the way; exceptions: over roofs along the South prison wall and West prison wall in order to avoid opening interior gates, along the low wall on the South side of Oldstone Hall, and jumped the low wall directly in front of the one-way gate. No idea if any of this route is necessary, but can say that the direct routes from the East (thru the "Mouth" gate) and West were both unsuccessful in spawning the hag after ~50 attempts each.

    Now we need to figure out what's wrong with the random Hag encounter (Rest for the Weary, Pt 2) logging.
    Last edited by Eelario; 12-03-2022 at 06:25 PM. Reason: image link tweaks

  4. #3
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Now TR and do it again!
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  5. #4
    Community Member Eelario's Avatar
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    Default Baba Spawn Rate Data

    After the first Baba spawn reported above, I repeated the same path to get an average, though not statistically significant, spawn rate. My second encounter came somewhere around 75 runs (I have 78 in my head, but may have miscounted somewhere along the way). So, that's 2 spawns in one location in ~200 runs via a known method to get her to spawn: 1% avg spawn rate.

    Now, she may have spawned elsewhere in a few of these runs, but the route noted above passes by almost all of the outdoor spots where she's likely to spawn. Hags seem to never spawn on roofs and nobody has reported her in the Tavern or the Barn. In all of these runs, I saw several other rares along the way, but never Baba and her treasure chest in any of the locations along this route, especially within the area around Oldstone Hall, where she's almost certain to show up, like all the other night hags.

    Last edited by Eelario; 12-05-2022 at 04:44 PM. Reason: grammar

  6. #5
    Community Member Eelario's Avatar
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    Default Updated Baba Spawn Rate & Route

    This time, it took only ~15 (actually 14) repeats after the spawn reported above; so, 3 spawns in ~215 runs, which is an average spawn rate of 1.4%.

    Changed route to see if some of the assumptions about what could prevent spawning could be relaxed. I entered at the top of the ramp and took the most direct route on the ground, which is nearly the fastest route from this entry point. This includes one city gate along the western side of the route and usurps two assumptions:

    1. you do not need to approach from Oldstone Hall thru the one-way gate, and
    2. you do not need to avoid opening other city gates.

    Last edited by Eelario; 12-06-2022 at 08:53 PM. Reason: math correction

  7. #6
    Community Member Eelario's Avatar
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    Default (My) Final Spawn Rate & Route Update

    Once more, Baba has spawned much more quickly than in my early efforts: 21 repeats. Updating the average spawn rate calculation: 4 spawns in ~235 runs = 1.7%

    All of these 21 most recent repeats tested if she would spawn if one enters the area at the Oldstone Hall entry point, which puts you just on the other side of the one-way gate from Baba's spawn point. Since she did spawn, this disproves the assumption by others that entering the prison close to her spawn point would prevent her from spawning. Entering here does seem to prevent spawning of most hostile mobs on the West side of the gate: condemned types, shar types, Netherese types, hags, and howlers all were common spawns here during previous repeats using other routes, but did not show up on these repeats; breakables, rats, dogs, and shadows did spawn here on these repeats.

    I've not posted about the hag random encounter (Elbagya / Rest for the Weary) results since nothing has changed. The encounter did occur about 10 times over the last three Baba spawn tests (~110 repeats). I completed the encounter (killing Elbagya) about 5-6 of those times, but the second part of Rest for the Weary remains "unknown" in my quest log. So, I'll be reporting this as a formal bug and keeping my eyes peeled for updates that fix this.
    Last edited by Eelario; 12-06-2022 at 08:55 PM. Reason: grammar

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