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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Aug 2022

    Default Rant Time: Class based rewards my chubby butt

    This was doing my head in the other week where on my cleric, with a chosen diety that has alongsword as the favoured weapon, all I had drop was daggers. Daggers, daggers, daggers, more daggers, with a side order of daggers, that went large, on daggers, with a 2 for one deal, on daggers and a 1,000,000 million quest winner bonus of, daggers.

    My cleric is on a break...

    Went back to my Paladin who is slowly trudging towards level 29 and a shiny new weapon. I thought I might upgrade some gear along the way. A questing we shall go. Now, solo, these quests are not 5 minute quests that can bang out whilst dinner is cooking. Nope, this is an investment in time. I'm a tank. It takes a while. So when I do finaly land the ten millionth blow on the boss, and I get a nice shiny blue, ADAMANTINE BRACERS, I hurt puppies.

    Do you hear that devs? you are making me hurt puppies...

    Repair Amplification, Great Auto Repair, Makers defensive buff when you repair something. FFS.

    Couldn't have just given me a chocolate tea pot ?? Dont let my big hammer fool you, I'm a Paladin not a Blacksmith.

    Rant over. For now.

  2. #2
    Community Member archest's Avatar
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    it would be nice if the game read your equipment and offer other choices with similar enhancements.
    kind if like not being able to craft an enhancement that is crafted on the same item type in a piece of junk that drops.
    tried to craft a shield the other day and there aren't any weapon damaging effects craftable for it.
    spell caster power and bashing .
    where's impact or other elemental damages?
    its getting to the point that crafting is becoming useless and the only hope is to play the game with farmed equipment sets ....
    I'd rather play call of duty with cheaters.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    There is a setting in Options to have drops based on class. It doesn't seem to work very well, though.

  4. #4
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    Tried that, wasnt a vast improvement. I apreciate look has to be varied for the longevity of the game but Im finding you can be running around with lvl 2 weapons until you hot barovia because sod all else is available and before someone says fey wild, by the time you down all the quests to get the crystals you need for a lvl 5 wep, your beyond it anyway.

    My level 28 character has level 11 gear still because nothing better drops.

  5. #5
    Founder Tyrande's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krasuss View Post
    [..]daggers and a 1,000,000 million quest winner bonus of, daggers.

    My cleric is on a break...
    You are sure that your cleric's deity isn't Vol? Because Vol's favorite weapon is the dagger.


    Couldn't have just given me a chocolate tea pot ?? Dont let my big hammer fool you, I'm a Paladin not a Blacksmith.

    Rant over. For now.
    If your Paladin is truely a blacksmith, you can craft your own weapon, armor and accessories.
    May I suggest your Paladin start to learn Cannith Crafting? In that way, your Paladin does not have to worry about random droppings...

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  6. #6
    Community Member ImaginaryLogic's Avatar
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    The best is when you and your guildies are farming a quest, and keep looting the same item over and over, that neither of you can use.

  7. #7
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krasuss View Post
    My level 28 character has level 11 gear still because nothing better drops.
    Class rewards are good for a few classes (artificers using a crossbow and docent for example), but in general most class rewards are just armor and weapons anyhow. It's unlikely the devs will ever address that unless one of them feels strongly about it and takes it up as a weekend project.

    Red fens gear is super easy to get and upgrade to level 20. It will definitely beat level 11 gear. If you own the saltmarsh gear it's easy to upgrade at 30 as well.

    At level 28 it's a good time to start thinking about end-game named items which will beat out anything that drops randomly by a wide margin. For example you can get a nice level 29 weapon and sentient jewel from ravenloft for just running into the mists on any difficulty and talking to an npc in the wilderness on the path straight-ahead to the tavern.

    In addition, please consider cannith crafting as an option as it's relatively easy to level up for crafting your own items, you just need essences to level-up. It's great for leveling and even sometimes for a one-off piece at 32.
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  8. #8
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    It's rewards by class, not by pretty much anything the class can use. It doesn't recognize what you may specialize in, so eg melee clerics will still see lots of caster gear etc. And anything you specialize in outside your primary base class won't be recognized either.

    Trying to gear with quest rewards is pretty frustrating. Cannith crafting is usually the best stop gap till you can get named items....and re rolling chests at low level isn't too pricey for exceptional named items like Blackrazor or Carnifex that you can get lots of use out of multiple lives. Also be aware of guaranteed drops like Nightforge or Ratcatcher that may help tide you over maybe till 20

  9. #9
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    People have been complaining about the class-based rewards since I started playing in '05. I don't expect there to be any major overhauls any time soon.
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  10. #10
    Pale Fox
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    The OP is not going to like what I'm about to say but daggers are simple weapons and clerics are proficient in simple weapons.
    Nothing has ever been said about Deity proficiency.

    And I did not know bracers are able to be adamantine, guess you'll get DR 1/adamantine with those, so fits a tank... not even on pen and paper DnD.

  11. #11
    Community Member Wahnsinnig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krasuss View Post
    This was doing my head in the other week where on my cleric, with a chosen diety that has alongsword as the favoured weapon, all I had drop was daggers. Daggers, daggers, daggers, more daggers, with a side order of daggers, that went large, on daggers, with a 2 for one deal, on daggers and a 1,000,000 million quest winner bonus of, daggers.

    My cleric is on a break...

    Went back to my Paladin who is slowly trudging towards level 29 and a shiny new weapon. I thought I might upgrade some gear along the way. A questing we shall go. Now, solo, these quests are not 5 minute quests that can bang out whilst dinner is cooking. Nope, this is an investment in time. I'm a tank. It takes a while. So when I do finaly land the ten millionth blow on the boss, and I get a nice shiny blue, ADAMANTINE BRACERS, I hurt puppies.

    Do you hear that devs? you are making me hurt puppies...

    Repair Amplification, Great Auto Repair, Makers defensive buff when you repair something. FFS.

    Couldn't have just given me a chocolate tea pot ?? Dont let my big hammer fool you, I'm a Paladin not a Blacksmith.

    Rant over. For now.
    Class based rewards only applies to quest rewards when you get the reward from the questgiver. It does not influence items in chests in the quest, that is totally random. If you want items that are good for your character you have to find out where those items drop and farm that quest.

  12. #12
    Community Member ismikes's Avatar
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    It also does not work well for multi-class characters. I wish there were a selector for which class it would consider you to be.

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