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  1. #1
    Solver of Dark Secrets Magnus_Arcanis's Avatar
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    Default Alt Ending to Skeletons in the Closet Unlocked - Puzzle Finally Solved!

    Wanted to make a new post so folks intimidated by the original mega thread could find out the info.

    After accidentally finding the first dark secret almost 5 months ago, 4 since the raid's release, the Dark Secret puzzle has finally be solved!

    Huge thanks to everyone that helped and tuned into We got it!

    Solution can be found in the master document and was updated to the wiki.

    1. Run the walk the four paths of the dead. (order and when doesn’t matter)

    2. Need to stand next to the spirit, not necessarily the platform (you don’t to be on the platform at all.) and while alive, use /say to say the dark secrets (more info in the wiki). Order does matter. Osfield > Alaric > Kelas > Gorth. Starting with Osfiled, this can be started before you finish walking the paths. The dark secrets you're to say can be found after you defeat each skeleton. Each one has its own set of secrets.

    3. Then you can drop Death’s Teeth in the middle platform. Which will spawn Lindal's spirit. And then you say say his secrets (which are found in the quests) to perform the same mechanic a 5th time. Don't need to bother with GF at all damage wise.

    4. Once completed, Ghost Flame will leave and you’ll start a new end fight against Vecna’s Wrathful Hand for an alternate end fight.

    5. When defeated, you get 3 chests. Right one has more runes and special loot (new items and augments in addition to current raid loot). Left chest appears to just have more black pearls as the only thing special so far.

    Speaking of Loot... we have new LOOT AND AUGMENTS

    Ones we found so far, more being posted to the discord.

    If your groups find anything new, feel free to post here. Thanks and enjoy!
    Last edited by Magnus_Arcanis; 11-14-2022 at 09:41 AM.
    - Arcanaverse

    Twitch - Streaming most Weekends @ 4pm eastern.

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  2. #2
    Community Member Wahnsinnig's Avatar
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    Awesome, thanks for sharing.

  3. #3
    Community Manager
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    Congratulations! We're excited that it's been discovered.
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  4. #4


    Grats dood, I know you been working hard to figure it out and thank you for sharing what you've learned with the community, you rock!!

  5. #5
    2015 DDO Players Council
    Axel's DDO Channel
    axel15810's Avatar
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    Grats. I never in a million years would have figured this out. I watched the video. A few questions -

    Are there any specific requirements on when to do each of the 1st 4 /say readings and walk the paths other than to do them all before Death's Teeth is dropped?

    From what I'm gathering you just proceed as normal, but you must walk each path and say all words to each of the first 4 ghosts BEFORE bringing down Death's Teeth. And then do the last ghost's readings after Death Teeth is dropped but without dropping the ghost flame.

    Is that correct? Or is it mandatory to do the /say readings after each skeleton is dropped but before dropping the next one? The video seems to make it seem you can just do the first 4 all at once before dropping Death's Teeth but the wiki entry seems to imply otherwise so I'm a bit confused.

    And is there any confirmation on whether the part 1 optional is required?

    Thanks and again, awesome job.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Congratulations! We're excited that it's been discovered.
    Now that it has been discovered, is there any chance, that in the future, those items will be available for rune purchase? I normally bring my shooter to this raid, for the DPS, but my main, who is a bard, would really like the boots.

  7. #7
    Solver of Dark Secrets Magnus_Arcanis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post
    Grats. I never in a million years would have figured this out. I watched the video. A few questions -

    Are there any specific requirements on when to do each of the 1st 4 /say readings and walk the paths other than to do them all before Death's Teeth is dropped?

    From what I'm gathering you just proceed as normal, but you must walk each path and say all words to each of the first 4 ghosts BEFORE bringing down Death's Teeth. And then do the last ghost's readings after Death Teeth is dropped but without dropping the ghost flame.

    Is that correct? Or is it mandatory to do the /say readings after each skeleton is dropped but before dropping the next one? The video seems to make it seem you can just do the first 4 all at once before dropping Death's Teeth but the wiki entry seems to imply otherwise so I'm a bit confused.

    And is there any confirmation on whether the part 1 optional is required?

    Thanks and again, awesome job.
    Thanks and you got it. Just do everything before taking down Death's Teeth.

    Doesn't matter if you walk the paths early or out of order, the secrets need said in order though, but as long as its done before dropping death's teeth you're good. can even do some before all the skeletons are completed.
    - Arcanaverse

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  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Much appreacite all the work that went into figuring that one out. Thank you for sharing.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  9. #9
    Community Member Gordo's Avatar
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    Default congrats!

    Quote Originally Posted by Magnus_Arcanis View Post
    Wanted to make a new post so folks intimidated by the original mega thread could find out the info.

    After accidentally finding the first dark secret almost 5 months ago, 4 since the raid's release, the Dark Secret puzzle has finally be solved!

    Huge thanks to everyone that helped and tuned into We got it!

    Solution can be found in the master document and was updated to the wiki.

    1. Run the walk the four paths of the dead. (order and when doesn’t matter)

    2. Need to stand next to the spirit, not necessarily the platform (you don’t to be on the platform at all.) and while alive, use /say to say the dark secrets (more info in the wiki). Order does matter. Osfield > Alaric > Kelas > Gorth. Starting with Osfiled, this can be started before you finish walking the paths. The dark secrets you're to say can be found after you defeat each skeleton. Each one has its own set of secrets.

    3. Then you can drop Death’s Teeth in the middle platform. Which will spawn Lindal's spirit. And then you say say his secrets (which are found in the quests) to perform the same mechanic a 5th time. Don't need to bother with GF at all damage wise.

    4. Once completed, Ghost Flame will leave and you’ll start a new end fight against Vecna’s Wrathful Hand for an alternate end fight.

    5. When defeated, you get 3 chests. Right one has more runes and special loot (new items and augments in addition to current raid loot). Left chest appears to just have more black pearls as the only thing special so far.

    Speaking of Loot... we have new LOOT AND AUGMENTS

    Ones we found so far, more being posted to the discord.

    If your groups find anything new, feel free to post here. Thanks and enjoy!
    We were just did this quest together. You were testing something out last week. Awesome.
    Well done!
    Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo

  10. #10
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Is the order of the Secrets for Lindal in the Master Document correct?

    On the wiki, the order is different. It is:

    1. /say I king Lindal came to this island. I came for my people. I came for guilt. I came to hide.
    2. /say Heavy is the crown. My kingdom besieged. Enemies on all sides.
    3. /say She offered aid and blew on the embers of forgotten desire.
    4. /say But first one last quest with old friends. I dared to dream again.
    5. /say Yet the dream turned to ash. She had bargained with darkness.
    6. /say I broke free. I left her. I left them. All doomed. My shame burns. The Beast consumes.

    In the Document, you have it as:

    1. Heavy is the crown. My kingdom besieged. Enemies on all sides.
    2. She offered aid and blew on the embers of forgotten desire.
    3. I king Lindal came to this island. I came for my people. I came for guilt. I came to hide.
    4. But first one last quest with old friends. I dared to dream again.
    5. Yet the dream turned to ash. She had bargained with darkness.
    6. I broke free. I left her. I left them. All doomed. My shame burns. The Beast consumes.

    Which order is correct?
    Last edited by Arkat; 11-14-2022 at 04:35 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  11. #11
    Solver of Dark Secrets Magnus_Arcanis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post
    Is the order of the Secrets for Lindal in the Master Document correct?

    On the wiki, the order is different. It is:

    1. /say I king Lindal came to this island. I came for my people. I came for guilt. I came to hide.
    2. /say Heavy is the crown. My kingdom besieged. Enemies on all sides.
    3. /say She offered aid and blew on the embers of forgotten desire.
    4. /say But first one last quest with old friends. I dared to dream again.
    5. /say Yet the dream turned to ash. She had bargained with darkness.
    6. /say I broke free. I left her. I left them. All doomed. My shame burns. The Beast consumes.

    In the Document, you have it as:

    1. Heavy is the crown. My kingdom besieged. Enemies on all sides.
    2. She offered aid and blew on the embers of forgotten desire.
    3. I king Lindal came to this island. I came for my people. I came for guilt. I came to hide.
    4. But first one last quest with old friends. I dared to dream again.
    5. Yet the dream turned to ash. She had bargained with darkness.
    6. I broke free. I left her. I left them. All doomed. My shame burns. The Beast consumes.

    Which order is correct?
    I've updated the solution section of the document, but old guesses in the document are incorrect. The ones now in solution section, the google sheet, and the wiki should be correct.

    However, here is the order for all of them:

    Osfield (first, South West, defeated second)
    1 /say Osfield joined first. Looking for a happy ending. A bard chasing my story.
    2 /say The 1st verse. The Academy called me prodigy, and reckless. They were right.
    3 /say The 2nd verse. The Common folk called me the Flame of Hope. Perhaps I was.
    4 /say The 3rd verse. The Kingdom called me champion but feared me for I spoke my mind.
    5 /say The 4th verse. Prince Lindal of the Elves called me Yarrow, as did my friends.
    6 /say Yet only when the prince spoke my name did I feel the flame in my heart.

    Alaric (Second, South East, defeated third)
    1 /say Faithful Alaric came second, hoping to heal my broken heart.
    2 /say It broke on his altar but it was not his doing.
    3 /say Lindal's people would not accept me. Duty came before love.
    4 /say Yet a broken heart is fertile ground for ambition.
    5 /say My frail humanity, a chance thing of birth, would be no match for my will.
    6 /say I would match elven blood with something greater. Power.

    Kelas (third, North East, defeated first (will spawn Deaths Teeth)
    1 /say My apprentice Kelas came third. He would never question an order.
    2 /say Order keeps things in their place, and mages like order.
    3 /say So I overthrew the headmasters and claimed the Academy.
    4 /say Those mages who would not join became traitors.
    5 /say Those who were wiser became servants and seekers.
    6 /say With them I wrung every secret from my world until I found him.
    7 /say The master of secrets would be a secret himself after all.

    Gorth (fourth, North West, defeated fourth)
    1 /say The pirate Gorth was the fourth. Always the gambler. He cheated. I cheated better.
    2 /say We sailed every ocean seeking the island of my visions.
    3 /say We found it and the darkness waiting beyond it's jungles and beasts.
    4 /say From the shadows it told me the words. It showed me the symbols.
    5 /say Five friends. Five Souls. Five fingers on a hand. The darkness beckoned.
    6 /say I brought my friends to the volcano and sealed all of our fates in this secret pact.

    Complete all previous steps before defeating Death's Teeth.

    Lindal (final, Center, defeated last)
    1 /say I king Lindal came to this island. I came for my people. I came for guilt. I came to hide.
    2 /say Heavy is the crown. My kingdom besieged. Enemies on all sides.
    3 /say She offered aid and blew on the embers of forgotten desire.
    4 /say But first one last quest with old friends. I dared to dream again.
    5 /say Yet the dream turned to ash. She had bargained with darkness.
    6 /say I broke free. I left her. I left them. All doomed. My shame burns. The Beast consumes.
    - Arcanaverse

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  12. #12
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Thank you for the correction.

    Last edited by Arkat; 11-14-2022 at 05:17 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  13. #13
    Community Member Deivonte's Avatar
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    For those of you who don't want to spend all day copying and pasting the phases that you tell the ghosts, here's a list of aliases that you can use. Beware that DDO only allows for 50 Aliases and there are 32 Aliases here. You can use the command "/alias clear" to remove all your aliases.

    To add this, basically you
    1. Go to Documents > Dungeons and Dragons Online > UI > Layout
    2. Make a file with the .layout extension (or use an existing layout) Remember the name of this file.
    3. Add the following text to that file. (if you are adding to an existing file, add the Aliases in between <Aliases> and </Aliases> or add that section if it doesn't exist.)
    4. Open the game and use the following command: "/ui layout load {Name of File}" and replace the {Name of File} part with the name of your file WITHOUT the .layout
    5. Test the commands. You can use the commands by typing ";guy11" or ";guy53"

    A couple of note. If you want to change the actual name of the command you type, you can edit the section labeled String. So if i wanted my command to be guy11 to s11, you would edit the portion in that alias String=";guy11" to String=";s11". You need the semicolon, no matter the alias name.

    Here's what it looks like:

    File Starts Next Line:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>

    <Version Value="1.0"/>
    <!-- Messages for Skeletons in the Closet -->
    <Alias String=";guyorder" Value="Speaking Order: SW > SE > NE > NW > Center" />
    <!-- Osfield -->
    <Alias String=";guy11" Value="/say Osfield joined first. Looking for a happy ending. A bard chasing my story." />
    <Alias String=";guy12" Value="/say The 1st verse. The Academy called me prodigy, and reckless. They were right." />
    <Alias String=";guy13" Value="/say The 2nd verse. The Common folk called me the Flame of Hope. Perhaps I was." />
    <Alias String=";guy14" Value="/say The 3rd verse. The Kingdom called me champion but feared me for I spoke my mind." />
    <Alias String=";guy15" Value="/say The 4th verse. Prince Lindal of the Elves called me Yarrow, as did my friends." />
    <Alias String=";guy16" Value="/say Yet only when the prince spoke my name did I feel the flame in my heart." />
    <!-- Alaric -->
    <Alias String=";guy21" Value="/say Faithful Alaric came second, hoping to heal my broken heart." />
    <Alias String=";guy22" Value="/say It broke on his altar but it was not his doing." />
    <Alias String=";guy23" Value="/say Lindal's people would not accept me. Duty came before love." />
    <Alias String=";guy24" Value="/say Yet a broken heart is fertile ground for ambition." />
    <Alias String=";guy25" Value="/say My frail humanity, a chance thing of birth, would be no match for my will." />
    <Alias String=";guy26" Value="/say I would match elven blood with something greater. Power." />
    <!-- Kelas -->
    <Alias String=";guy31" Value="/say My apprentice Kelas came third. He would never question an order." />
    <Alias String=";guy32" Value="/say Order keeps things in their place, and mages like order." />
    <Alias String=";guy33" Value="/say So I overthrew the headmasters and claimed the Academy." />
    <Alias String=";guy34" Value="/say Those mages who would not join became traitors." />
    <Alias String=";guy35" Value="/say Those who were wiser became servants and seekers." />
    <Alias String=";guy36" Value="/say With them I wrung every secret from my world until I found him." />
    <Alias String=";guy37" Value="/say The master of secrets would be a secret himself after all." />
    <!-- Gorth -->
    <Alias String=";guy41" Value="/say The pirate Gorth was the fourth. Always the gambler. He cheated. I cheated better." />
    <Alias String=";guy42" Value="/say We sailed every ocean seeking the island of my visions." />
    <Alias String=";guy43" Value="/say We found it and the darkness waiting beyond it's jungles and beasts." />
    <Alias String=";guy44" Value="/say From the shadows it told me the words. It showed me the symbols." />
    <Alias String=";guy45" Value="/say Five friends. Five Souls. Five fingers on a hand. The darkness beckoned." />
    <Alias String=";guy46" Value="/say I brought my friends to the volcano and sealed all of our fates in this secret pact." />
    <!-- Lindal -->
    <Alias String=";guy51" Value="/say I king Lindal came to this island. I came for my people. I came for guilt. I came to hide." />
    <Alias String=";guy52" Value="/say Heavy is the crown. My kingdom besieged. Enemies on all sides." />
    <Alias String=";guy53" Value="/say She offered aid and blew on the embers of forgotten desire." />
    <Alias String=";guy54" Value="/say But first one last quest with old friends. I dared to dream again." />
    <Alias String=";guy55" Value="/say Yet the dream turned to ash. She had bargained with darkness." />
    <Alias String=";guy56" Value="/say I broke free. I left her. I left them. All doomed. My shame burns. The Beast consumes." />



  14. #14
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    Last edited by Tanky; 11-14-2022 at 07:48 PM.

  15. #15
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    There's some damage effect that can get left on players after the alternative end-fight that's pretty nasty; where it'll keep ticking even after leaving the quest and applying it to others in the party.

  16. #16
    Community Member Mofus's Avatar
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    Awesome job, thanks.
    Darkwinn, Milkus, Terismina, Gothmawg, Dreylock, Drunarah, Bigbhamboo, etc on Sarlona / Brixlynn, Mofus, Curgoth, Deidlit, etc on Ghalanda.

  17. #17
    Solver of Dark Secrets Magnus_Arcanis's Avatar
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    New detail discovered, you don't actually need to wait to kill death's teeth. Just don't kill the ghost flame and everything else can be done whenever. Very Nice.
    - Arcanaverse

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  18. #18
    Community Member Epicsoul's Avatar
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    10/10 with the alternate ending. The loot is also cool.
    Epicsoul | Omnisoul | Soul - Assistant to the Regional Manager of Lava Divers (2020-Present | Regional Manager of Lava Divers (2021-2022)
    Need to contact the Lava Divers of Khyber? DM our HR Department on Discord: Epicsoul (Epicsoul#3214)

  19. #19
    Community Member Oliphant's Avatar
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    Best DDO documented adventure ever, to possibly ever be!
    Last edited by Oliphant; 11-15-2022 at 07:29 AM.
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  20. #20
    Community Member gravisrs's Avatar
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    GJ Magnus! I appreciate all the hard work to find out the alternative mechanics.

    BUT SSG, please don't complicate things that much next time. We may not have sufficient effort to discover sth more complicated next time.

    From now on people will hold on buying expansions knowing so many loot may be hidden behind tremendous "revealing" game - till it's revealed. They may feel cheated that paying for expansion (during first months/year) is not giving them the full value.

    Dull dagger thing was fine, as it was obvious it was hiding something, same with Nebula fragment - but this?

    I used to wait 3-4 weeks after releasing date of new expansions (after 1/2 patches) before buying, but this hide'n'seek thing - I'd prolly wait months after releasing next expansion before buying it.
    Polska gildia DDO / Polish guild

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