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  1. #1
    Pale Fox
    LightBear's Avatar
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    Sep 2010

    Default Feedback wanted for a dark apostate

    So, I decided to have some fun on my dark apostate build on the second tour to 32.
    Started her as a Tiefling with, ofcourse, Fire Domain.
    I have 17 bonus dice now, so 18 die total?
    Anyway, she uses sickles as her Deity weapon, which so be has the two best sickles for this build.
    Her negative spell power sits just above 700.

    The thing is, she never is going into melee and her negative spells seems to be aimed at negatively healing self and friends.
    The offensive spells that use negative spell power are lackluster.

    So I must be doing something wrong/missing in that department, right?
    Any advise on which spells to use would be welcome and also which epic destinies align up well.

    Right now I have her focussed on fire from draconic incarnation and primal avatar and I won't go out of it until I have found an array of negative spells that do scale well.
    I could not pick a Master of whatever that fits.
    Did pick both epic feats for negative and fire spell power so that I have some extra Oomph when a smell does crit.
    Last edited by LightBear; 11-29-2022 at 11:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by LightBear View Post
    So, I decided to have some fun on my dark apostate build on the second tour to 32.
    Started her as a Tiefling with, of course, Fire Domain.
    I have 17 bonus dice now, so 18 die total?
    Anyway, she uses sickles as her Deity weapon, which so be has the two best sickles for this build.
    Her negative spell power sits just above 700.

    The thing is, she never is going into melee and her negative spells seems to be aimed at negatively healing self and friends.
    The offensive spells that use negative spell power are lackluster.

    So I must be doing something wrong/missing in that department, right?
    Any advise on which spells to use would be welcome and also which epic destinies align up well.

    Right now I have her focussed on fire from draconic incarnation and primal avatar and I won't go out of it until I have found an array of negative spells that do scale well.
    I could not pick a Master of whatever that fits.
    Did pick both epic feats for negative and fire spell power so that I have some extra Oomph when a smell does crit.
    TL;DR - The most viable use for Dark Apostate Enhancements is a 6 AP splash to grab the shroud immunities.
    -- the temp spellpoints on light/alignment crit are very, very nice for 3 AP, if you're using Holy Smite/Sunburst which will trigger it frequently
    --- Soundburst works well as a crowd control in pinch, but it's expensive on spellpoints, and I don't find it's necessary much after the first few levels.


    Nimbus of Light, and later Searing Light, Sunbeam, and Holy Smite & Sunburst do a ton of damage & mostly cycle fast, though Sunburst is mildly expensive to cast.

    Max Con. Max Wis. I put any other points into Int for extra skillpoints.

    Sun Domain for the SLAs - Searing Light, Sunbeam, and Sunburst (max caster level 25) I'm not sure about Sunburst, but the other two work even when nothing works due to being "Quelled" (Intercession Ward, I think it's called) Maybe that's because they're granted directly by the gods in some other fashion that's different from your average divine spell.

    1. Maximize 3. Empower 6. Quicken 9. Heighten (12, 15, & 18 could be a spell focus if your DC is light, or mental toughness if you've got tomes and/or good items, or even 3 shield mastery feats for that 75% boost to base hitpoints & a bit more PRR if you're actually using a shield.)

    23 points into DD gets the 7 SP cost Holy Smite, and the other SLAs, plus some other goodies when you're 3 ranks into Level 6.
    06 points into DA get you shroud immunities - 1 rank into Level 8
    06 points into Falconry gives you a fun-time zippy fast button - 3 ranks into Level 9
    05 more points into DA gives Bane an evil AOE & gets you temp spellpoints from light/alignment crits - 4 ranks into level 10

    That just leaves decisions about if you want to put 2 more points into Falconry speed boost, and if you want to try for the 5% quality hit point boost, true seeing, or possibly even evasion, though my dex saves generally suck to badly to even bother.
    -- dump the rest into Divine Disciple?
    Last edited by Ereshkigal; 12-19-2022 at 08:28 PM.

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