DDO Bonus Days bring you a +50% Crafting XP Boost, now through November 13th!
DDO Bonus Days bring you a +50% Crafting XP Boost, now through November 13th!
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Did this get switched on? Doesn't seem to be...
Oh? I hope it did, because I just destroyed all my Cannith Essences for leveling my crafter.
One of the many things I don't understand -- being a semi-rookie player -- when it comes to DDO is that they don't seem to be very eager about sharing basic information in-game. For the first few months, I spent more time on 3rd party sites (DDOwiki mostly) than in game, looking for info about the mechanics and whatnot. Still to this day, a lot of the info is either lacking or contradictory; e.g. whether it's tooltips missing spell/SLA/skill durations/cooldowns (which is pretty vital information when you're deciding if you want to spend the slots/AP etc on them), or buffs like these, I can't see anywhere if they are working or not. I appreciate their effort in adding more stuff to the "+" tab in character sheet, though. I hope that QOL trend continues.
We have re-checked and the bonus was active on all of the game worlds. What were you expecting to see based on previous Crafting XP boosts that you did not see this weekend? Even if the UI isn't explicitly stating a bonus it should be providing it.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Just in case, from similar past events, the bonus only applies to XP from shard creation, not from de-con'ing droploot.
I checked gained XP from creating a shard and always gained what was on the table in the crafting UI, never with a 50% bonus. No crafting XP pots or anything else running. So if I create a shard and get only the advertised XP, what am I understanding wrong about this bonus weekend?
Well, thank you for the clarification, much appreciated.
It would have been nice to know this beforehand as now I feel even more frustrated that I missed out on the bonus weekend.
I guess it's my fault for not having read the right forum post or not finding an expert crafter to mentor me, but maybe when announcing the bonuses a bit more clarification could be provided. Crafting systems are confusing enough already...
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Can we have sth like global announcement in game (like every 2 hours, or once upon login) that says about currently running bonuses? Or a global quest (like in case of events)?
Such thing should be easy to automate via script than putting info on forums/launcher and risk human error (on both sides, poster and reader) on it![]()
Hey Manianas, leveling up your Cannith Crafting levels is fast and easy. If you're not familiar with efficient CC leveling, check out my video below how to quickly level:
For a full tutorial check out my Beginners Guide to Cannith Crafting. Note that the quick leveling system is not in the beginner's guide, so don't miss that one.
For anyone very new to to DDO and you don't have enough essences to get started check out Cannith Crafting: beginner topics.
I welcome you to stop by the livestream if you have questions at Twitch channel Vooduspyce M-F 9am-3pm ET, I love talking Cannith Crafting![]()
Sarlona: Gingerspyce ~ Voodu ~ Sportyspyce ~ Guitarr ~ Vooduspyce
Live Streaming on Twitch ~ Raid Nights with the High Lords ~ Teaching Raid Videos ~ Warlock for Beginners ~ Beginner's Guide to Cannith Crafting
I suggest tagging this on against next weekend so people have a second chance. Another person in the main forum also missed out because they thought they were stuck at a level due to confusion between switching back and forth between the unbound and bound machines. Now that they know how to move forward I am sure they would appreciate a second chance at the bonus.