Alchemist was added in 2020 so you'll need to run an Alchy life to re-earn
Completionist. The good news is it's now auto-granted at level 3 so you no longer have to sacrifice a feat slot for it.
Your typical pure wizard Eldritch Knight is going for at least 41 EK (tier-5s + capstone) / 12 Harper Agent to get INT to damage and Know the Angles. After that, it's up to you what to do with your remaining APs. Fleshies will likely invest in Pale Master (undead immunities, self-heals with Negative energy, etc.); magic robots can rely on Repair / Reconstruct instead, freeing APs to invest in something else like their racial tree. You can also invest a little (or a lot) into Archmage for some extra SLAs.
Feydark Illusionist (added with the Feywild expansion) also has some goodies for Illusion-focused casters (hence the name).
The good news is SSG just got rid of the "touch range only" restriction on spells from Knight's Transformation. They also eliminated Epic Defensive Fighting and added Competence HP bonuses to more trees, including tier-5 Eldritch Knight (Improved Knight's Transformation). So EKs can cast spells at range again while still gaining all their melee bonuses.
The bad news for SWF casters is SSG swung the nerf bat hard at
Offhand Versatility and got rid of Versatile Empowerment: "If you have an Orb or a Runearm in your Offhand, your Vorpal strikes cause you to gain Versatile Empowerment. Versatile Empowerment: Your spells automatically crit for the next 5 seconds." Now it just provides a static bonus to Imbue dice. But silver lining: Offhand Versatility was introduced while you were away, so you never got to experience the glory days of Versatile Empowerment and won't know what you're missing. Lucky(?) you.
You can read about the new Imbue system and the HP changes in the
U57 Release Notes.
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