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  1. #21
    Savage's Husband Phoenicis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Lord_Mary View Post
    I thought we had decided as a community that 1 HCL per year was sufficient? Did I misunderstand? The live servers with raiding communities are drained with constant HCLs unless something is done to make LFMs pull from all servers in a multi-server instanced pool and then instanced extra-server questing setup for groups regardless of home server, I cannot see how live server populations can survive multiple HCLs a year without collapsing or how that is good for this game - and I am speaking as someone who loves HCL and respects the established live guild communities.
    Mary, I respect your dedication to the game and hardcore. BUT!

    But what the community decides would be a good thing probably means not a dang thing to the devs.

    I don't recall a thread where the community decided just one HC season a year is enough, If you have a link I'd love to see it. (I disagree BTW.)

  2. #22
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edwinge View Post
    It doesn't matter to me for this season since I won't be playing it (I already got the rewards I wanted from season 2). For the future, I'd prefer that you don't go with +2 again. It was a bit too much of a difficulty jump from previous seasons in my opinion. Maybe you can split the difference and try a season with +3?
    I prefer +0 for the even hcl and +4 with the odd hcl with trailing rewards

  3. #23
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    Default Orien still not able to transfer!

    I am on Orien and still cannot transfer my toon. Please do not delete it!

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Lord_Mary View Post
    I thought we had decided as a community that 1 HCL per year was sufficient?
    No, we had not. If one season is the right number for you, just play one season per year and ignore the others.

  5. #25
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Lord_Mary View Post
    I thought we had decided as a community that 1 HCL per year was sufficient? ...
    I recall no such consensus being reached, but even if there were, that's a sampling only of the vocal posters who were on these boards for those days/weeks, not any larger "DDO Community". Such may (or may not) be parallel to that larger pool, but since there's no way to know, there's no reliability in a mere forum discussion or "decision". Sorry. :/

  6. #26
    Community Member gravisrs's Avatar
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    Do I sense a new business model of running permadeath season event permanently?

    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post

    Please work on consolidating the servers if you are going to run Hardcore this often.
    We've experienced a very nice hardware with Season 6 Hardcore Server. Peak levels was about half of total online players and it was working better than all old servers combined (minimum lags, zero crashes/hangups, zero loading screen stuck).

    Can you buy another 1-2 servers like HC one and consolidate all old shards (servers) into 1 or 2? Apparently hardware is not the issue anymore. Guilds, housing issues? Well LOTRO did it well.

    Or shall we all transfer to Orien and force you to do so?
    Last edited by gravisrs; 12-01-2022 at 02:51 AM.
    Polska gildia DDO / Polish guild

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  7. #27
    Community Member Sir_Noob's Avatar
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    Wow, really? So soon?

    Ok, the reduced reward levels help compensate somewhat with the reduced amount of time people will be available during the Christmas season.
    It is too soon though.

    I for one, get too caught up in trying to get rewards etc from the HC to the detriment of my real life.

    Maybe i should seek help and break my addiction to this game.
    After a little Tolkien I am usually up for anything.

  8. #28
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cravenhawk View Post
    I am on Orien and still cannot transfer my toon. Please do not delete it!
    Was there not a promise of a free future transfer for those who could not transfer to their home servers. That is, could you not transfer to a different server to rescue your HC character, then later transfer to Orien for free when the problem is fixed?
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  9. #29
    Community Member gaffneyks's Avatar
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    Default Bad Move

    Great more time when the main servers are dead. They are already down during the holidays.

    Oh well. Just canceled by VIP. I am joining the growing number of people who refuse to fork out money for a game that doesn't listen to its players.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    Was there not a promise of a free future transfer for those who could not transfer to their home servers. That is, could you not transfer to a different server to rescue your HC character, then later transfer to Orien for free when the problem is fixed?
    That is not how I read it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We have been investigating some issues with the world transfer service in recent weeks that have prevented players from transferring from the Hardcore server. Currently, transfers from Hardcore to Orien are not available. If necessary, we will extend the time available to transfer characters off of the Hardcore server, and we'll have more information on our timing next week.
    But maybe I missed another announcement?
    Am I supposed to transfer to another server?

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by cravenhawk View Post
    That is not how I read it.

    But maybe I missed another announcement?
    Am I supposed to transfer to another server?

    Quote Originally Posted by HurtyouBad View Post
    it was announced that Hard Core characters had to be removed from Server by Dec 4th and it was also stated that "due to a transfer issue to Orien" that you would not be able to move characters from Hard Core to Orien until a fix could be done to resolve the "transfer issue"... message also stated that those Players who "wanted to move from Hard Core to Orien but could not due to transfer issue could place the Character[s] onto a different Server until a future period of time that they could then move that Character[s] from that Server to Orien for free.... so MY question is based off what I call that 2nd option that was in Game Transfer message , so will this "future period of time for free" still happen or not?

    p.s. I'm hearing some Players have been able to transfer from Hard Core to Orien in the last 2 days, but I've not seen an updated Transfer Message posted here in Forums
    Found this answer for any others looking to transfer to Orien.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Lord_Mary View Post
    I thought we had decided as a community that 1 HCL per year was sufficient? Did I misunderstand? The live servers with raiding communities are drained with constant HCLs unless something is done to make LFMs pull from all servers in a multi-server instanced pool and then instanced extra-server questing setup for groups regardless of home server, I cannot see how live server populations can survive multiple HCLs a year without collapsing or how that is good for this game - and I am speaking as someone who loves HCL and respects the established live guild communities.
    Considering this is a redux, maybe they do not count it as a season. I cannot imagine many will linger long on HCL this season.

    Personally, I missed season 2-4 due to break during the game. But I am totally against redux seasons as it diminishes the effort from participating in that particular season. If you missed it, too bad. If you quit or failed, too bad. And then to lower requirements for those rewards and make it easier. This does not seem hardcore. This is softcore. What next? Participation trophies?

  13. #33
    Uber Completionist Retrodark's Avatar
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    Default Why are people complaining?

    Who cares if they are having another redux season? Does it change anything in your real life or cause any harm to your health or well-being? I guarantee it does not.
    Does it matter if the favor is set to 3000 on a season that will mostly likely have less players (less chances to group), but also give more casual players a chance to get OLD rewards? How does it take away the hard work that you have done on the previous seasons? We are talking about cosmetics here... Not everyone can dedicate every waking moment to playing DDO, and it probably isn't healthy for those that do. I just don't get why people have to complain about everything? You don't have to play every season if you don't want to.

    For me personally, I chose not to play season 6, because I simply did not have the time to deal with the new mechanics causing many frustrations and could not be in a static group or anything like that. I enjoyed all of the things I accomplished outside (literally) from DDO during those three months. I am happy for those that had the time to pursue what they got out of S6, but I know many that gave up early because of the new mechanics. It was definitely a season where it was about 50/50 on who liked it and who hated it.

    During season 2, I died to roaming rats in Dream Conspiracy while thinking I was safe in a corner, when my wife was talking to me. I had 4957 favor. I decided not to make a second attempt, so if I care enough for another horse, I like that I have an easier option to get one here.

    If I were to complain about something that came to light recently, it would be that while I was spending so much time playing HCLs, I missed out on the opportunity to get 100s of reaper items from borderlands to make new reaper items. Now I cannot, and after however many years since reaper started, I would be lucky to have 50 reaper items to burn. Sure, they lowered it from 100 to 75...that still doesn't help me or others that did not jump on the bandwagon of running multiple low level toons in borderlands to get reaper items. Oh well, I will survive. It isn't like people had their "hard work" from doing this taken away from them

  14. #34
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    My only complaint is that live will be dead during the holidays which is a period in which activity tends to be lower than normal anyway.

  15. #35
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Lots of emotion being displayed through passion, excitement, and addiction. We ask for more, content, more HC seasons, more events. As soon as SSG gives us what we ask for, we complain and ask them to put on the brakes.

    Determining what to do in this ddo world is easy. You do what gives you the most enjoyment.

    You like HC, do that.
    You need a break, take a break.

    Missing a season, or an event is never the end of the world. If it feels like that, seek some help. It is impossible to cater to everyone, and the players that use these forums does not represent everyone.

    *sarcasm ON*
    Turn on every event, leave them on, smash event controls, walk away
    *sarcasm OFF*
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retrodark View Post
    Who cares if they are having another redux season? Does it change anything in your real life or cause any harm to your health or well-being? I guarantee it does not.
    Does it matter if the favor is set to 3000 on a season that will mostly likely have less players (less chances to group), but also give more casual players a chance to get OLD rewards? How does it take away the hard work that you have done on the previous seasons? We are talking about cosmetics here... Not everyone can dedicate every waking moment to playing DDO, and it probably isn't healthy for those that do. I just don't get why people have to complain about everything? You don't have to play every season if you don't want to.

    For me personally, I chose not to play season 6, because I simply did not have the time to deal with the new mechanics causing many frustrations and could not be in a static group or anything like that. I enjoyed all of the things I accomplished outside (literally) from DDO during those three months. I am happy for those that had the time to pursue what they got out of S6, but I know many that gave up early because of the new mechanics. It was definitely a season where it was about 50/50 on who liked it and who hated it.

    During season 2, I died to roaming rats in Dream Conspiracy while thinking I was safe in a corner, when my wife was talking to me. I had 4957 favor. I decided not to make a second attempt, so if I care enough for another horse, I like that I have an easier option to get one here.

    If I were to complain about something that came to light recently, it would be that while I was spending so much time playing HCLs, I missed out on the opportunity to get 100s of reaper items from borderlands to make new reaper items. Now I cannot, and after however many years since reaper started, I would be lucky to have 50 reaper items to burn. Sure, they lowered it from 100 to 75...that still doesn't help me or others that did not jump on the bandwagon of running multiple low level toons in borderlands to get reaper items. Oh well, I will survive. It isn't like people had their "hard work" from doing this taken away from them
    I have not and am not complaining. But I understand the complaints.
    I don't have as much time as the hard core players. I enjoy "hardcore" and its rewards, but it pushes me to play more than I like. So, I think people would prefer fewer seasons and not have to choose to miss out on rewards.
    It is a cash bonus for the game. They are going to push it more and more often. Get used to it.

  17. #37
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    Seems too soon

    Beware the Sleepeater

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Lord_Mary View Post
    The problem with +2 instead of +4 has nothing at all to do with difficulty; the argument against +2 is it becomes exceedingly slow and painful to group simply because there are not that many players - it makes it so that one may search for days for a group to quest. It took me four days to find a group to do tower of frost, as an example. It is true +2 is harder, but being an actual human with a life outside of videogaming, one cannot be expected to sit for hours waiting for a group because it is only +2 who can join.
    It is looking like 1 season and 1 encore per year. The issue being very little gap between the season and the encore with a long wait until the next season.

  19. #39
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    This isn't a complaint:

    I do NOT really enjoy HC for HC. I do enjoy new champions and themes like the Mimic season. I enjoy cosmetics like the Archon style. Season 6 was Reaper-lite for everyone so terrible for me. I never ran Season 2 HC because those cosmetics did NOT appeal to me, still do NOT appeal to me. I wish everyone luck that wants to enjoy a redux of Season 2 but I will not be there. I fervently hope they never again come up with cosmetics I want in HC. I also fervently hope they add some new cosmetics to the store for people like me that just want to pay to dress my characters how I like. And much respect and appreciation for people like Mary that run HC guilds, thank you so much for your time and efforts.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
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  20. #40
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    "a game that doesn't listen to its players."

    Let me see if I am getting this right. Hardcore is so popular that the old servers will be dead - and scheduling another hardcore is an example of not listening to what the players want.
    Maybe what you mean is it is an example of listening to what other players want and not to what *you* want.

    Not that I disagree with those that feel this season is a bit too soon after the last one.

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