Wanted to make a new post so folks intimidated by the
original mega thread could find out the info.
After accidentally finding the first dark secret almost 5 months ago, 4 since the raid's release, the Dark Secret puzzle has finally be solved!
Huge thanks to everyone that helped and tuned into
http://twitch.tv/arcanaverse. We got it!
Solution can be found in the
master document and was updated to the
1. Run the walk the four paths of the dead. (order and when doesn’t matter)
2. Need to stand next to the spirit, not necessarily the platform (you don’t to be on the platform at all.) and while alive, use /say to say the dark secrets (more info in the wiki). Order does matter. Osfield > Alaric > Kelas > Gorth. Starting with Osfiled, this can be started before you finish walking the paths. The dark secrets you're to say can be found after you defeat each skeleton. Each one has its own set of secrets.
3. Then you can drop Death’s Teeth in the middle platform. Which will spawn Lindal's spirit. And then you say say his secrets (which are found in the quests) to perform the same mechanic a 5th time. Don't need to bother with GF at all damage wise.
4. Once completed, Ghost Flame will leave and you’ll start a new end fight against Vecna’s Wrathful Hand for an alternate end fight.
5. When defeated, you get 3 chests. Right one has more runes and special loot (new items and augments in addition to current raid loot). Left chest appears to just have more black pearls as the only thing special so far.
Speaking of Loot... we have new LOOT AND AUGMENTS
Ones we found so far, more being posted to the

If your groups find anything new, feel free to post here. Thanks and enjoy!