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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default U57 Vistani Wraith Thrower with 20+ imbue dice


    Just did a lesser on my thrower to get some imbue dice, and change some settings for U57.

    Here is Dangera's build:

    Tiefling iconic 12 wizard, 6 bard, 2 rogue , chaotic neutral

    STR 8, WIS 8, CHA 14, CON 16, DEX 18 - all leveling stat bonus to DEX

    main skills: Search, Disable Device, Spellcraft / secondary skills: Perform, Spot, Diplo
    (you dont need more than 5 for UMD, Open Lock (high DEX so wont need much), Bluff or Balance
    1-2 points for Tumble, Heal, Intimidate

    Point Blank Shot - Precise Shot - Rapid Shot - Multitude of Missiles - Imp. Precise Shot (can only be taken at 21 because of low BAB)
    Precision / Simple Throwing Weapon Exp. / Imp. Crit: Throwing weapons
    Wizard feats: extend, maximize, quicken (or empower)
    epic feats: Overwhelming Crit, Epic Reflexes, Combat Archery
    destiny feats: Pierce Adamantine, Doubleshot, Harbinger of Chaos, Legendary Aim (or extra imbue dice)
    leg. feat: Scion of Fire

    Bard: with only 6 level, mostly need cure moderate and light (yeah, the cure mod is useful), very rare use for focusing chant, remove fear
    lvl 1: jump, SHIELD, merfolk, sonic blast (for fun)
    lvl 2: resist energy, blur, LESSER DEATH AURA
    lvl 3: magic circle, haste, rage, displacement
    lvl 4: DEATH AURA, NEG. ENERGY BURST, DIM. DOOR, Fire shield (ice)
    lvl 5: Teleport, Cyclonic B., Protection from Elements
    lvl 6: GH, TENSER, True Seeing


    Depends on free racial points, because all the other 80 will be needed elsewhere.
    Mostly needed the cores, the Hellish Rebuke and Reverberation thing, the extra elemental resistance or Ash Imprisonment

    Vistani (41):
    Everything except the Mist Stalker tree (dont take that), Weapon Versatility + Dagger Style (both useless)
    at tier 5, I suggest Whirling Blades but the 25% extra HP can be good as well, I just like the higher dps option

    Swashbuckler (14):
    First 3 cores (uncanny dodge is very useful)
    Blow by Blow 3/3, Tavern Song 1/3, Action Boost: Doubleshot 2/3 (CANT AFFORD 3/3!!!),
    Swift Strikes (DEX to dmg), Arcane Marauder: ORB !!! (need this!!)

    Pale Master (11):
    3 cores, with Wraith Form and electric absorb with no incoming double light damage
    neg. heal amp 3/3, deathless vigor 1 or 2/3, anything else to get to core 3

    EK (6):
    2 cores (2nd one needed!!!)
    HP 3/3, Battlemage 1/3

    Assassin (8):
    First core, first Sneak Attack training, Stealthy 1/3
    Venom Blades 2/3 --> Toxin Affinity 2/3 (sadly cant afford 3/3)


    Shiradi (35):
    Dont need wild magic, wild empathy with healing spring or spell DC boost
    Favored enemy Fey and Feysight also skipable
    Everything else is tasty.

    Draconic (15):
    Arcane Spellsword +3 imbue dice! Scales of the Dragon is also very useful.
    Need to spend 10 points to get there, so the extra saves for reflex and fort is good.

    Leg. Dreadnought ( ):
    Esoteric Touch is +1 imbue dice.
    Also have good stuff, like +2/3 abilities when using action boosts, extra action boosts, hp, neg. amp, even doubleshot
    The cores are good as well.

    Finally the gears I use:

    Helm: Final Watcher - Seeker, Accuracy, qual. deadly, ins. doubleshot, slotted augments for Charisma, ins. Charisma
    (to switch, have leg. Compliance for charisma social skills, and Tiara of Madness for extra trapping skills)
    Necklace: Perfected Vulkoorim Pendant - neg and heal amp, neg, + positive + POISON spell power (for Assassin imbue) with lores
    slotted augments are False Life, the +1 imbue dice from Hunt raid, Deadly 11) - also it has 4 sentient slot*
    Goggles: Tinkerer's - ins. + qual. deception, qual intelligence, slotted augments are Ins. Int. and Ins. Wisdom
    (have Experiment goggles for trapping skills if needed)
    Trinket: Gem of Many Facets with 2 set bonus, Kundarak Delving and Menechtarun Scavenger and the globe of imp. blood slotted here
    Armor: Kundarak Delving Suit - Deception, Search, Spot, slotted augments festive Constitution, and Armored agility
    Bracers: of Deftness - Dodge, Tumble, MOBILITY, slotted Vitality, Defense (Sheltering) (have Ventillated Armbands for trapping skills if needed)
    Cloak: Black Velvet Capelet - ins. neg amp, Profane all stat +2, Intelligence, Greater boon of undeath, slotted Perform
    Belt: Outpost's Sniper - Doubleshot, ins. DEX, Speed 30%, distant diversion, slotted draconic soul gem
    Gloves: Tinkerer's - qual. DEX, ins. + qual. Seeker, slotted good luck 3 and protection
    Boots: Kundarak Delving Boots - DEX 14, FOM, Speed 30%, exc. nimble skills, slotted festive DEX
    Ring 1: Omniscience - Shield bonus 13, Riposte (Parrying) 6, Resistance 11, Fortification 148, slotted Consti and ins. Consti
    Ring 2: Seal of the Earth - Acid spellpower and lore, Natural armor 14, Stoneskin clickie 5/shrine, acid resistancde 54, Earthgrab guard
    slotted Wisdom + Strength
    Orb: crafted Thunderholme orb - Draconic Reinvigoration (+1 boost, song etc.), 35% armor piercing, 144 fire spellpower
    slotted festive intelligence and ranged power 10
    Th. Dagger: Wide Open Sky - Alligned, Holy, Coruscating etc., slotted Vampire slayer (silver) and Iron Hand (cold iron) augments, 10* sentient slots

    Current gear setup gives the following set bonuses:

    Tinkerer - 15 melee and ranged power, 30 fort bypass, 5 dis. device + open lock
    Vulkoor's Choosen - 30 poison resist, +3 saves, +3 Sneak attack dice, +3 DEX and Constitution
    Menechtarun Scavenger - 15 PRR & MRR, 30 neg. amp & pos. amp
    Kundarak Delving - 15 doubleshot, +15% damage to helpless, +3 Sneak attack dice (doesnt stack with V. Choosen)

    (Yeah, took me 2000 thread of fates to roll on that trinket to get the good combo!!)

    Sentient Filigree sets:
    3 The Long Shadow (2 imbue dice)
    2 Reverberation (2 imbue dice)
    4 Darkhallow (healing with attacks is cool, based on neg. spell power)
    4 Wreath of Flame (1 imbue, extra fire spellpower, fire shield which works with casted ice shield)
    +1 neg. heal amp from Keeper of Curse

    Throwing speed with high vistani damage (hunt + 5W attacks), undead immunities and self healing via negative (still can drop some cure moderate with 700-800 on party members), 21 imbue dice with nice damage (well, throwing a lot of daggers makes this even better), very high saves, good trapping skills, okish PRR and MRR, 300+ fortification.
    Just have to keep ON lesser + death aura and TENSER (and Vistani Fortune).

    I know it's a fun build, and probably needs a lot of past lives, but the damage is great, you dont have to be close to targets (or can use uncanny dodge as panic button), traps are not a problem, and can do all social skills in quests.
    Last edited by Hunviking; 11-13-2022 at 04:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Fisto_Mk_I's Avatar
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    Sep 2022


    Can i suggest change Legendary Kundarak Delving Suit to Legendary Red Dragonhide Armor and Tinkerer Goggles to Legendary Kundarak Delving Goggles? 15% Artifact RP easy slottable, unlike 15% DS from RtSO crafted augs set. Your damage output must drastically growth.

    Also highly suggest change one ring to Bound Elemental Ring of Acid for very usable DoT.
    English not my native language. What's your excuse?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fisto_Mk_I View Post
    Can i suggest change Legendary Kundarak Delving Suit to Legendary Red Dragonhide Armor and Tinkerer Goggles to Legendary Kundarak Delving Goggles? 15% Artifact RP easy slottable, unlike 15% DS from RtSO crafted augs set. Your damage output must drastically growth.

    Also highly suggest change one ring to Bound Elemental Ring of Acid for very usable DoT.
    Loosing armor + goggles is less sneak attack dmg... Right now its 6d6, +31 sneak attack damage. The Tinkerer set also gives 30% fort bypass, so this build has 100% fort bypass.
    I dont know Dripping with magma worth it (I thought it only works on melee) for the changes, specially I really dont know those augment sets where you can get 15 RP with 3 colorless slots, never crafted there.

    There are 5 items in my gear set - Helm, Cloak, Belt, Ring (Omniscience), Orb - that not part of a set. You can bet on it, I will change those with 5 Dino items for the set there, which stacks with the sets I have already (Dino set is profane if i read that well). 5 items gonna be a lot to farm there

  4. #4
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    Default A quick video with the build

    Just did a quick R3 Back to Basics:

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009


    Fun build looks interesting.

    Hey Hun is the perfected vulkoorim pendant worth the resources to make? Does vulkoor's bite have the same internal cool down as LGS negation of 30 seconds? I have thought about making a similar thrower build but using alchemist as the base class and taking advantage of the free poison bypass not sure how annoy that will be to keep up.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hunviking View Post

    Just did a lesser on my thrower to get some imbue dice, and change some settings for U57.

    Here is Dangera's build:

    Tiefling iconic 12 wizard, 6 bard, 2 rogue , chaotic neutral

    STR 8, WIS 8, CHA 14, CON 16, DEX 18 - all leveling stat bonus to DEX

    main skills: Search, Disable Device, Spellcraft / secondary skills: Perform, Spot, Diplo
    (you dont need more than 5 for UMD, Open Lock (high DEX so wont need much), Bluff or Balance
    1-2 points for Tumble, Heal, Intimidate

    Point Blank Shot - Precise Shot - Rapid Shot - Multitude of Missiles - Imp. Precise Shot (can only be taken at 21 because of low BAB)
    Precision / Simple Throwing Weapon Exp. / Imp. Crit: Throwing weapons
    Wizard feats: extend, maximize, quicken (or empower)
    epic feats: Overwhelming Crit, Epic Reflexes, Combat Archery
    destiny feats: Pierce Adamantine, Doubleshot, Harbinger of Chaos, Legendary Aim (or extra imbue dice)
    leg. feat: Scion of Fire

    Bard: with only 6 level, mostly need cure moderate and light (yeah, the cure mod is useful), very rare use for focusing chant, remove fear
    lvl 1: jump, SHIELD, merfolk, sonic blast (for fun)
    lvl 2: resist energy, blur, LESSER DEATH AURA
    lvl 3: magic circle, haste, rage, displacement
    lvl 4: DEATH AURA, NEG. ENERGY BURST, DIM. DOOR, Fire shield (ice)
    lvl 5: Teleport, Cyclonic B., Protection from Elements
    lvl 6: GH, TENSER, True Seeing


    Depends on free racial points, because all the other 80 will be needed elsewhere.
    Mostly needed the cores, the Hellish Rebuke and Reverberation thing, the extra elemental resistance or Ash Imprisonment

    Vistani (41):
    Everything except the Mist Stalker tree (dont take that), Weapon Versatility + Dagger Style (both useless)
    at tier 5, I suggest Whirling Blades but the 25% extra HP can be good as well, I just like the higher dps option

    Swashbuckler (14):
    First 3 cores (uncanny dodge is very useful)
    Blow by Blow 3/3, Tavern Song 1/3, Action Boost: Doubleshot 2/3 (CANT AFFORD 3/3!!!),
    Swift Strikes (DEX to dmg), Arcane Marauder: ORB !!! (need this!!)

    Pale Master (11):
    3 cores, with Wraith Form and electric absorb with no incoming double light damage
    neg. heal amp 3/3, deathless vigor 1 or 2/3, anything else to get to core 3

    EK (6):
    2 cores (2nd one needed!!!)
    HP 3/3, Battlemage 1/3

    Assassin (8):
    First core, first Sneak Attack training, Stealthy 1/3
    Venom Blades 2/3 --> Toxin Affinity 2/3 (sadly cant afford 3/3)


    Shiradi (35):
    Dont need wild magic, wild empathy with healing spring or spell DC boost
    Favored enemy Fey and Feysight also skipable
    Everything else is tasty.

    Draconic (15):
    Arcane Spellsword +3 imbue dice! Scales of the Dragon is also very useful.
    Need to spend 10 points to get there, so the extra saves for reflex and fort is good.

    Leg. Dreadnought ( ):
    Esoteric Touch is +1 imbue dice.
    Also have good stuff, like +2/3 abilities when using action boosts, extra action boosts, hp, neg. amp, even doubleshot
    The cores are good as well.

    Finally the gears I use:

    Helm: Final Watcher - Seeker, Accuracy, qual. deadly, ins. doubleshot, slotted augments for Charisma, ins. Charisma
    (to switch, have leg. Compliance for charisma social skills, and Tiara of Madness for extra trapping skills)
    Necklace: Perfected Vulkoorim Pendant - neg and heal amp, neg, + positive + POISON spell power (for Assassin imbue) with lores
    slotted augments are False Life, the +1 imbue dice from Hunt raid, Deadly 11) - also it has 4 sentient slot*
    Goggles: Tinkerer's - ins. + qual. deception, qual intelligence, slotted augments are Ins. Int. and Ins. Wisdom
    (have Experiment goggles for trapping skills if needed)
    Trinket: Gem of Many Facets with 2 set bonus, Kundarak Delving and Menechtarun Scavenger and the globe of imp. blood slotted here
    Armor: Kundarak Delving Suit - Deception, Search, Spot, slotted augments festive Constitution, and Armored agility
    Bracers: of Deftness - Dodge, Tumble, MOBILITY, slotted Vitality, Defense (Sheltering) (have Ventillated Armbands for trapping skills if needed)
    Cloak: Black Velvet Capelet - ins. neg amp, Profane all stat +2, Intelligence, Greater boon of undeath, slotted Perform
    Belt: Outpost's Sniper - Doubleshot, ins. DEX, Speed 30%, distant diversion, slotted draconic soul gem
    Gloves: Tinkerer's - qual. DEX, ins. + qual. Seeker, slotted good luck 3 and protection
    Boots: Kundarak Delving Boots - DEX 14, FOM, Speed 30%, exc. nimble skills, slotted festive DEX
    Ring 1: Omniscience - Shield bonus 13, Riposte (Parrying) 6, Resistance 11, Fortification 148, slotted Consti and ins. Consti
    Ring 2: Seal of the Earth - Acid spellpower and lore, Natural armor 14, Stoneskin clickie 5/shrine, acid resistancde 54, Earthgrab guard
    slotted Wisdom + Strength
    Orb: crafted Thunderholme orb - Draconic Reinvigoration (+1 boost, song etc.), 35% armor piercing, 144 fire spellpower
    slotted festive intelligence and ranged power 10
    Th. Dagger: Wide Open Sky - Alligned, Holy, Coruscating etc., slotted Vampire slayer (silver) and Iron Hand (cold iron) augments, 10* sentient slots

    Current gear setup gives the following set bonuses:

    Tinkerer - 15 melee and ranged power, 30 fort bypass, 5 dis. device + open lock
    Vulkoor's Choosen - 30 poison resist, +3 saves, +3 Sneak attack dice, +3 DEX and Constitution
    Menechtarun Scavenger - 15 PRR & MRR, 30 neg. amp & pos. amp
    Kundarak Delving - 15 doubleshot, +15% damage to helpless, +3 Sneak attack dice (doesnt stack with V. Choosen)

    (Yeah, took me 2000 thread of fates to roll on that trinket to get the good combo!!)

    Sentient Filigree sets:
    3 The Long Shadow (2 imbue dice)
    2 Reverberation (2 imbue dice)
    4 Darkhallow (healing with attacks is cool, based on neg. spell power)
    4 Wreath of Flame (1 imbue, extra fire spellpower, fire shield which works with casted ice shield)
    +1 neg. heal amp from Keeper of Curse

    Throwing speed with high vistani damage (hunt + 5W attacks), undead immunities and self healing via negative (still can drop some cure moderate with 700-800 on party members), 21 imbue dice with nice damage (well, throwing a lot of daggers makes this even better), very high saves, good trapping skills, okish PRR and MRR, 300+ fortification.
    Just have to keep ON lesser + death aura and TENSER (and Vistani Fortune).

    I know it's a fun build, and probably needs a lot of past lives, but the damage is great, you dont have to be close to targets (or can use uncanny dodge as panic button), traps are not a problem, and can do all social skills in quests.
    Wonder how a few levels of lock in lieu of bard would compare. Debuff seems more appealing than cure mod on an undead toon. Maybe pick up sneak attack from rogue or more caster levels with the extras gained as well.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hunviking View Post
    Loosing armor + goggles is less sneak attack dmg... Right now its 6d6, +31 sneak attack damage. The Tinkerer set also gives 30% fort bypass, so this build has 100% fort bypass.
    I dont know Dripping with magma worth it (I thought it only works on melee) for the changes, specially I really dont know those augment sets where you can get 15 RP with 3 colorless slots, never crafted there.

    There are 5 items in my gear set - Helm, Cloak, Belt, Ring (Omniscience), Orb - that not part of a set. You can bet on it, I will change those with 5 Dino items for the set there, which stacks with the sets I have already (Dino set is profane if i read that well). 5 items gonna be a lot to farm there
    Not sure if this changes anything, but dripping with Magma does indeed work with ranged and works well. If you have anyone in the party that can make things weak to fire, you really start seeing some numbers. My fire tick on most raid bosses is in the thousands. For my ranged dps toon, I go with that armor. the acid ring mentioned above is great as it has a DoT of acid. The fire version is a one blast of fire damage but also has 148 combustion on it, which could help. Both are good.

    Also, you may want to look into the Mantle of Suulomades and Tyrancial Tinkerer sets as a combo. I am wondering how much you need the helpless damage? What is the method you are using to make things helpless?

    Last, I am also intrigued by one of the new sets from ToEE... the fire one. Has the highest doubleshot item (goggles) and the set looks nice.
    Last edited by FixBows; 02-12-2023 at 03:42 PM.

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