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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Will Pale Master get a Competence Bonus to HP?

    I would like to see a Competence Bonus for HP added to Pale Master. A worthy location being Ascendant Shroud. My tank, a 14 Animal Domain Cleric / 6 Zombie Wizard, has lost just at 1,000 HP (5,230>4,272) from his build. Being that this HP number was achieved as a first life character with no Reaper Points, I would like for a chance to get some (if not all) of those hit points back. There was some good civil discussion about this on my Reddit post:

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Final build in DDOBuilder.



  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    The Wizard/Sorceror competence bonus for HP is in the Eldritch Knight tree: 15% if you have Improved Knight's Transformation. Most if not all Wizards and a lot of Sorcerors will actually be melees if they get as far as taking this enhancement.

    The changes to HP were billed as helping melee characters out however there are a few exceptions. Alchemists get a 15% competence bonus in Vile Chemist that is unlikely to be attached to a melee character. Similarly Artificers get a 20% bonus in Battle Engineer that is unlikely to be attached to a melee character. There are other examples of dubious competence bonuses, where a ranged or caster character is likely to benefit from the bonus but not 100% certain.

    Palemasters are going to be a caster class with some very niche flavor builds not doing most of their damage at range. It's not clear to me how you give PM's a competence bonus to HP without just providing all the other casters and ranged classes with a similar bonus.

    My EK/PM is currently 15 Wiz/5 Rogue and 38 Thief Acrobat/23 Eldritch Knight/12 Harper Agent and 7 Palemaster. This gives her access to the T5 Thief Acrobat enhancement that gives a 25% competence bonus to HP. She's also melee-focused with effective casting around the melee basis.

    If I was planning to do a Palemaster focused build and wanted to get the competence bonus I would most likely follow the same idea of staff melee with Thief Acrobat but drop EK and put more points into PM. I'd incorporate Necrotic Touch and Necrotic Bolt into the build. I'd use the TA staff attacks for effect and since I was in T5 TA anyway I'd grab Vault because who doesn't like vaulting around the playing field grabbing people like Darth Vader?
    Last edited by KoobTheProud; 11-25-2022 at 02:08 PM.

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