the new possibilities to upgrade the ban storage are just great. I like them.
However, I always come to a point where I think : "Can I make a glamer of this fine looking item, or will I have to fear that it consumes even more storage ?"
Or, in other words : I'd like to glamer quite a lot of nice items - but they all consume precious inventory space, too !
Which leads me to the question : Is there any further research currently being done to ... kind of expans the storage space ?
My personal dream is still to have an entirely different starage space for everything cosmetic - items which come from pack bundles, for example. Which often fill up space even after creating a new character.
Of course, I'm a hoarder, always thinking things like : "This random item has something I cannot craft yet - I'd better keep it !" And getting into high levels of crafting ist simply ... a chore.
Plus, I kind of hoard items simply because they look fine. I'd like to glamer them, but glamered items consume the same slot as the original items, so I gain nothing, so to say.
If I had - for example - a bag only for cosmetic items, then this spac could have been freed.
Another example are the Greensteel related Shards Of Power. They are still BTC, and, what's worst, aren't even stackable. And that's true for several other items as well, like Adamantine Ore, for example (if I recall that correctly).
So, I wonder : Is there some more reaearch going on regarding the (possible ? or impossible ?) expansion of storage space ?