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  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaeveTuohy View Post
    No recent tome changes and (drum roll) nobody calling for more.

    No changes in the 3Pl cap and (drum roll) nobody calling for more.

    Gear is relative to level and increases as the levels increase (but sometimes not even that).

    The only peoplw I ever see calling for more character power are those calling for more reaper power.
    Game would be waaay better if they removed reaper bonuses, past life bonuses etc.

    That is why HC attracts tons of people. Simply a better and more balanced game. facts.

  2. #82
    Community Member Airmaiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaeveTuohy View Post
    No recent tome changes and (drum roll) nobody calling for more.

    No changes in the 3Pl cap and (drum roll) nobody calling for more.

    Gear is relative to level and increases as the levels increase (but sometimes not even that).

    The only peoplw I ever see calling for more character power are those calling for more reaper power.

    Increase to Stat tomes/ Racial tomes/ Destiny tomes etc have been added and or increased since they started selling them!

    3 PL cap has been there, but the number of PL's is constantly going up------Class/ Iconic/ Racial/ EPL's and now Archtype

    Gear gets more power on almost every update......sentient XP ( amount of filigree / augments.....New powerful IoD augments that use to be an entire weapon can now be put into 1 slot.

    Reaper has been live for almost 6 years and the only reaper update was to level gate it (which was probably needed). So, why not add something little to reaper?.....1-4 HP for 320K-600K reaper XP (only added at level 31) is not a huge gain and does not affect anyone. And....of course Cosmetics (as I have said before "I would be happy with cosmetics from Reaper point 100 -300")

    Your argument that you only see people asking for more reaper power is because ALL other power creep is constantly added!

  3. #83
    Community Member Airmaiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LavidDynch View Post
    Game would be waaay better if they removed reaper bonuses, past life bonuses etc.

    That is why HC attracts tons of people. Simply a better and more balanced game. facts.

    That boat sailed a LONG time ago. Removing them would end this game!

    I am not sure where you get your information from, but HC might bring a few people back to play a season, but stats show "ddoaudit" (at least for my server), after HC is over, the server population NEVER recovers.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airmaiden View Post
    That boat sailed a LONG time ago. Removing them would end this game!

    I am not sure where you get your information from, but HC might bring a few people back to play a season, but stats show "ddoaudit" (at least for my server), after HC is over, the server population NEVER recovers.
    On March 2021, HC had 4 times the population over the closest server (Argonnessen). there is a fact from your own source...

    Perhaps DDO needs a new grind, but it isn´t RXP. which was a horrible idea to start with, esp since duping was rampant back then. ( <-- don´t think for a second this would apply to Airmaiden btw. but you were affected by it)

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airmaiden View Post
    That boat sailed a LONG time ago. Removing them would end this game!

    I am not sure where you get your information from, but HC might bring a few people back to play a season, but stats show "ddoaudit" (at least for my server), after HC is over, the server population NEVER recovers.
    Here is another idea:

    For people achieving at 156 reaper points or more, they get to play the monsters (champions).

    They can start picking any active group in the display roaster. Pick a group and then join that group as a monster. Of course, the 156+ RP player is on the other side. i.e. the side of the monsters. Of courses, all reaper points are removed and all past lives are removed since monsters do not have such things.

    So, what do these players get? If they wipe the party, they will have special monster rewards as determined by the DDO developers. I guess this is more fun than getting more HP and more reaper points, as more HP and more reaper points would only make the game easier, not more challenging.

    This is sort of an alternative leveling...

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  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by LavidDynch View Post
    On March 2021, HC had 4 times the population over the closest server (Argonnessen). there is a fact from your own source...

    Perhaps DDO needs a new grind, but it isn´t RXP. which was a horrible idea to start with, esp since duping was rampant back then. ( <-- don´t think for a second this would apply to Airmaiden btw. but you were affected by it)

    Population of HC would be high as almost everyone I know (even if they do not play the HC), make a toon there for the "Free" stuff per server/ account and then log on every day onto the HC for a gold roll.

    The server I play on has gone from an average of 344 people (April 4, 2020) to 225 (present day) with a dip during HC that never fully recovers.

    HC is a good idea for those that like that kind of playstyle and getting cosmetics for your time and money.

    After every HC end, you always have the complainers asking for a "catch up mechanism for PL, RxP, etc" because they just spent 2-3 months away from their main server/ after HC7 ends, those same people will be 16ish months behind the people that did not play HC or who took a break from the game during HC.

    DDO now has a new grind (Archtype) PL's....most likely another 15 Archtypes x 3 PL / per......45 more PL's of power creep.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airmaiden View Post
    ALL other power creep is constantly added!
    Yeah, that isn't remotely true.

    You seem blinded by your need for another hit of reap-amine.

  8. #88
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airmaiden View Post
    Then they should have put a XP cap on it 6 years ago! But they did not!


    Maybe they didn’t cap it so you have something to do go get some more RXP

    No more reaper creep

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airmaiden View Post
    Population of HC would be high as almost everyone I know (even if they do not play the HC), make a toon there for the "Free" stuff per server/ account and then log on every day onto the HC for a gold roll.

    The server I play on has gone from an average of 344 people (April 4, 2020) to 225 (present day) with a dip during HC that never fully recovers.

    HC is a good idea for those that like that kind of playstyle and getting cosmetics for your time and money.

    After every HC end, you always have the complainers asking for a "catch up mechanism for PL, RxP, etc" because they just spent 2-3 months away from their main server/ after HC7 ends, those same people will be 16ish months behind the people that did not play HC or who took a break from the game during HC.

    DDO now has a new grind (Archtype) PL's....most likely another 15 Archtypes x 3 PL / per......45 more PL's of power creep.
    That is only a power creep if you use one of those PL´s and most people won´t need them since those builds are subpar... for now.. HC bleeding out live servers is a shame but it also shows the faults of live servers. I would never ever recommend any new players to play live servers-DDO.. but HC, ye I can do that. Also, I think we both sitting in the same boat, I don´t care about RXP on my characters (I still have plenty enough but never cared about it...) sometimes I log on and just goes "why" .. but I know why, and that answer is me. not DDO.

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airmaiden View Post
    Increase to Stat tomes/ Racial tomes/ Destiny tomes etc have been added and or increased since they started selling them!

    3 PL cap has been there, but the number of PL's is constantly going up------Class/ Iconic/ Racial/ EPL's and now Archtype

    Gear gets more power on almost every update......sentient XP ( amount of filigree / augments.....New powerful IoD augments that use to be an entire weapon can now be put into 1 slot.

    Reaper has been live for almost 6 years and the only reaper update was to level gate it (which was probably needed). So, why not add something little to reaper?.....1-4 HP for 320K-600K reaper XP (only added at level 31) is not a huge gain and does not affect anyone. And....of course Cosmetics (as I have said before "I would be happy with cosmetics from Reaper point 100 -300")

    Your argument that you only see people asking for more reaper power is because ALL other power creep is constantly added!
    Not sure these facts are being reported right or your recollection is wrong…

    +8 tomes were introduced when the baba raid came out, the same year reaper was introduced, and is the last time tomes were increased. 5 years ago. And these were level gated because the creep was too much at low levels.

    Agree that PLs continue to get introduced, as that is part of content for them to sell, same as expansions. I again reiterate this is another source of creep, but no comparison to reaper trees, which are exclusive as well. At least past lives can be earned in any difficulty. And the only PLs that I would consider any creep are epic PLs, which apply in heroics and should not be that way. Racial PLs are probably the next most creep. Class and iconics really have little creep as they actually did a good job of keeping the benefits spread around and only certain builds will benefit from certain PLs. If you compare these to reaper trees, everything in those trees gives you power no matter your build. It’s the worst creep in the game by far.

    Gear was significantly nerfed a few years back by almost half of what it used to be. I believe this is directly because of reaper creep and balancing the new legendary levels would make such a big difference between epics and LE content they had to do it. At this point reaper had become the defacto difficulty. I wonder if reaper power was never intoruduced, if a gear nerf would have never happened.

    We need less reaper power, not more. And as far as gaining rXP beyond 156 points…everyone knew this cap for points. Nothing was ever promised that something else would be available if you continue to earn rXP. People chose to continue grinding rXP more for bragging rights and the possibility of having some new shiny in the future, like new cosmetics or different reaper rewards. Not one time has a dev ever signaled new power would be available. If you had that impression, that’s on you, not the devs.

  11. #91
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    I would propose reaper benefits be reduced, despite the OP asking for more. But there could be a compromise.

    Maybe add new reaper trees and you will have a place to put more points beyond 156, but….

    You can only have one active tree at once. You pick. If you are a DC caster, you can benefit from a DC tree, but you only get the benefits from that tree by making that selection. You don’t get any other tree benefits, including the HP bonuses. And you only can change an active tree in a public instance.

    Maybe some new trees can be more focused or even a blend of a few trees with lesser benefits. This would give a better hard cap on reaper power, increase the challenge and still give people a place to spend additional rXP and points for future growth.

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by jskinner937 View Post
    Not sure these facts are being reported right or your recollection is wrong…

    +8 tomes were introduced when the baba raid came out, the same year reaper was introduced, and is the last time tomes were increased. 5 years ago. And these were level gated because the creep was too much at low levels.

    +8 Tomes did not start at +8....the max was a lot lower when Tomes 1st came out.....thus Power increase

    Agree that PLs continue to get introduced, as that is part of content for them to sell, same as expansions. I again reiterate this is another source of creep, but no comparison to reaper trees, which are exclusive as well. At least past lives can be earned in any difficulty. And the only PLs that I would consider any creep are epic PLs, which apply in heroics and should not be that way. Racial PLs are probably the next most creep. Class and iconics really have little creep as they actually did a good job of keeping the benefits spread around and only certain builds will benefit from certain PLs. If you compare these to reaper trees, everything in those trees gives you power no matter your build. It’s the worst creep in the game by far.

    Between Racial PL's and now completionist (Free feat), your toon now starts with +5 or +6 (depending on stat) at level 1!!
    Racial lives also get you up to 16 more racial enhancement points to spend (and a bunch of skills)

    EPL's give you a lot of PRR/ MRR/ AC/ Max to HP/ Healing over time/ +9 Spell Crit chance/ +9 Double Strike/ Double shot etc etc

    Gear was significantly nerfed a few years back by almost half of what it used to be. I believe this is directly because of reaper creep and balancing the new legendary levels would make such a big difference between epics and LE content they had to do it. At this point reaper had become the defacto difficulty. I wonder if reaper power was never intoruduced, if a gear nerf would have never happened.

    IMHO- Reaper saved this game

    We need less reaper power, not more. And as far as gaining rXP beyond 156 points…everyone knew this cap for points. Nothing was ever promised that something else would be available if you continue to earn rXP. People chose to continue grinding rXP more for bragging rights and the possibility of having some new shiny in the future, like new cosmetics or different reaper rewards. Not one time has a dev ever signaled new power would be available. If you had that impression, that’s on you, not the devs.
    Sev and Cordo talked about a reaper revamp on more than a few occasions ( Weekly Wednesday Livesteam -IoD Preview- Time Stamp 4:00 in)............U51- New Destiny (Weekly Wednesday Livestream - Timestamp- 13:05 and 28:00)........Weekly Wednesday Livestream- Nov 30- Timestamp- 41:00- 44:00.

    There are more occasions where they have talked about it, but do not have the time to look at getting time stamps for those.

  13. 12-03-2022, 12:31 AM

  14. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airmaiden View Post
    Sev and Cordo talked about a reaper revamp on more than a few occasions ( Weekly Wednesday Livesteam -IoD Preview- Time Stamp 4:00 in)............U51- New Destiny (Weekly Wednesday Livestream - Timestamp- 13:05 and 28:00)........Weekly Wednesday Livestream- Nov 30- Timestamp- 41:00- 44:00.

    There are more occasions where they have talked about it, but do not have the time to look at getting time stamps for those.
    I said specifically the last times tome increase was when +8 was introduced when the RL raids came out. There has been no increases since. No new tomes to sell. Tomes have been around for almost the entire game. And they never used to persist through TR. but the same year reaper was introduced is the last time increase we had.

    Disagree reaper saved the game. The increase in difficulty maybe. But reaper power did not save this game. It only made the balance more difficult. Power creep, including reaper has been toxic for this game. Every single new player I have grouped with quits within months. They ask how do you have so much power. I tell them I have over 150 PLs and all the reaper stuff and have been player for like 15+ years and usually they respond with I will never get close to that. HCL actually does attract a lot of newer players with more success. You say reaper saved the game?

    You keep glancing over everything I mentioned about past life’s. I also said as both a maxed reaper toon and Uber completionist, I would prefer these be removed or reduced and replaced with cosmetics, both reaper points and PLs. You mention epic past life’s benefits, that you can only have one active at a time. I mentioned epic pl benefits should not be active during heroics. You keep asking to raise the hard cap for reaper and no one is asking to raise the hard cap for PLs.


  15. #94
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    game have grind for a reason, if it got nothing left to grind for a lot of people will stop playing. its not rocket science

  16. #95
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airmaiden View Post
    Sev and Cordo talked about a reaper revamp on more than a few occasions ( Weekly Wednesday Livesteam -IoD Preview- Time Stamp 4:00 in)............U51- New Destiny (Weekly Wednesday Livestream - Timestamp- 13:05 and 28:00)........Weekly Wednesday Livestream- Nov 30- Timestamp- 41:00- 44:00.

    There are more occasions where they have talked about it, but do not have the time to look at getting time stamps for those.
    I agree,

    What I've heard mentioned several times is that SSG was considering, but not committing, to a leadership system where people with lower reaper points would benefit from party members with higher reaper points and the folks with higher reaper points would get some sort of leadership bonus for that.

    That sounds like a step in the right direction as power gap is a much more significant problem than lack of power for top players. It sounds like it is something that would directly benefit you although no mention of what the rewards would be so I guess it depends on how the reward system is perceived. From my perspective it should be 100% cosmetic and if anything hardcore proved that people will accept a challenge for cosmetic rewards.

    Both hardcore and reaper seem extremely successful to me. They should put equal attention to both since there does not appear to be 100% overlap. The lack of attention to reaper shows up every time a new season is launched (like now) and as people start wearing their rewards on live. The non-hardcore reaper crowds post "don't forget about us" and SSG shouldn't forget. They should do something easy like add more wing color and higher reaper point tiers. I personally think RXP should be capped at 156 and SSG made a mistake by not mentioning that when the issue first came up. However, since they were silent and people kept grinding for rxp, they should consider doing something small for that group as well. Maybe something at 200 or allow people to turn in excess rxp for AS before they hard-cap it. Or if people prefer let them keep it for bragging rights.

    Quote Originally Posted by jskinner937 View Post
    Disagree reaper saved the game. The increase in difficulty maybe. But reaper power did not save this game. It only made the balance more difficult. Power creep, including reaper has been toxic for this game. Every single new player I have grouped with quits within months. They ask how do you have so much power. I tell them I have over 150 PLs and all the reaper stuff and have been player for like 15+ years and usually they respond with I will never get close to that. HCL actually does attract a lot of newer players with more success. You say reaper saved the game?
    I partially agree, we had people leave when reaper was introduced and I am not sure how many came back.

    At least for me reaper was an important milestone, but I fully embraced reaper from day 1 and wasn't the first, but was one of the first to get wings on Sarlona and I might have been the first to get 2, 3 and 6 characters with wings. However, most groups were running R1 2 levels over for the bonus xp and not for heroic xp. So overall my impression is that the reaper participation was low and grew steadily over the next 5 years as players got more powerful, reaper became easier and groups became easier to find.

    However, in my opinion, the revival of raiding which started with ravenloft was a bigger benefit to the community. Many of those end-game raiders eventually became the reaper crowd due to the high rxp you can earn at end game. There are many many raiders on Sarlona that went from tiny rxp to wings in a few months once they jumped on board 2-3 years after the introduction of reaper and 6-12 months total to 156. Sometimes waiting pays off because the grind gets easier.
    Last edited by slarden; 12-03-2022 at 10:02 AM.
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