This was doing my head in the other week where on my cleric, with a chosen diety that has alongsword as the favoured weapon, all I had drop was daggers. Daggers, daggers, daggers, more daggers, with a side order of daggers, that went large, on daggers, with a 2 for one deal, on daggers and a 1,000,000 million quest winner bonus of, daggers.

My cleric is on a break...

Went back to my Paladin who is slowly trudging towards level 29 and a shiny new weapon. I thought I might upgrade some gear along the way. A questing we shall go. Now, solo, these quests are not 5 minute quests that can bang out whilst dinner is cooking. Nope, this is an investment in time. I'm a tank. It takes a while. So when I do finaly land the ten millionth blow on the boss, and I get a nice shiny blue, ADAMANTINE BRACERS, I hurt puppies.

Do you hear that devs? you are making me hurt puppies...

Repair Amplification, Great Auto Repair, Makers defensive buff when you repair something. FFS.

Couldn't have just given me a chocolate tea pot ?? Dont let my big hammer fool you, I'm a Paladin not a Blacksmith.

Rant over. For now.